"Yes, it was the criminal planner. He was the one who told me the secret room method. He told me to book this hotel and just do as he said."

Hanai said honestly.

After hearing what Hanai said, Koshimizu Nanatsuki chuckled.

"I was wondering why this secret room felt so familiar, it turned out to be the work of that guy"

"I followed him here. Now it seems that he must have stayed in this hotel temporarily, so he took advantage of the hotel's uniqueness to create a secret room."

As she said this, she turned around and reminded Bai Masong,

"Bai Ma, you better be careful, he might come to Tokyo just for you."

Bai Masong said with a cold smile,

"It's just a cockroach that hides in the dark."

The others were a little confused, as if these two people already knew the identity of the criminal planner.

Sato Miwako then asked directly,

"Who is that guy you are talking about?"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu explained.

"He is the high school detective that Bai Ma and I exposed. After he fell from grace, he took pleasure in committing crimes and called himself a criminal planner."

"Because all his creations were murders in closed rooms, he was also called the closed room planner."................................................————————————————————

At dusk, in an abandoned factory.

A red car drove in, stopped, and a long-haired woman got out.

After the woman got out of the car, she looked around and walked into the factory.

A few minutes later, a black Porsche 356A with the license plate"Shinjuku 54 み43-68" also drove in.

Gin and Vodka got out.

Gin had a cigarette in his mouth, his left hand casually in his pocket, and walked into the factory with Vodka.

The long-haired woman heard the footsteps of the two people coming in, and turned to look over.

Seeing the long-haired woman, Gin spoke first,

"Miyano Akemi, are your people ready?"

Miyano Akemi avoided the question and asked Gin instead,

"Gin, if I help the organization do this, will you let me and my sister go?"

After hearing what Miyano Akemi said, Gin and Vodka both sneered.

Are they laughing at Miyano Akemi for being too naive, or at her for not knowing the importance of her sister in the organization?

Gin said in a cold tone,

"You have no room for refusal"

""Wait until you really put 1 billion yen in front of me, then we can talk."

Yes, she had no room to refuse. No matter what, she had to take her sister out of the organization, so she could only agree to Gin's request.

Miyano Akemi gritted her teeth and begged again,

"Can you please let me see my sister again? Just once, please?"

"Miyano Akemi, don't think too much!"

Gin scolded coldly.

"When you complete the organization's mission, you two sisters will have plenty of time to meet."

"Big brother is right!" Vodka echoed.

Gin's refusal made Miyano Akemi feel even more bad.

Miyano Akemi wanted to say something, but Gin didn't give her a chance to speak.

His time is very precious. He was able to take the time to come here today for the sake of the 1 billion yen.

Gin turned around and was about to leave, and Vodka followed immediately.

When they reached the factory gate, Gin turned back and reminded,

"After you finish your work, remember to clean up the mess."

After saying that, without waiting for Miyano Akemi to answer, he got on his Porsche 356A.

Miyano Akemi was in a complicated mood at this time. Gin's attitude made her even more uncertain about whether she could take her sister away from the organization this time.

At this moment, she remembered what her sister said to her when they met last time.——

"Sister, I heard that Tequila and Chianti were caught by a policeman some time ago. I haven't seen the organization so embarrassed for a long time......................................."

Maybe, I can——————————But my sister's safety——————————...........................................................................................................

Three days later, in the morning, at the Mika Siling Bank,

Conan sat in the bank lobby with a bored look on his face, reading the little yellow book in his hand.

"Conan, sorry to have kept you waiting."

Xiaolan's voice made Conan raise his head.

He looked up and saw Xiaolan and Maori Kogoro coming over.

""Has the detective fee been deposited?"

Conan asked with a smile.

Listening to Conan's words, Maori Kogoro shook the passbook in his hand and smiled.

"Of course, I saved a lot of money! I have to fill up my bankbook!"

"Ah, that's great, let's find a place to have lunch!"

Conan said happily.

Conan's words really touched Maori Kogoro's heart, he grinned and said,

""Okay, okay, I haven't had a good drink at noon for a long time!"

In Maori Kogoro's mind, eating is synonymous with drinking.


Xiaolan said dissatisfiedly.

"We are still talking about lunch!"


Maori Kogoro coughed twice and changed the subject.

"I have to change a new passbook!" Then he walked to a bank window.

Maori Kogoro walked, looking around, and finally found a window that looked very white and tender.

He walked up, touched his hair, smiled and said gentlemanly,

"Sorry to bother you, could you please exchange my passbook for a new one? Thank you."

��I know, the lady opposite said, pointing to the team next to her.

"I'm very sorry, sir, please go to the queue next to you and get a number. You can come to check in after your number is received."

"Um, is it true that I can’t process it without queuing up?"

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