The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1263: I am also a flesh

Just thinking about where to recruit people, I just entered the gate of Jinfu Building and heard Fatty Li’s sharp voice from inside Jinfu Building: "What are you doing here? I sold the shopkeepers one by one. Are you here still expecting to go back to Jinfulou to work? Dreaming!"

Then there was the voice of Gao Zi: "You have not been tortured yet, so you sold the shopkeeper. How nice the shopkeeper is to you, think about your previous days, and then think about the days you live now, the shopkeeper gave You eat, wear, and give you money, and there are bonuses during the holidays and festivals. Where can you find such a shopkeeper! The torture has not been used on your body, you frame the shopkeeper, and you are worthy of the shopkeeper. !"

"Xiao Liangzi used such a big punishment, he did not betray the shopkeeper, you are all recommended by him, how can you pick up Xiao Liangzi right!" Fatty Li hates iron for not making steel.

Most of these little brothers were introduced by Xiao Liangzi at the time. These people were all small jobs outside with Xiao Liangzi or made a living by begging. Xiao Liangzi talked about these people in front of Gu Xiaowan. The character is very good, hard-working, clean hands and feet, but the family is poor, there is no way, can only make a living outside.

Gu Xiaowan saw that these people were still young because they were burdened by the family. Gu Xiaowan originally liked Xiao Liangzi very much. Seeing that Xiao Liangzi had introduced these people over, she naturally agreed.

At that time, he agreed to let Xiao Liangzi take them to familiarize themselves with the work, and specifically arranged the division of labor for them.

Gu Xiaowan was also very satisfied with the performance of these people.

Just as Xiao Liangzi said that his hands and feet are clean, hardworking and willing to work, and some have a sweet mouth, Gu Xiaowan is naturally happy to treat these later younger brothers equally, and the treatment is also quite generous.

The treatment given by Jinfulou in the entire Liujia Town, I am afraid that no one can compare it. Moreover, Jinfulou is the best restaurant in Liujia Town. Everyone in this restaurant has work clothes and uniforms. The treatment is good, going out, it is quite a face.

These people are also very happy in the restaurant, and they are all grateful to Gu Xiaowan.

If it weren't for this incident, these people were afraid they would have to stay in Jinfulou for the rest of their lives.

Gu Xiaowan walked in, and saw her former little brothers kneeling in front of Fatty Li and Gaozi one by one, thinking they came to admit their mistakes.

Fatty Li was very excited. Because of his fatness, he blushed after a few words, and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead. At this moment, he was rubbing the beads of sweat on his forehead with his apron, his face was angry.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's arrival, those little brothers immediately looked at Gu Xiaowan, changed their positions all over again, kneeled towards Gu Xiaowan, and shouted to Gu Xiao in unison, all with guilt on their faces: " The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper's sorry, sorry!"

These little brothers are not very old. At this moment, all of them are full of guilt and shame. They dare not look after Gu Xiaowan. They hung their heads and looked at the blue stone bricks in front of them, but from their eyes and expressions, Gu Xiaowan could see their guilt and shame.

Gu Xiaowan sighed deep in her heart.

These people used to be in Jinfu Tower, they were all hardworking, clean hands and feet, and sweet mouths. Jinfu Tower also needed such people. Gu Xiaowan valued these people very much.

But after experiencing such a thing

Gu Xiaowan thought for a while, looked at them calmly, and said calmly: "You all get up, I don't blame you!"

When Fatty Li and Gaozi heard and looked at each other, they said, "The shopkeeper, these people were all at the time."

Gu Xiaowan waved her hand and did not let them go on. Seeing all the kneeling guys looking at herself with joyful smiles on their faces, Gu Xiaowan couldn't bear to say the next thing, but she needed what she needed. People are people like Xiaoliangzi, who are unfaithful once and don't use it a hundred times.

This is her bottom line!

At the very least, doing things for her means being loyal to her.

Gu Xiaowan looked at these people, and they all stood up. They all looked at Gu Xiaowan with surprise. Gu Xiaowan ignored them, but just glanced at them lightly, and then calmly said to Gu Ningping: "Ning Ping, you go to calculate the monthly money of these people today, and give them the whole month for the whole month, and then, each one will give five hundred dollars, let them go!"

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan ignored the guys who had changed their faces. Some people looked sad, and some people shouted at the shopkeeper, all saying sorry to Gu Xiaowan.

What's the use of this sorry?

"The shopkeeper, we are all parents of life, and we don't want to betray you. However, if we are tortured, we might not even have our lives. You are the head of Anping County. You can get away, but we can't!" One of them, a brave man, called to Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan was going to see Xiao Liangzi's injury. Hearing what this man said, she turned her head and looked at it, and then said a word. The man lowered his head in shame and didn't dare to speak anymore, so she could only go to Gu Ningping and ask for his wages. went.

Gu Xiaowan said: "Xiao Liangzi was also raised by his parents. He is like you. He takes the same monthly bill, sleeps in the same room, and wears the same clothes. Why doesn't he betray me? He is now lying on the bed with scars all over his body. , Do you want me to take you to see? I admit that I don’t want you to be hurt, but if you don’t want to be hurt, just go and talk about framing others. Although I am the head of Anping County, I have a little bit more tricks than you, but I also Just a physical body, because of your frame, the person who went to the cell for interrogation in my place is now lying in bed to recuperate. If he didn't do it for me, it is me who is lying in bed now! I want to ask you, you are all flesh and blood, Can you use this excuse to frame others?"

After Gu Xiaowan had finished speaking, all of those people bowed their heads, and they were ashamed that they couldn't say a word.

Gu Xiaowan glanced around them, and then left without looking back.

Fatty Li and Gaozi were there, and they began to reprimand them at this moment: "The shopkeeper has been kind enough to you. Before one month is counted for you, I will give you an extra 500 coins. The shopkeeper has done his best and righteous. Touch your conscience, have you put it on your body! If not, go back and look for it, otherwise, you will not be treated like this when you meet the next master."

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