The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1262: Parade

"Wan'er" Qin Mozhi didn't drink a sip of water for a long time, and his throat was already dry.

The lips are white, and there is some peeling on the lips due to lack of water.

Gu Xiaowan looked distressed: "A Mo"

Ahmad also quickly untied the iron cable and put Qin Yizhi down.

His feet finally stood on the ground. Qin Yizhi was still a little uncomfortable. The moment he stood on the ground, his feet were still a little numb, but he couldn’t control that much anymore. Even if his feet were numb, he would walk quickly. Two steps forward, she hugged Gu Xiaowan tightly into her arms, whispering in her ear: "Wan'er"

Gu Xiaowan didn't have time to tell him what he missed, and quickly took the kettle over and let Qin Yizhi drink it.

Qin Yizhi drank a bit fiercely, and drank several big mouthfuls in succession. As he drank fiercely, the water flowed down his lips.

I didn't see it for a few days. Qin Mo's lower jaw was a little blue-gray, and his face was a little pale. Gu Xiaowan looked at it, and became more and more distressed. She hugged Qin Mozhi and sobbed in a low voice: "Brother Ji!"

Fortunately, the matter has been resolved!

When everyone returned to Jinfulou, the bird's nest porridge was already boiling, and hot water was ready.

Ah Mo came out after waiting for Qin Yizhi to wash up. At this moment, the bird's nest porridge was cooked.

He hadn't eaten anything in the past few days, and he was indeed a little hungry. Although the people in the palace did not hurt him, Qin Yizhi also took a lot of effort to avoid the punishment of those people.

Now, after washing and eating, I feel full of vitality.

Xiao Liangzi also picked it up. The doctor helped him deal with the wound. After drinking some porridge, he fell asleep.

Gu Xiaowan felt distressed that Qin Mozhi hadn't slept well during this period, so she told Qin Mozhi to rest well and went out.

Jinfulou was fine, and it was closed for so many days. When I heard that it was okay, Fatty Li and Gaozi were so excited that they immediately went to the market and bought a lot of good food, saying it was a good celebration in the evening. Fan.

Aunt Zhang and aunt were both in high spirits. Seeing their joy, Gu Xiaowan let them go.

Now, she is thinking about another thing.

Jinfu Tower has been closed for so many days, it must be reopened immediately!

However, at that time, Lu Tao said that it was the younger brother of Jinfulou, who said that she instigated the bet, which will more or less have a bad influence on Jinfulou in Liujiazhen, and will also affect the future business of Jinfulou. .

Since it was the government office that gave Jinfu Tower a hat, it was natural that the government office had to restore the reputation of Jinfu Tower.

After Gu Xiaowan settled down, Qin Yizhi and Ahmad Azuo went to the government office. After the interrogation of Master Zhao, everyone was naturally happy.

Before Gu Xiaowan had just walked out of the gate of Jinfu Tower, she saw that there were several servants who were pulling a prison wagon. Inside the wagon was Lei Dasheng, who was wearing prison clothes, and Gu Chuanlu and Liu. Qingshan three people.

The yaman held a gong and drum in his hand, and shouted as he knocked: "Dear folks and elders, please listen. Lei Dasheng poisoned and killed an innocent customer. This matter has nothing to do with Jinfulou. Now we are bringing criminals out for Jin. Fulou cleans up the grievances!"

The servant holding the gongs and drums in his hand happened to pass in front of Gu Xiaowan. When he saw Gu Xiaowan, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to salute: "Anping County Lord, my adult asked the young one to take these three people to the street for Jinfu Tower. Rectify the name and return an honor to the head of Anping County!"

"What about your grown-up?" This Master Zhao can think so carefully, Gu Xiaowan really wants to go and thank him!

"My adult has returned to Rui County first, and ordered the young one to take these prisoners here for three days!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, let the servant take her thanks, and watched Gu Chuanlu and the three of them being pulled across the street.

Because of the death, although the deceased is not a good person, in Liujia Town, where there hasn't been a dead person for a long time, such a thing is tantamount to a heavy bomb.

The folk customs of Liujiazhen are simple and honest, and for doing such a wicked thing, it is natural to sneer at Lei Dasheng and the three of them. Some people took eggs and vegetable leaves and threw them at Lei Dasheng, and they did not forget to scold them: "Bad!"

When Liu Qingshan saw someone picking up rotten eggs at him, he immediately called out: "The murderer was Lei Dasheng in front. I was framed by him. He killed two people. If you want to throw them, throw them instead. Don't throw them. I!"

Liu Qingshan's cries were drowned out by the noisy people's voices. The things in everyone's hands did not have eyes, and they were thrown on the three of them.

When Gu Chuanlu's prison car passed in front of Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan raised her head and glanced at Gu Chuanlu. Gu Chuanlu was now wearing a gray and autumn prison shirt with a big prisoner written on the front of the shirt.

The meticulous hair that had been combed was now in front of him in a mess, messy like a chicken coop, and there was a lot of egg liquid and vegetable leaves on the hair, which was extremely embarrassing.

When the prison car passed in front of her, Gu Xiaowan clearly saw that Gu Chuanlu's eyes hidden under her hair were bloodshot and flushed, staring at herself fiercely.

Gu Xiaowan understood that he had suffered so much this time, and that Gu Chuanlu didn't know how to hate herself. It's just that if he didn't come to challenge himself at the time, he wouldn't do it to him. Blame himself.

Gu Xiaowan raised her head and looked at Gu Chuanlu without showing any weakness, not afraid of the ferocity in his eyes.

The name of Jinfu Tower was rectified, and the matter of the dead has nothing to do with Jinfu Tower, so naturally it will open for business soon.

When Gu Xiaowan was about to go back, she was stopped by someone. When she took a closer look, they were all diners who often went to Jinfu Tower for dinner. At this moment, they gathered in front of Gu Xiaowan and said with a smile: "Anping County Lord, this Jinfu Tower It's okay, when will it reopen?"

"That's right, we are all waiting for the opening. You made our mouths so sad that you don't eat this day!"

"Yeah, yeah, eating in other restaurants these past few days, no matter how you eat it, I don't feel right. The food at Jinfulou is still delicious!"

Gu Xiaowan listened to these people with a smile, and after thinking about it, she replied: "Jin Fu Building will naturally be reopened, but at this moment, I think some of the decoration in Jin Fu Building is a bit outdated. Re-decorate it at this time!"

"What? How long will it take! Anping County Lord, we are all waiting to eat!"

One of the guests said with a bitter face and complained that the meaning seemed to be crying to Gu Xiaowan that if Jinfu Tower was not open, he would have no food to eat!

Gu Xiaowan has a decent smile on her face. These people trust Jinfu Tower so much. Gu Xiaowan is naturally full of gratitude. At this moment, she said: "Don't worry, we will hurry up the construction and try our best to let Jinfu Tower open in half a month. At that time, Jinfu Building will have a 10% discount, and there will be many new recipes on the market. I hope everyone will join in!"

For so many years, Jin Fu Lou has never discounted it. This time everyone heard that Jin Fu Lou was offering a 10% discount, and everyone cheered.

Gu Xiaowan had a lot of things to go back, so after saying a few words with everyone, she hurried back with Ahmad and Zuo.

Gu Xiaowan did not notice that there was an ordinary carriage parked on the side of the road not far away without any movement. From the opened curtain, a person could be vaguely seen.

It was the housekeeper Xia of the Guo family. He looked through the curtain and glanced at Gu Xiaowan, who was well-dressed. He had spotted this man just now when he was in the hall.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, his skin is so creamy, his lips are red and his teeth are white. Between every gesture and action, it is the demeanor of everyone.

Xia Ming was also watching curiously at this moment, and there was a man who looked like a small servant whispered, "Steward Xia, this person is the head of Anping county canonized by the sage."

Xia Ming looked at Gu Xiaowan's back with interest.

Tsk tut amazed: "This person doesn't know what it was like in the capital, saying that she is a vulgar country village girl, vulgar, yellowish and thin, and the story is how ugly and ugly. But I found that this person was talking Not bad, everything is elegant and refined, and it is no different from the eldest ladies in the capital!"

Thinking of some people in Beijing muttering this Anping county lord behind their backs, Xia Ming felt funny. When the young man on the side saw this, he hurriedly asked: "Housekeeper Xia, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing! Go back to the capital, the master is still waiting for us to reply!" Xia Ming put down the curtain and said with a smile.

The head of Anping County is so good. When the time comes to the capital, many interesting things will happen!

Jinfu Tower is about to reopen, and there are still many things. Although Gu Xiaowan also wants to reopen Jinfu Tower tomorrow, the problem lies ahead. If it is not resolved, Jinfu Tower will not be able to open at all.

The first one is to solve the human problem.

Last time, Lu Tao captured most of the younger brothers in Jinfulou, and all those younger brothers in the cell except Xiaoliangzi betrayed themselves.

Although Gu Xiaowan didn't blame them for such people, Gu Xiaowan would never hire them again.

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