The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1668: Princess arrives

Just now, Shu Min wanted to embarrass Gu Xiaowan and deliberately stopped at the door of Qingyuan, but didn't even notice that Princess Lihua's carriage would be behind him.

She swept the Caiyue next to her, and opened her mouth: "I fell asleep on the carriage just now, and my dull maid didn't call me. I just woke up after hearing the voice of the princess. Don't blame the princess!"

Caiyue's feared head was about to drop into the dust, and her body was trembling unconsciously with fright. She also kept looking at the door of Qingyuan, where she noticed the movement behind her.

As for what the princess said, Gu Xiaowan smiled lowly.

The eldest princess Lihua had just arrived, so she was waiting no matter what, but she was bombing Shu Min, and this Shu Min was blown out all at once.

"You and I are relatives, so I won't blame it!" Princess Lihua said with a graceful smile, seemingly meaningful: "If Min'er is tired, don't go back and rest, see Min'er's eyes are sunken , His face was pale, as if he was much older!"

At the words of Princess Lihua, Shu Min suddenly became angry.

Shu Min loves beauty the most. Today, she has been specially dressed up. She is wearing a gold embroidered peacock Pixia Luo, a gold veil skirt dragging the floor, and a golden ice silkworm ribbon tied around her waist. The person was dazzling, and even the delicately dressed face was white and tender.

There is a gorgeous snow-white fox fur cloak on the outside. The slender and soft fox hairs are snow-white roots without a single hair.

Three thousand green silks pulled up towards the cloud and approached the incense temple, Ya Qingyu's eyelashes dropped a little bit of haze, unable to see the deep meaning in her eyes at this moment. A two-inch-long ruby ​​string hung from the red gold peacock hanging hairpin, which dangled the coral flower tin that she carefully placed on the center of her brows.

Shu Min Mingyan stood there extremely, and instantly she compared the princess Lihua, who had been so indifferent to the Buddha in recent days.

If this Shu Min is a bright and beautiful peacock, then Princess Lihua is like the Qinghe in the Qingtang at this moment, although it is delicate but slightly faint.

The princess Lihua, who is even more noble and unparalleled, is no better than the princess who is inferior to her. The princess's eyebrows gently drew from top to bottom, her expression as usual.

Princess Lihua and Gu Xiaowan walked into the Qingyuan affectionately. Seeing the affectionate appearance of Princess Lihua towards Gu Xiaowan, Shu Min wished to crush her silver teeth.

Su Qianyue hurried to help Shu Min, but she patted her hand away without precaution, and said coldly: "Don't touch my palace!"

Su Qianyue bit her lip, her eyes filled with tears immediately, aggrieved: "Sister Min"

Such a pitiful appearance made Shu Min frown, and her heart became more disgusted, but thinking of the person in her family, how could she dare not show anything on this face: "Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, she took the initiative to hold Su Qianyue's hand, and Su Qianyue smiled with tears, and helped Shu Min into Qingyuan.

The ladies all got up and came to the entrance of the yard to greet the Princess of Mingdu, but they never thought that the one who came heading forward was the most noble woman except the Queen Mother and the Queen, the most noble woman-Princess Lihua.

The slippery maid and the servant, carrying the exquisite brocade plate and the bright yellow brocade with the congratulatory gift, now, no matter where everyone could guess the intention of the Mingdu Princess, they knelt down and bowed to Princess Lihua. Gift.

This princess is different from the princess!

"See Princess Lihua!" The young ladies all knelt to the ground. After hearing the majestic voice of Princess Lihua, everyone stood up and thanked them.

"Get up all"

"Thank you Princess Lihua!"

Everyone bowed their heads, after seeing the Princess Mingdu, they bowed their knees to salute Shu Min again: "See Princess Mingdu!"

The gap between the front and the back clearly shows the position of the princess and the princess.

The princess is the princess, and the princess is the princess!

Although the two have the same word, their identities are vastly different.

Shu Min, who had just accepted the salute time that made her irritated just outside, felt even more angry at this moment, and felt more and more that her head in her heart was blocked, and she didn't vomit.

After watching Princess Lihua take her seat, Gu Xiaowan sat on her right hand. Next to Gu Xiaowan was Tan Yushu. Shu Min sat on Princess Lihua’s left hand. In turn, the ladies who had been invited were behind them, according to their identities. And position in turn.

Shu Min didn't expect that Gu Xiaowan would be hosting a banquet. There were so many people coming. She couldn't help but looked around. When she saw some people, she nodded lightly, and when she saw others, she was smeared and gorgeous. At this moment, her eyes were dangerously narrowed. They were the young ladies who came here without asking her for advice.

Shu Min's eyes were like knives, and she swept past the ladies who hadn't explained to her, her eyes were like knives, and the scared group of ladies turned pale, and kept trying to hide behind to hide their sense of existence.

However, to be seen is to be seen, even if he hides again, Princess Mingdu will see it.

Some ladies only felt that they were staring at them like a poisonous snake. They only felt a chill on their backs, like a poisonous snake spitting a letter and climbing on their bodies. The touch made them pale.

Gu Xiaowan noticed such an anomaly, thought a little in her heart, and guessed what Shu Min meant.

Those ladies who were glaring at her, I'm afraid they came without telling her!

It's really ridiculous, this Shu Min actually relied on her high position to try to draw all the ladies in the capital to her side.

But unfortunately, there are also fish that slip through the net, and some people don't even look at Shu Min at all.

That person was Lin Jingru, the granddaughter of Lin Haitian, the head of the Hanlin Academy.

When Shu Min's gaze swept across Lin Jingru's eyes, a hint of surprise flashed across her eyes. Even Su Qianyue, who was sitting cheeky, spotted this person and asked in surprise, "Sister Min, how could she come? Here!"

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