The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1669: Despise the emperor's grace

Speaking of the Lin family, it can be said to be a family of scholars. Lin Haitian is the veteran of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty. During the period of the former Qing emperor, this Lin Haitian has been in the Imperial Academy, starting from a small book editor. Since then, he has been an academician in charge of the Hanlin Academy. He is an upright person who only knows how to compile history books. Although his position is not important, he is cautious, and he is highly praised by the former and current emperors. The reputation of the Lin family in the capital is not unimportant.

And this Lin Jingru was born in such a scholarly family since she was a child, and her gestures are all dignified and generous. Women all over Beijing say that this Lin family’s female demeanor is the most dignified and generous, the temperament is the most calm and docile, although her family is not rich. , But it is the home of Zhongming Dingshi, the scholarly family, and the family of hairpins.

It can be seen that this praised Lin Jingru is about to go to the sky, but now that Lin Jingru is dignified and elegant, just sitting there quietly makes people unable to look away, no matter how it seems that it is not enough.

Some young ladies secretly glanced at Lin Jingru from time to time, all wanting to learn from her gestures and actions.

After a trace of surprise flashed in Su Qianyue's eyes, there was deep envy and jealousy.

There are rumors in the capital that you should marry Lin Jingru when you marry a wife, and you should marry Lin Jingxuan when you marry. Enjoy the glory of life, although the power is not heavy, but the glory of the sky.

It can be seen that the Lin family was a mythical existence in the Qing Dynasty.

Even Princess Lihua spotted Lin Jingru at this moment and nodded to Lin Jingru with a smile.

Lin Jingru responded with a smile, dignified and decent. She is really a model and role model.

When Shu Min saw this, his heart became more unhappy.

It is difficult for Lin Jingru to entertain once. Last time she held a banquet and deliberately humiliated Gu Xiaowan. She didn't come, and Su Mansion held a poem and song meeting. She didn't come, but instead Gu Xiaowan held a thank-you banquet, and she hurried over.

What does this prove?

This proved that Lin Jingru didn't put her Mingdu princess in his eyes, but instead went to please the village girl who was Lao Shizi.

The more Shu Min thought about it, the more angry he became, and naturally he sent his full anger towards Gu Xiaowan.

"The sisters came quickly. Although the palace said that they left the house early, they were delayed on the road. It was too late. I am embarrassed to have the sisters wait!" Shu Min suddenly spoke. Said, then picked up the fruit wine in front of him, smiled and said, "My palace punished one glass first!"

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, Shu Min really drank the fruit wine in front of him. After that, she put down her drink, wiped the edge of her mouth, smiled and said to Gu Xiaowan: "This is the second person to be punished." Naturally, she is the lord of Anping!"

Punish the Anping princess?

Where does this start?

Everyone’s eyes looked in front of Shu Min and Gu Xiaowan. They didn’t know what kind of medicine was sold in this smiling Shu Min gourd: "Anping Princess, you can find the imperial palace in this palace. I went to the mansion that the imperial gift to you, there, it’s far from here, the main palace was late for the banquet first, and secondly, the main palace was bumpy and fell asleep, leaving the princess under the side door. Carriage, you said, can you be punished for improperly?"

Although Shu Min said it with a smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes. In her eyes, it was more like a sharp blade hidden, and Gu Xiaowan would die at any time.

And her remarks once again caused the banquet that had calmed down to shake the sky and the sea again.

Yeah, why didn't everyone remember that when the county lord of Anping was appointed as the county lord, she was given a mansion specifically for her by the imperial authority!

And that mansion is not in the center of the imperial city at all, but in the west of the city a little farther away from the imperial city!

If you drive a carriage back and forth in that place, it will take half an hour. After all, there are many people in the capital and there are many carriages, and the carriages are not fast. It takes time!

Shu Min's words made people grasp another piece of information, Gu Xiaowan has a mansion, why not live in his mansion in the west of the city, but rather live in the Qingyuan in the center of the capital?

"Originally, this palace arrived at the Anping County Lord’s mansion early, but the maidservant of this palace knocked on the door. For a long time, no one came to open the door. After asking someone, I realized that the current Anping County Lord did not live in the Emperor’s brother. In his mansion, I actually rented a house outside. I now look at the Qingyuan, only to find out that the county lord Anping is magnificent and luxurious, but none of the ten county lord’s mansions can match!" Shu Min After a few words, everyone looked at the calm Gu Xiaowan.

These Shu Min's remarks sounded a little better just to blame Gu Xiaowan on how to move the house and didn't tell them. To say a little awkwardly was to despise Huang'en!

She didn't even like the mansion bestowed by the emperor, so she re-rented the house outside.

Su Min's words caused everyone to look at Gu Xiaowan, a little timid, and after thinking of this layer, she held her breath.

This contempt for the Emperor's grace is a disrespectful sin. I didn't expect the Anping County Lord to be so bold and bold.

Su Qianyue also immediately said: "Princess Anping, you don't live in the house rewarded by the emperor, but you just want to rent other larger and more luxurious houses. What do you think you are? Are you despising the emperor's grace?"

Despise the emperor's grace and punish the nine races!

Seeing that this Qingyuan Garden is large and luxurious, it is also located in a place where there is a lot of money in the capital. Gu Xiaowan could not live in her own mansion, and even rented another house outside, and it was better than her own The mansion is bigger or smaller, what does this show?

This can only show that Gu Xiaowan didn't like the emperor's reward, and felt that the emperor's reward was too shabby.

It was a terrible moment, everyone was whispering, guessing what Gu Xiaowan would do!

Shu Min didn't let Gu Xiaowan speak, but said to the princess Lihua on the side: "Princess, this Gu Xiaowan despise the emperor's grace and commit the following crimes. How can such a person be the Anping princess? I don't know how to do it. You should tell the emperor's brother well and let the emperor's brother punish her for a sin of disrespect!"

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