The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1570: Accident at Jinfulou

It was late autumn and the days were getting colder. Gu Xiaowan reminded her aunt that it was time to prepare winter clothes for everyone, and then chatted with Gu Fangxi a few more words.

"This year, I'm afraid it will be spent in the capital, Aunt, while there are still a few months away, you should prepare some clothes for the winter as soon as possible!"

The Queen Mother’s birthday is the eighteenth of the twelfth lunar month. After the twelfth lunar month, the New Year will be celebrated in half a month. According to this schedule, it is impossible to return to Liujiazhen for the New Year. After getting acquainted in the capital, they were considering returning to Liujia Town.

This capital city is not a good place. There are too many rights and wrongs. Gu Xiaowan still likes the small place where there is no intrigue and only the shortcomings of the parents.

Don’t blame her ambitions for not being lofty and luxurious. Her life goal is to make more money, live in a big house, be a local owner, be a rich and beautiful, do whatever she wants, no one is restrained, no one is worried, no People are jealous.

Liujiazhen is pretty good, with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs. Although there are very few people who instigate incidents, who dares to challenge himself as the head of Anping County?

I would rather make chicken heads than phoenix tails.

Gu Xiaowan broke her fingers, calculating how long it will be until the Queen Mother's birthday.

I thought it was calm and the waves were waiting for the birthday, but I didn't know the truth and wrongs on the road.

"Xiaowan, don't worry, I'll go to a tailor tomorrow to measure the size for everyone!" Gu Fangxi nodded and said, and then wrote it down in a notebook.

Gu Fangxi is illiterate, but after following Gu Xiaowan for a long time, Gu Xiaowan wondered how a person could not be literate, so she forced Gu Fangxi to be literate. For so many years, although she still didn’t know many words, she basically communicated with every word I know, I can write, although the writing is not good, but Gu Xiaowan is also satisfied.

"Azuo Ahmad Kodan Kohai and the others also have to measure them. Everyone prepares two sets of winter clothes for them, and the materials must be selected!" Gu Xiaowan said.

She is not short of money, and these people are all served by her side. Gu Xiaowan sees their loyalty, and naturally they must be treated well.

Gu Fangxi nodded, wrote down a note, and accepted it: "Xiao Wan, we bought some gold embroidery thread at Lanqing Cloth Shop last time. The goods in their shop are good and cheap, and the quality is worse than that on Guang'an Street. Not much, but the price is much cheaper because the shop is in a more remote location. How about I go and find people from Lanqing Cloth, and all these winter clothes are made by him?"

"Lanqing Bufang?" Gu Xiaowan asked back.

"Well, it's the place where Xiao Yi saved people last time!" Gu Fangxi said.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Fine. Anyway, we are all growing up. We have to redo our clothes every year, which is too wasteful! Let Kou Hai find someone tomorrow!"

"Brother Ping's clothes are made of the thickest fabric, thicker and warmer. In the military camp, after all, the home is not comparable, the fine materials are useless there!" Gu Xiaowan thought everything: "Although she doesn't know the size, But shrink it a little bit according to previous years, crying in the barracks, I am afraid that there will not be much meat!"

Gu Fangxi responded one by one: "Do you want to prepare something for the New Year at home?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Slowly prepare. There are not many people in the family. If you come back in the New Year, I am afraid that it will be too late. There are few people in the family, so prepare in advance and add whatever you think of it! The saving will be messy!"

What more Gu Fangxi had to say, I heard Kou Dan yelling outside: "Miss, the third shopkeeper of Jinfu Building is here! Said that there is something urgent to report to Miss you!

Zuo stays with Gu Xiaowan every day. Kou Dan is different. From time to time, she still goes to Gu Xiaoyi's yard to take care of Gu Xiaoyi. If there is something wrong with a girl in the front yard, she will also go to the front yard.

No, the eldest brother came, saying that it was the third shopkeeper from Jinfulou.

Gu Xiaowan knew who the three shopkeepers were. A few months ago, Xiao Shengzi was also taken up and became the third shopkeeper in Jinfulou!

The second shopkeeper is naturally Gu Xiaowan.

"What's the matter?" Gu Xiaowan quickly ordered someone to come in, but when she saw Xiao Shengzi's face was a little pale, even walking a little vacant, Gu Xiaowan's heart shook.

"Girl, something happened to Jinfulou!"

Xiao Shengzi knelt on the ground with a thud and cried to Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan's pretty eyes turned into the word Sichuan.

"Don't cry, let's talk about what happened to Jinfulou?" Zuo said calmly.

"Today Jinfu Building is open as usual. As usual, guests came to visit at noon, but it was only an hour later. I don’t know why, there was a table of guests foaming at the mouth, and the shopkeeper was too late to call the doctor, and the four of them were already dead. Died in Jinfu Building."

"What?" Gu Fangxi was shocked: "Four people died?"

"Well, yes, those four people are regular visitors to Jinfulou and Fujinlou on weekdays. They come to Jinfulou to eat almost every day, but they are all fine on weekdays. I don’t know why, so today they are all It's dead!" Xiao Shengzi was even more surprised when he thought of the few people foaming and falling to the ground, and then rolled his eyes and died.

"How about Uncle Li? How is Jinfu Tower now?" Gu Xiaowan asked calmly.

"The shopkeeper was taken away by the staff of the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars. All the little servants and cooks in the restaurant were taken away, and all the diners in the restaurant were dispersed, and then the restaurant was sealed up. I had a hard time taking advantage of it. Chaos, ran out secretly!"

Xiao Shengzi didn't expect that everything was fine just now. In the blink of an eye, Jinfu Tower was sealed, and four people died. Now, Jinfu Tower's reputation was completely ruined.

The key is that now, the shopkeeper and the little cooks have been taken away, who knows what those people will say in prison.

"Don't worry! When you come here, has anyone seen you?" Gu Xiaowan asked calmly.

"No, I took advantage of the chaos and came out on a small road! I didn't go to the shopkeeper's house, so I came directly to you!" Xiao Shengzi thought for a while and said.

On the way, he didn't meet anyone. He wanted to come, and no one knew he would come here.

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