"Yes, but.................."

Officer Megure still looked confused and asked,

"Then how can this plastic bottle get in?"

Bai Masong said to the manager calmly without saying much.

"Please open the door"


The manager replied.

The manager took out the key, inserted it into the door lock, and twisted it.

This key is the real key. For convenience, the key just now is the key of other doors. Although the keys are different, they are the same size.


The manager opened the door, and heard a"swish" sound. The plastic bottle that was stuck in the door was pulled back by the strong elastic kinetic energy of the rubber band in an instant.

The speed at which the plastic bottle was pulled back was so fast that no one could see it clearly!

Only a white stream of light flashed, and the plastic bottle disappeared.

Officer Megure was stunned. He hurried into the bedroom, and everyone who was anxious to see the result followed him.

When they entered the bedroom, they really saw a plastic bottle with a key, lying quietly next to the pillow with a long knife.

Bai Masong already knew the result, so he walked over calmly.

At this time, everyone looked at Bai Masong with admiration. This was especially true for Yueshui Nanatsuki. She had already thought of the complete method when Bai Masong was halfway through.

However, the more so, the more she felt that this method was very exquisite, and the more she admired Bai Masong.

If it were her, she would probably be able to think of it, but not so quickly.

At this time, Bai Masong only said lightly,

"The first clue is the long knife on the body of the deceased. This long knife is responsible for cutting the rubber band that formed a loop, causing the plastic bottle to fall."

"The second clue is a plastic bottle with a ring containing a key. This is to increase the difficulty of the secret room, and at the same time use the ring to return the plastic bottle."

"The third clue, the open lattice window, is to allow the rubber band and weight to pass through so that they can leave the room with the clue."

"The fourth clue is that the victim fell between the lattice window and the bedroom door to ensure that the rubber band would not be cut by the long knife when it was stretched."

"The fifth clue is that the tape recorder playing the scream is to attract everyone's attention and let everyone open the door. At the same time, the scream can also cover up the sound of the plastic bottle rubbing against the blanket and the sound of the weight falling to the ground."

"The sixth clue is that the one centimeter carpet in the room is to reduce the friction sound of the plastic bottle, making it difficult for you who come in to notice it."

"The seventh clue is that the seven-centimeter carpet in the corridor can cover the plastic bottles hidden outside the door."

"The eighth clue is that there is a gap under the door of the suite, allowing the rubber band to pass through"

"Ninth, the lights in the suite were turned off. The lights in the corridor were on, but the lights in the room were turned off so that people who just entered the room could not see the movement of the plastic bottles clearly."

"At the same time, this is also the reason why the murderer must choose to commit the crime at night."

"Because the room was lit during the day, the movement of the plastic bottle could not be concealed, and his trick would be seen through at a glance!"

Bai Masong analyzed the nine clues he had summarized one by one according to the secret room technique, and everyone nodded repeatedly.

After this explanation, everyone basically understood this technique completely.

At this time, Inspector Megure asked again

"Brother Bai Ma, we have cracked the secret room, but who is the murderer?"

Faced with the question from Inspector Megure, Bai Ma Song smiled and looked at the three people on the same floor who were listed as suspects: Hanai, Kimura, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

"The murderer must ensure that the door of President Murakami's room must be opened tonight, but screaming is not necessarily a guarantee."

"At this time, he must call the hotel front desk and ask them to open the door."

"So, the murderer is——Mr. Hanai"


Everyone looked at Hanai.

At this time, Hanai's face was completely pale. He stammered and explained,

"No, not me, you, what evidence do you have?................................"

"Evidence, huh?"

Bai Masong interrupted coldly.

"As for the evidence, the rubber band is very thin, and passing it through the grid and tying it are delicate tasks, and you can't do it with gloves."

"Even if you remember to wipe them off afterwards, the lattice window is so small that you can't wipe off the weights on the outside, and your fingerprints will definitely be on it."

"How about it, do you want to check it?"

When Bai Masong said that he didn't wear gloves, he was already desperate.

Because he really didn't wear gloves, and he wasn't that careful. Not to mention the fingerprints on the rubber band outside, he didn't wipe them off.

Hua Jing couldn't bear it anymore. He slid down, cried bitterly, and knelt down to confess his guilt.

"I am the secretary of President Murakami. I am loyal to him, but..........................................................................(A thousand words are omitted here because the author is too lazy to think of the motive for the crime)"

Bai Masong and the others listened to the murderer's complaints in silence. When Hanai finished speaking, Officer Megure also said to Takagi Wataru,

"Gao Mu, handcuff him and take him away"


Takagi Shige immediately came over and handcuffed Hanai.

""Um, officer, officer!"

After being handcuffed, Hua Jing suddenly started yelling at Bai Ma Song.

Bai Ma Song's eyes turned cold, and he walked over, clenching his right fist slightly.

"What, you want to resist?"

Hua Jing felt Bai Masong's murderous aura and shook his head hurriedly.

"No, no, what I want to say is that this secret room technique was not created by me, someone told me about it!"


Inspector Megure asked hurriedly when he heard this.

"Are you telling the truth? Come on, who told you that?"

Huai hesitated for a moment and did not answer, but asked,

"Officer, can I get a reduced sentence if I say this?"

"You surrender yourself."

Bai Masong said coldly.

Hua Jing no longer hesitated and said directly,

"I wanted to kill the president, so I asked someone to consult me, and finally found a man called a criminal planner."

Criminal planner?

Shiramasatsu and Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at each other.

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