The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1597: Offend Father Qi

"The emperor, you have to be the master for the concubines! Woo, the emperor, that Li Fan murdered, and the evidence is conclusive. Please order the emperor to take the life of Li Fan and avenge the younger brother of the concubines!"

Qin Yizhi ignored her, the sedan chair passed Concubine You directly, entered the palace gate directly, and stopped at the gate of Yangxin Hall.

Concubine You Gui looked at the sedan chair carried by the eight people extravagantly, and stopped directly at the door of the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart. Who else could receive this treatment besides the current queen and regent!

This sedan chair is luxurious and magnificent, clearly belongs to the current regent!

I saw a graceful back, walking down from the sedan chair, unable to see his face clearly, all the people around knelt down, leaving only the black head, under the oppressive momentum, no one dared look up.

Concubine You Gui pondered for a moment, got up directly, and ran to the front: "The Regent, the Regent"

Ah You, who was next to Qin Mozhi, stopped her directly, her handsome face turned black: "You Guifei"

Concubine You Gui was blocked and couldn't go forward, and couldn't help but become angry: "What are you, dare to block the way of this palace, you are a dead slave, you have a few heads, and later this palace will report to the emperor and treat you big Crime of disrespect!"

But Ah You was not frightened by her at all, the scabbard in his hand was topped, and the scabbard was actually pushed open, and the sword was exposed three feet, shining brightly with cold light.

"The sword of the minion is a thunder sword gifted by the emperor personally. It specializes in cutting people who are unfavorable to the prince, no matter who it is! Close to the prince who is unfavorable to the prince, kill without mercy!" Ah You's sword is out of its sheath, with a bright blade. There was a "buzzing" sound out of the sheath, and it was creepy.

"Dare you, you, do you dare to kill this palace?" You Guifei looked at the sword, her legs were frightened, and her whole figure was as if she had been squeezed out of strength, limp to the ground like rotten noodles.

A pair of eyebrows looked at the dashing back of the regent who had left, and never looked back at it from beginning to end.

Such a man, with a remarkable figure and a back figure, as well as frightening feats, is invincible on the battlefield. That jade-faced Shura, even the people beside him, seem to be crawling from hell. The black and white ghost who came out made her limp and frightened just by looking at it.

By the way, she was frightened and couldn't say anything, otherwise

"Noble concubine, please come back, the emperor calls the prince to come to discuss major affairs of the country, your family's affairs, naturally the people of the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars will take care of it. Please also please don't disturb the emperor about this matter!" Qi The father-in-law lowered his head, put the whisk in his arms, and reached out to help you concubine.

"You are not a man or a woman, don't touch this palace!" You Guifei suddenly screamed, and the other servants who were waiting outside heard the panic roar and looked here, waiting. Seeing that the person being scolded was Father Qi, they all bowed their heads, not daring to make a sound.

The Hall of Yangxin is very quiet, even others walk silently, not to mention the angry roar of the startling bird, which has already spread throughout the whole Hall of Yangxin, including the Hall of Yangxin.

Father Qi stretched out his hand for a while, and a hint of surprise flashed between his eyebrows, and he returned to normal in an instant. He immediately retracted his hand calmly, as if the surprise just now was only a momentary matter. The court lady next to her was also in shock. She glanced in horror at the father-in-law Qi, who seemed to be completely unconcerned, turned her head and looked at Concubine You Gui, who seemed to be unaware of anything, shaking. The voice shouted: "Niang Niang"

After hearing this empress, Concubine You Gui recovered from the shock that was frightened by Ah You just now.

She was frightened by Ah You just now with a faceless face, that bright sword still had a harsh "buzz" sound, and Ah You's eerie eyes, so scary, really scary.

The dazzling sword dangled directly into her eyes. She was about to think that the sword was going to be smashed directly, leaving her head in a different place!

After recovering, Concubine You Gui found out how stupid she had done.

The father-in-law Qi kindly helped her, but she didn't say anything, and even cursed such a nasty sentence.

Grandpa Qi was the **** next to the emperor. Although he was an eunuch, he always followed the emperor. Although he was young, he was already the most favored celebrity around the emperor. Dare to look down upon it?

Not to mention those imperial concubines who fawned on the pole, just to get a little bit of the emperor's whereabouts, no one has ever dared to curse father-in-law Qi face-to-face as a lowly servant who is neither male nor female!

Father Qi's eyes were slightly cold, and he used to think that Concubine You Gui was dignified and generous. After all, she came out of Master You Tai's house, so she was naturally a first-class wonderful person.

Now this face is completely exposed!

A cheap slave who is neither male nor female?

Gee, concubine You's mouth is really poisonous!

Father Qi stood in the sun, straightened up, head down, but because of his tall figure, he blocked Concubine You Gui's sun. The shadow cast on Concubine You Gui and the cold eyes.

And Zhiqin beside him pulled his sleeves in horror.

Concubine You Gui realized what a stupid thing she had done!

She had always looked down on this father-in-law Qi, but it was useless to be a man. She was still doing the most inferior things because of her physical disability. She sneered at all the eunuchs in the palace.

However, Grandpa Qi is the **** next to the emperor who serves him personally. The **** knows every move and whereabouts of the emperor. She can only go to court Grandpa Qi, even though she hates this man and woman. But on the bright side, not only could she not offend the great Buddha, on the contrary, she also offered to the great Buddha.

"Grandpa Qi, this palace was scared just now," You Gui concubine stood up and explained immediately.

Father Qi stepped back without a trace, arched his hands and bowed his eyebrows and said: "The concubine empress is a slave. The slave is just a **** slave. You should go back to the palace. The slave is going to serve the emperor!" Whistling, Father Qi didn't look at Concubine You Gui, whose face was a little stiff, and walked away.

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