The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1571: Four dead

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Okay, don't go anywhere, just stay in Qingyuan, don't show your face. Otherwise, after the interrogation of the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si, he found that there are fewer people, and he will definitely search for you!"

Xiao Shengzi nodded: "Where is the home of the story? Will there be anything in the shopkeeper's house?"

"I'll send someone to inform them so that they don't worry and be careful too!" Gu Xiaowan frowned, and then asked: "You can say the same as before the deceased again!"

Xiao Shengzi recounted all the scenes he saw at that time, and said in great detail, Gu Xiaowan heard this and asked: "Then these people were poisoned to death?"

Xiao Shengzi nodded: "The silver needle in the food was found to be poisonous! However, the dishes of that table are exactly the same as those of the other table. They are all fried in the same pot and served at the same time. There was nothing to eat at one table, and only a few dishes on this table were found to be poisonous!"

"It seems that some people look down on the prosperity of Jinfu Tower, and they want to find something in Jinfu Tower again!" Gu Xiaowan sneered and comforted Xiao Shengzi not to worry: "I haven't done anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, Li Uncle will definitely be fine!"

Xiao Shengzi whimpered: "I have been with the shopkeeper for so many years, and I have seen some small bumps, but this time, who is so cruel that killed four people in the building to marry Curse us!"

"The most urgent task is to rescue them from the shopkeeper. In the place of the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars, you can eat people without spitting out bones. For the sake of political achievements, many times they are defeated and used!" Kou Dan said.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "I'm going to the General's Mansion."

She didn't know many people in the capital, so she went to Tan Yushu to see if there was any news.

When going to the General’s Mansion, Gu Xiaowan deliberately let the carriage pass by Jinfu Tower. When she reached the door, Gu Xiaowan picked up the curtain, and saw that the gate of Jinfu Tower was closed and sealed. The bustling crowd in the past is already in depression. Many people watching the excitement at the door pointed to Jinfu Tower.

"This Jinfu Tower, tut, four people died of eating, tut, it's not killing people in broad daylight! I used to eat here every day, so dangerous!"

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that there is something happening in Jinfu Building from time to time. It is either vomiting or diarrhea, but it's all trivial. Everyone doesn't care. I didn't expect this Jinfu Building to come back here. It's so cruel that everyone at the table is down. Now, Jin Fulou can't eat it and walk around!"

"It tastes so good, and there are new dishes from time to time. It's a pity that it's closed like this!" Someone sighed.

A person next to him gave him a punch and joked, "You dare to eat it. From now on, the delicacies of the mountains and seas will be placed in front of me. I won't eat it anymore. Who knows if there is any arsenic in it? Take your life in!"


Some people pointed at Jinfu Tower and sneered at Jinfu Tower. Jinfu Tower, which used to be very busy in the past, has become a rat crossing the street. Everyone shouts and beats.

The carriage continued to move forward. When passing by the Fujin Tower, the Fujin Tower was the same. There was no more noise and bustle in the past, and the silence seemed to be closed.

When people around walked to Fujin Tower, they all pointed to Fujin Tower: "The shopkeeper of Fujin Tower, that is, the shopkeeper of Jinfu Tower, poisoned four guests. After this place Don't come, who knows if you will die after eating hot pot and foaming at the mouth!"

The four people who died in Jinfulou were like a plague. They spread to the corners of the street. Everyone talked about Jinfulou and Fujinlou. They were like plagues, and everyone was afraid to avoid them.

In the past, when the business of Jinfu Tower was good, some passers-by had to stick to the root of the wall when passing by Fu Jin Tower. Why?

Because of the smell of hot pot, some people passed by and breathed the tangy scent, but now, everyone is eager to stay away from this place of right and wrong, all of them are far away!

The carriage passed by the Fujin Tower, and there was a small servant in the Fujin Tower cleaning up the mess. After seeing it, Gu Xiaowan said to Kou Dan, "Let the Fujin Tower close and all the people in the room will go back!"

There was an accident in Jin Fu Lou, and Fu Jin Lou was also implicated!

Now, they have not captured the people from Fujin Tower, but when those people come back to their senses, they will definitely be captured. After all, this place belongs to Li Fan's property too!

The carriage went directly to the General's Mansion. The concierge saw that he was a familiar person, and immediately greeted Gu Xiaowan in. When he walked halfway, he saw Tan Yushu also hurriedly walking outside.

"Sister, why are you here? I happen to be looking for you!" Tan Yushu also just learned the news, knowing that these two restaurants have a more or less relationship with Gu Xiaowan, so he wanted to find her, but Gu Xiaowan didn't expect Gu Xiaowan. Come so fast.

Gu Xiaowan looked around and said softly: "Go in and talk!"

Entering the room, Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu were inside. Zuo and Ayu stood at the door, guarding the door.

"Sister, what's the matter? How could Jinfulou die? Four of them died at once? "This is a major event. For so many years, no one has died in the restaurant, at most because the ingredients are not clean. , It was just vomiting and diarrhea. This was fine, and four died at once. I heard that there was also the only son of a fourth-rank official.

"Uncle Li will never harm people, and with so many guests at the time, Uncle Li will not be so stupid that he will kill people in the public." Gu Xiaowan said firmly.

Gu Xiaowan knows Li Fan's resignation.

Seeing people laugh three-pointers, even if there are any grievances, they always chat with them in harmony. It was not that no one was making trouble in Jinfu Building before, but Li Fan resolved it all by relying on his three-point smile. And what you say makes people unable to make trouble.

All, I often eat in Jinfulou, and people who are familiar with Li Fan call him Huanxi shopkeeper!

People who go to dinner usually have something annoying, Li Fan will enlighten others when they see it. In this circle, Li Fan's popularity is very good.

However, when this happened, someone must be behind the scenes!

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