The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1691: Uninvited

"Excuse me for leading the way, we won't touch the things here. After all, this is Xiaowan's home and my home!" Gu Xintao let out a long sigh of relief, holding back the resentment back into her stomach and laughing. Said.

When Sun Xi'e heard it, she hurriedly said with a smile: "Yes, yeah, it's Xiaowan's home, isn't it ours!"

The mother and daughter were like a mistress. Kou Hai frowned when he heard it, and did not speak, leading them to the main hall.

When he arrived at the main hall, Kou Hai went down: "Please wait a minute, my girl will come soon!"

After finishing speaking, she ignored Gu Xintao's mother and daughter, and left. Sun Xi'e saw him leaving. There was no maid in this huge house coming up to greet him, and she couldn't help but said a little displeased: "What is Gu Xiaowan doing? Just let us go the wrong way. The concierge who led the way was disrespectful. Now that we are here, she even wants us to wait here, it's utterly insignificant!"

Sun Xi'e was full of anger and displeasure.

Gu Xintao didn't care, and looked around the layout of the main hall.

The main hall is very big, bigger than all the houses in the old house of the Gu family in Liujia Town combined. The main hall alone is bigger than the old house of the Luo family. One can imagine how big this Qingyuan is.

I saw a three-foot-high green bronze tripod on the red sandalwood table above the main house, and a landscape ink painting by a famous teacher hung above the wall.

There are two nanmu armchairs in the upper part of the main hall, four nanmu armchairs are placed on the left and right sides of the lower head, and a nanmu low table is placed between the two armchairs.

The bright glass windows illuminate the entire hall. On the left and right sides against the wall, there is a Bogu shelf on each. There are many antiques on the shelf, and each one looks exquisite and invaluable.

The whole hall looks low-key, but it is luxurious.

This is the place where Gu Xiaowan lives. It is so low-key, but in this low-key, everything is valuable. It is conceivable that Gu Xiaowan's life now is called a luxurious comfort.

Gu Xintao looked at the luxurious decorations in the main hall with cold eyes, and the jealousy in her heart grew stronger.

Everything in this room was so luxurious that she slapped her tongue. Not only did she have never seen it, but she had never even heard of these valuable items.

All of this belonged to the little village girl who she had never looked down upon before, not hers!

Moreover, she is still the lord of Anping County now, and her high reputation makes her look back.

Why is all this not hers?

After the jealousy, there is a deep resentment.

Gu Xintao spoke in a dark tone: "Mother, if all the things here were ours, how nice it would be!"

When Sun Xi'e heard Gu Xintao's voice, she was frightened by her cold tone. After listening to everything, Sun Xi'e nodded and said, "Yes, all this should be ours, that's fine!" "

Sun Xi'e looked at everything in front of her enviously, with deep jealousy in her eyes.

Both of them looked at all this with jealousy and enviousness. They didn't know how long they had been waiting. Gu Xintao saw that no one had come yet, and there was not even a maid serving tea, so he couldn't help being furious: "What the **** is this Gu Xiaowan? We’ve been here for so long, so it’s fine if she doesn’t come, and she doesn’t even give us any tea. I’m still her cousin!"

Sun Xi'e's mouth was a bit dry, and he agreed: "Yes, let's wait so long."

After finishing speaking, he muttered in a voice that only Gu Xintao could hear: "Let’s go to the Ming Palace, but Princess Mingdu didn’t tell us to wait for so long! This Gu Xiaowan, after becoming the lord of Anping, this frame is still so big. No matter how great the rank is, that is also my niece! I am also her elder!"

"Auntie, long time no see!" After Sun Xi'e muttered, she heard a crisp laughter from outside, and Gu Xintao turned her head. When she saw Gu Xiaowan, her jealous eyes were green.

Gu Xiaowan was wearing a red coral-colored cloud-smoke shirt, dragging the floor, and a white girdle pierced her weak waist more and more.

On the girdle was hung a green jade pendant, which gave a hint of warmth as soon as it got close. He was draped in a snow-white fox fur cloak, and even a smooth and bright cheek was crystal clear like white jade.

The hair is combed towards the cloud with a fragrant bun, a white jade inlaid with red coral beads double-knotted wishy hairpin, red coral earrings hung on the small earlobes, and the earlobes are as white as jade. Sweeping the eyebrows and thinning the noodles, although not so luxurious and gorgeous, but it makes people unable to bear profanity, noble and graceful, and makes people feel emotional.

A faint smile hung between the eyebrows, noble and elegant, but with a deep estrangement.

I haven't seen each other for so many years, but now the little village girl who was still as thin as a wood has become so stunning that Gu Xintao hated to tear the smile of the person in front of him even more.

Gu Xintao knew that Gu Xiaowan would definitely not welcome herself, and she would not like to come to this ghost place to see how beautiful Gu Xiaowan is now and how well she lives. She wished it all belonged to her!

It just so happens that she can still help Princess Mingdu, as long as she pleases Princess Mingdu, all this, she wants, isn't it all hers?

He can also stom on the annoying person in front of him severely.

The fierceness and jealousy in the eyes were swept away. Gu Xintao thought that she had restrained her emotions very well, but she did not expect that when she looked at Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan could see the hatred in her eyes clearly.

"Xiaowan, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful!" Thinking of the benefits she can get by doing things well, Gu Xintao pressed the discomfort in her heart into her heart, and went forward to take Gu Xiaowan's hand, pretending to be sisterhood Said deeply.

Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi also came. When they saw Sun Xi'e and Gu Xintao, they didn't feel happy at all. On the contrary, they all felt the unknown risks in their hearts.

The weasel gave the rooster a New Year's greeting, but he was not at ease.

Sun Xi'e and Gu Xintao weren’t fuel-efficient lamps before, but now they come here uninvited, and they don’t think they have any good intentions.

Gu Xintao stepped forward like a good sister and took Gu Xiaowan's hand, with a thick smile on her mouth.

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