The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1692: Weasel Happy New Year

Gu Xiaowan also backhanded Gu Xintao's hand in her palm, smiled and patted her hand, and happily said, "It's been a long time! Cousin! Auntie!"

Gu Xiaowan deliberately bit her cousin and aunt tightly, with a meaningful smile on her mouth, which made Gu Xintao and Sun Xi'e tremble involuntarily.

It was as if all her conspiracies had been seen by Gu Xiaowan, which made people shudder.

"Xiaowan, it’s been a long time since I saw her. I didn’t expect her to be so beautiful! The beautiful lady dare not recognize it!" After Sun Xi'e said this, she did not dare to watch Gu Xiaowan and ran to Gu Fangxi’s side. Talk to Gu Fang with joy.

"Fangxi, I can see you now, tsk tsk, look at you now, tsk tsk, I am afraid that the noble lady in Ruixian can't compare to you!" Sun Xi'e now sees Gu Fangxi dressed so well and lives in such a big one. In the house, the hairpin on the other end was something she had never seen before, and she knew that hairpin was not cheap just by looking at it.

Sun Xi'e was dying of jealousy. The former Gu Fangxi, who had been rubbing them, has now lived the life of Mrs. Kuo. Can he not be angry?

Thinking of this, Sun Xi'e continued with emotion: "Fangxi, you don't know! For so many years, your elder brother has been talking about you all the time! He said that he hasn't seen you for a long time, and I don't know how you are. I worry about you every night, this person, I lost weight all of a sudden. I'm fine now. I finally see you and I know you are so good. Go back and tell your brother, your brother can finally relax!"

Sun Xi'e seemed to blame Gu Fangxi.

Your eldest brother is worried that you can’t eat and sleep, and you’ll get old and thin, but you’re good, heartless, eat well and sleep well, and enjoy the blessing here alone, regardless of your elder brother.

Sun Xi'e's words, with thorns in the light and secretly, are scorning Gu Fangxi.

How do you know that the current Gu Fangxi is no longer the previous Gu Fangxi.

Who is to blame?

It's not to blame the hypocritical sister-in-law and the hypocritical eldest brother!

Talking about her?

Gu Fangxi snorted coldly in her heart, fearing that she was now free, thinking about whom she could sell to!

Sun Xi'e waited for a while, but didn't see the expression on Gu Fangxi's face. She couldn't help but feel a little strange. As soon as she wanted to speak, she heard Gu Fangxi sneer and said: "Talking about me? Thank you, brother and sister. I didn't expect me. I’m an old widow, and bother my older brother and sister-in-law, but this time she’s an old and ugly old widow, but she won’t sell much money!"

Gu Fangxi's words made Sun Xi'e flush all of a sudden.

Gu Fangxi was right. Gu Chuanlu was really talking about Gu Fangxi's marriage.

Earlier, when I was in Ruixian, there were a lot of wealthy widowers, who had dead wives at home, and wanted to spend money to buy their wives, and they all paid a lot of money.

Gu Chuanlu suddenly thought of Gu Fangxi, but it was a pity. At that time, Gu Fangxi had already followed Gu Xiaowan to Beijing. Moreover, Gu Fangxi is now following Gu Xiaowan, who is the fifth-rank Anping County Lord. Gu Chuanlu wants to take Gu Fangxi away. , That is not an easy task.

As a result, he kept talking about it every day, missing such a good marriage and a lot of money. When Gu Chuanlu recalled this, he couldn't eat and sleep.

It's really calculating Gu Fangxi's marriage.

Gu Fangxi could see the dodge and embarrassment in Sun Xi'e's eyes clearly, and her heart sank. It seemed that she was really right.

It seems that dogs can't eat shit, this is really an unchanging truth through the ages.

She didn't want to see this family, but now she is becoming more and more indifferent.

She just wants to guard the children of the third brother to spend the next life well, and she doesn't think about anything else.

I also beg these people not to frame the third brother's children again.

These children have had a good life with great difficulty, so they don't want to make trouble again.

Thinking of this, Gu Fangxi said coldly: “Sister-in-law, what do you think of me, I don’t care, but these children are all your nephews and nieces. I beg you to think that everyone is a family member, and the blood of the family member is flowing in your body. Don't do anything to these children! Otherwise, I will not agree to the first one."

Gu Fangxi's voice was cold, although it seemed like an exhortation, it seemed like a threat.

Gu Xintao's face suddenly turned black, and Sun Xi'e was okay, and quickly lowered her head with a guilty conscience.

As soon as Gu Xintao heard this, she immediately said, "Aunt, what do you mean by this? We are just here to see you, and you even said that to us. That's right, we used to do something sorry for you. But that's all over, why are you still holding on to it! We will be better too!"

As he spoke, the tears flowed down his cheeks.

"If it can get better, I naturally welcome it!" Gu Fangxi didn't put the irritable Gu Xintao in his eyes at all, and said word by word: "I'm the ugly story ahead. If anyone wants to frame these children, I will No one will spare him! No matter who he is!"

Sun Xi'e was not convinced when he saw Gu Fangxi's dismissal of her daughter. She wrapped her arms around her chest and said sarcastically: "Fangxi, you are reluctant to be so rich and prosperous, right? Now that you are enjoying such a blessing, why are you still reluctant to do so? That's right. , If they don’t have this wealth, don’t you have to go along with them to suffer and suffer?"

Sun Xi'e's sarcasm made Gu Fangxi breathe: "Sister-in-law, you"

"Fangxi, what you said about righteousness, but what in your heart? What do you think, do you really want them to be good, or just want to be good for yourself! Who knows!"

"Auntie, did you say enough?" Gu Xiaowan couldn't help but feel annoyed when she saw her slandering aunt, and her tone was so harsh.

She didn't want Gu Xintao and the others to come, but she also wanted to see what medicine they sold in their gourd, so she let them in.

Nowhere can I expect that a word from my aunt has already revealed Sun Xi'e.

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