The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1757: Snob

Madam Su led Shu Min away from Gu Xiaowan's side. Seeing that she was talking with herself with great interest, she put all the thoughts of Gu Xiaowan behind, and Madam Su was relieved.

There was an indescribable anxiety in my heart!

Thinking of Su Ziyue's pale and anxious look when she first came in, and looking at the strong possessiveness of the Mingdu Princess, Madam Su sighed.

No, you must keep Zi Yue away from Gu Xiaowan!

Although she was a real second-grade status, she was still far from the Jinzhiyuye Princess Mingdu.

Her son, Wen Tao and martial arts, is proficient in everything, and her proud son, how could he be a cat or dog casually!

No, before things get worse, you must cut the mess quickly!

Thinking of this, Madam Su started chatting with Shu Min.

"Auspicious time to welcome the bride"

Outside the front yard came the sound of crackling firecrackers, cheers and compliments, and the sound of suona beating gongs and drums. It's time!

It's time to welcome the bride.

I don’t know who yelled: "Go to see the bride."

With a crash, many men and women ran to the front yard to see the bride. Madam Su thought for a while, and said excitedly: "Let's go to the front yard to see the bride? It's been a long time since I attended such a lively wedding banquet!"

Hearing this, Shu Min got up busy, helped Madam Su and walked toward the front yard. With that diligent appearance, I remember Gu Xiaowan!

Gu Xiaowan did not leave, but Shu Min left, but she saw it.

Shu Min lovingly assisted Madam Su to walk to the front yard, and was still talking in her ears from time to time. The provoked Madam Su laughed along with her, with such affectionate appearance, like a mother and daughter.

Su Qianyue, the biological daughter next to Madam Su, was half a step behind alone, like an outsider.

I don't know if it was her own illusion or she was wrong. Gu Xiaowan always felt that when Madam Su passed by her, she looked at herself sideways for several times.

"Sister, shall we go to the front yard?" Seeing that the people on the women's seat were almost gone, they all went to the front yard to watch the excitement, Tan Yushu asked.

Gu Xiaowan finished her last sip of tea, put the tea cup on the table carefully, nodded and agreed: "Let's go!"

"Sister, do you think the princess can do that thing?"


The two were talking about one thing like a dumb riddle, but after listening to the front and back, they still couldn't understand anything.

The maid A Qing, who had been closely following Tan Yushu, stretched her ears to listen, but it was Monk Zhang Er who was confused and still found nothing.

When I came to the front yard, I saw that the front yard was crowded with people. The whole front yard decorated with big red silk and satin was beaming and bright red. Many people wore red and green, wearing the most festive clothes. The front yard was crowded with many people. There are many unexplained smiles on people's faces. Gu Xiaowan didn't intend to make a public appearance. After entering the front yard with Tan Yushu, she stood still in an inconspicuous corner. Although you can't see the front worship, anyone in this courtyard can hear clearly if they speak loudly.

"The bride crossed the brazier, flourishing and prospering"

"The bride steps on the tiles, every year is safe, and the descendants are full"

Immediately afterwards, it is "One worship to heaven and earth, two worship to Gaotang"

The emcee's voice was sharp and sharp, and the whole Fang Mansion could hear the full of breath.

Gu Xiaowan stood at the back and could hear the whispers of the person in front of him. It was nothing more than Fang Zheng's good fortune, a smooth career, and how many people could still marry a picturesque beauty.

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to listen to them. Standing here, she didn't know what happened to Fang Peiya. Thinking that she was alone now, Gu Xiaowan suddenly became nervous.

She knew that Fang Peiya didn't want to involve them, so she was not with them.


Liu Nianrou, who was still unable to go anywhere in the garden, was also waiting anxiously in the yard at this moment, walking around anxiously, her expression anxious.

There were cheers and laughter from the front, but she wanted more than that.

"Have you seen that dead girl?" Liu Nianrou was anxious, and she was about to finish worshipping heaven and earth in front of her. Why hasn't anything else happened yet? Yes

"If I return to my aunt, I didn't see it!" Dongxue also stared in front for a long time: "The servant maid only saw the lord Huguo and Anping princess!"

"Both of them are here?" Liu Nianrou said excitedly: "Doesn't that dead girl like to be with them? Why didn't she come?"

"Slaves don't know, but" Dongxue just came over from the female guest seat and listened to the words of Princess Mingdu completely.

Dongxue wanted to speak but stopped, Liu Nianrou was anxious, and when she saw her hesitating, frowned and said: "But what? If you have something to say, don't hesitate!"

"The slave maid just went to see the maid’s seat, and accidentally heard that the county lord of Mingdu ridiculed the county lord of Anping. She said that the county lord of Anping is a high and low one. Now I see that the lady has no power, no father, and no use. Value, kicked Missy away immediately!"

Liu Nianrou was a little bit stunned: "What did you say?" After chewing Dongxue's words carefully, her eyes sank: "You said Anping Princess and Fang Peiya broke up?"

Dongxue: "It sounds like that. I heard that the eldest lady hasn't been with Anping Princess for a long time. She didn't even know that she went back to her mother with her former wife!"

Liu Nianrou: "Have your things been delivered to Mrs. Lu?"

"Well, I delivered it in person! Madam Lu looked at the thing and her face immediately changed!" Dongxue responded.

"Tsk" Liu Nianrou sighed, the hope in her heart seemed to sink to the bottom.

Unexpectedly, this Fang Peiya was as stupid as a pig, and even a peasant girl couldn't help it. It seemed that everything she did was wasted!

"Something like a pig!" Liu Nianrou took a sip, looking disappointed.

At this moment, in the front yard, with Si Yi's last cry: "Send into the bridal chamber!"

"Cracking" the lively firecrackers rang.

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