The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1598: Cruel Concubine You Gui

Concubine You Gui was miserable.

All her previous efforts were ruined by the sentence just now!

The regent, the regent, if it weren't for him, how could she lose her mind and offend Father Qi!

"Niangniang, let's go back and think about a solution first!" Zhiqin said in horror, supporting Concubine You Gui, enduring the shaking body.

Just now, Niang Niang really offended that father-in-law Qi!

Qin Yizhi entered the inner room, and then took off the golden mask on his face, a handsome face that was indignant between people and gods, which made people lose their minds for a moment.

Shu Tianci was sitting on a red sandalwood chair, looking at the chessboard in front of him, thinking hard, and seeing that Qin Yizhi was here, he hurriedly pulled his sleeves: "Midnight, come and see, where exactly should I go? Here, there is no retreat. If the opponent wins by surprise, I can only stumble. If I go down here, I can't even get out! I thought about it all night, but I couldn't think of it!"

Qin Yizhi glanced at the chessboard, then lightly took out a chess piece from the chess box and dropped it steadily.

"But, Midnight, if I get down here, this piece of me will be eaten by the other party!" Shu Tianci frowned, and saw Qin Yizhi take down all the eaten sons, and then drop another son. There was no victory just now. Heizi, who didn't know how to get out, turned out to be another village at this moment. Baizi was suppressed so hard that he had no power to break free.

At this moment, he saw that Heizi had won, and Baizi would lose.

"Huh? Midnight, what's your trick?" Shu Tianci looked at the chess game excitedly, Long Xin rejoiced.

"Death to death and live. If you want to win, you have to give the other party some sweetness. If you don't taste the sweetness, how can you relax his vigilance?" Qin Yizhi took the ginseng tea from Gong Gong Qi and said with a smile.

"Let it die and live!" Shu Tianci chewed a bit and looked at the chess game again. Then he clapped his hands and laughed: "It's a good place to die and live after, wonderful, wonderful! I won't give him some sweetness first, How could he be messed up! This is called surprise!"

With a smile, Shu Tianci picked up the eaten pieces of white pieces and threw them into the chess box. In a blink of an eye, only black pieces were left on the exquisite chessboard made of red sandalwood, occupying the entire surface. country.

"Concubine You Gui came just now?" Shu Tianci asked with a smile.

Father Qi bowed his head and replied yes!

"But it's her brother's business?"

"Return to your Majesty, it is precisely that the noble concubine lady asked the emperor to take charge of her! It is fair to return the dead!" Grandpa Qi said respectfully. "Oh, then, should I give her justice in advance?" Shu Tianci asked suddenly, and still looked at Father Qi.

Father Qi did not expect that the emperor would ask his own opinion. He was a little bit startled, but he immediately recovered, arched his body and said respectfully: "The minion thinks that this matter will be handled by the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses. Regarding the matter, his own soldier Masi is in charge of the emperor, and the emperor is benevolent. Before there is conclusive evidence, no one can casually kill anyone to vent their anger and frame the innocent!"

"Midnight, do you see that? A father-in-law who hasn't read anything since I was a child knows that he can't kill people casually without evidence, but my concubine, who has read four books, five classics and six arts, has golden branches and leaves, kindness and kindness, indeed She is a good concubine, good sister! But to other people, where is half kindness!" Shu Tianci sneered, the king-like aura around him made Father Qi lower his head unconsciously, and the temperature around him increased. Quiet.

With his head hanging down, father-in-law Qi thought of Concubine You Gui's unpretentious irony just now, and he was thinking about her infatuation with herself in daily life, thinking about it, and doing a lot of ghosts, even people don't know what to do!

Father Qi still bowed his head, standing aside respectfully, watching his nose and his heart, without paying attention to what had just happened.

He doesn't have to take it to heart, your Majesty's call is not just to avenge himself?

He grinned inwardly, his arched back seemed to straighten.

Concubine You Gui tremblingly did not know how to return to the palace. She lay on the soft couch, and Zhiqin, who came back with her, hurriedly poured tea.

Concubine You Gui took it and drank it directly to her mouth. She spit out the hot tea with a chuckle. The tea cup in her hand was overturned, and all the hot tea was spilled on Zhiqin's face.

The skin was hot and red, but Qin didn't dare to say a word, didn't dare to wipe it, but kept kowtow begging for mercy.

"You mean maid, do you want to burn this palace to death? A mean servant, a mean servant!" Concubine You Gui used her hands and feet to greet Zhiqin's face and body.

I was scalded by the hot tea just now, and the skin was already red. I was scratched by Concubine You Gui, and his face looked more like color. The traces from the corners of the eyes to the corners of the mouth seemed to be visible. The traces of blood are very scary and terrifying.

Na Zhiqin was beaten like this by Concubine You Gui, but did not make a scream.

He could only hold his head in his hands, lie on the ground, close his lips tightly, and let You Guifei beat and scold.

I don’t know how long it took. You Guifei was tired. At this moment, Zhiqin was also limp on the ground. There was no good meat on his face. There were blood stains everywhere with sharp nails, and the skin on his body was exposed. There are also traces of being caught everywhere.

With the flesh and blood wearing clothes, I don't know what bruising has become.

Concubine You Gui was tired from the fight and sat back on the supremacy of the soft couch. Looking at Zhiqin who was kneeling on the ground again, she said viciously: "If someone asks you, what should you say?"

"The slave said" Zhiqin's face was scratched, and even the skin of her mouth was bloody, and there was a smell of rust in her mouth: "The slave said, the slave was allergic, and she accidentally scratched it like this! "

"There is a pot of osmanthus ointment in my box. You can use it. Don’t show up in front of the palace or other places in these days. If the palace learns about it, you know the methods of this palace. Do you understand?" You Guifei squinted at Zhiqin sternly, her cold gaze, like a vicious snake, spitting out her tongue, showing her sharp fangs, looking at you grimly.

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