The fairy is fierce

Chapter 14: A Dream


The heavy rain pounded on the old roof, and the cold wind blew in through the cracks in the doors and windows, making a soft creaking sound.

The four walls of the house were bare except for an old plank bed and a medicine bowl on the floor.

The young man in linen clothes huddled in the thin quilt, his face was pale, his lips were purple, and his forehead was covered with sweat.


As a muffled thunder sounded from the window, the deafening sound woke up the unconscious young man.

First, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then he rolled up from the bed and looked to the left and right. The unfamiliar environment came into view, and his dark eyes showed confusion.

Have I traveled through time?

He felt dizzy, and after trying hard to recall, physical memories flooded into his mind intermittently.

My name is Liu Dazhuang, and I am the legitimate son of the Liu family, a famous martial arts family in Huangfeng County. My parents died when I was young, and my family property was deprived of me by the patriarch, until I lived on the street penniless...

What kind of start is this?

In order to hold a grudge, I have devoted myself to practicing swordplay since I was a child. I have achieved a little bit. Three days ago, I accidentally blocked the horse of a rich man. I got into a quarrel with someone because of my martial arts skills. In the end, I didn't fight, so I said harshly, "three years." In the end, I will definitely...', before he could finish his words, he was beaten half to death again...

Am I mentally retarded?

The young man was a little stunned. He turned around and looked at the room with four walls. He couldn't help but thought to himself:

Other time-travelers are either rich or powerful, and they are also unparalleledly handsome. They have a lot of luck, and they can be masters, apprentices, sisters, aunts and nieces together. How come I...

No, it seems like I am too...

Before the young man finished sighing, he realized something was wrong, and then the memories deep in his soul quickly broke through the restriction and flooded into his mind crazily...

A little earlier.

As the sky dawned, Zuo Lingquan got up from his quiet bed. After getting dressed, they left the inn together and headed outside Tianying Castle to find the person in charge to meet him.

The Huangliang Blessed Land will affect the soul. For safety reasons, Jingxun and Qiu Tao under the jade steps were on standby outside. Only Zuo Lingquan and Miss Qiu went in to investigate.

Although Zheng Yu is greedy for money, he is really reliable in his work. The contact person has been waiting by the stone path up the mountain from Tianying Castle for a long time.

Zuo Lingquan and Miss Qiu took out the signs. The other party didn't ask anything, and they just took them up the mountain path, bypassing the towering fortress above, and came to the back of Tianying Fort.

Because he came in through the back door, he didn't meet anyone else on the way. After walking over the mountains and ridges for about a quarter of an hour, he arrived at the back mountain of Tianying Castle, where a huge cave appeared in front of him.

The stone cave is similar to the Soul Cave in the Barren Mountain. It is very large in scale and the buildings outside also show a grand style. You can still smell the faint fragrance outside.

Zuo Lingquan did not relax his vigilance and followed the leader into the cave. After walking for a long time, he came to a bottomless fork deep underground.

The stone walls of the fork are covered with green vines, with green leaves and light yellow flowers. The environment is quite good. Not far away, there is a stone room for monks to retreat.

Zuo Lingquan estimated that the prisoner he was looking for was in a stone room underground. However, since the people from Tianying Castle were present, it was not easy for him to search, so he and Miss Qiu entered the stone room together and closed their eyes in the stone room filled with the fragrance of flowers. Sit cross-legged and wait for the person leading the way to leave.

The monk who led the way showed good service and said:

"Whatever knots you have in your heart, just recall them in your mind. When you wake up from the dream, even if you don't resolve the knots, you can solidify your state of mind."

Zuo Lingquan and Miss Qiu nodded.

Originally, Zuo Lingquan was just pretending to meditate and did not enter samadhi, but this 'blessed land of yellow beams' was indeed extraordinary. He had already come here before he felt anything strange.

Zuo Lingquan stood in the shabby house with bare walls, looking at his completely different body, he couldn't help but be surprised.

He knew that this was just a dream he had while sitting in the stone room, but the house he was currently in, as well as the body's perception and listening feedback, were all the same as reality. If he hadn't been able to feel his true body, he would have definitely been able to 'wake up' at any time, and he would have been able to 'wake up' at any time. I really thought I was in an inexplicable different world again.

Such a real dream naturally made Zuo Lingquan a little curious. He raised his hand and pinched his own cheek. The result...


Zuo Lingquan took a breath and became more and more surprised in his heart. If he didn't have the Taoism of Jade Level and his soul was not strong enough, he might really live his whole life again in a dream.

It seems that Tianying Castle is not all trying to deceive people by charging such a sky-high price...

But why do you want to give me such a bloody life experience?

Could it be that my regret is that I have never experienced hard times?

Am I sick?

Zuo Lingquan didn't believe that his regret could be so strange. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that this should be a common template for strong men in spiritual practice. If nothing else happened, there would be a big opportunity around him that would greatly enhance his skill and avenge his shame.

When Zuo Lingquan saw that Miss Qiu didn't call him in reality, he tried to search in the house. After searching for a long time, he found a wooden sword leaning against the door.

When Zuo Lingquan picked up the wooden sword, he felt a little like he was in another world. After all, it was the first time in his life that he was holding a sword, and he was holding a wooden sword that he had sharpened by himself.

Because he saw that this yellow beam cave could see into the heart, in order to prevent being spied on by interested people, Zuo Lingquan clung to his soul and stopped recalling the past. He hung his sword on his waist and wanted to open the door to see the scene outside, but...


A door fell down in front of me and fell into the courtyard dam broken by the heavy rain. Two more cracks appeared on the already numerous cracks.

"This place is quite real..."

Zuo Lingquan looked at the tattered wooden door that had fallen into the rain, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart. Not only did the scene look fake, but the hunger that he had not experienced in several years actually came to mind.

Looking up, he saw that he was in a strange, run-down courtyard with weeds everywhere. Only a wooden man with sword marks standing in the corner of the courtyard.

Zuo Lingquan looked around and found that he couldn't find an umbrella in the dilapidated house, so he covered his head with his hands and walked out of the yard to the same dilapidated alley outside.

The rain was heavy and the alley was deserted. Zuo Lingquan thought that there was no one else in the dream, but he didn't expect that after walking a little, a courtyard door next to him opened, and a short and fat man ran out and grabbed him. Pulled under the eaves:

"Dazhuang, are you alive? I thought you wouldn't make it..."

Zuo Lingquan was speechless when he heard this weird name. He was dreaming anyway, so he followed his heart and slapped the little fat man on the back of his head:

"Go aside."? !

The little fat man's reaction was very real. He was stunned at first, then looked stunned, covered his head and said:

"I care about you, but you hit me?! We have a close friendship. I dragged you back here the day before yesterday despite my own death. We used to peek at Widow Zhang taking a bath together, and I always asked you to step on my shoulders..."

Zuo Lingquan was also stunned. As the little fat man told him, the messy memories were really brought back. He learned that this fat man's name was Cheng Yue, and he risked his life to fight him back from the street a few days ago.

But Zuo Lingquan thought that these memories had really happened. When he tried to recall the scene of peeking at the widow taking a bath, he found that the scene of the widow taking a bath was blurry and could not be remembered at all!

Through this, Zuo Lingquan was convinced that these vague memories were all fabricated.

Because no man can choose to forget the scene of peeping at a widow taking a bath. Normally, he would remember it for a lifetime.

Although this paradise of yellow beams is extremely mysterious and can be confused with the real, it is still full of loopholes like paper in the face of the pure pursuit of reality.

Thinking of this, Zuo Lingquan not only felt a sense of superiority that he shouldn't have.

Of course, it could also be that the 'widow's bath' was a paid content, and he didn't pay enough, and the Sky Eagle Castle was not a good person to get it out.

But this also shows that the vague memories about this place are false.

Zuo Lingquan carefully observed the little fat man's expression. He was really curious about how capable this yellow beam land was, so he answered:

"You are so fat, I must have stepped on your shoulders. If you stepped on my shoulders, I would have to lie down on the spot."

The little fat man Cheng Yue said: "One code is another code. Is it true that I will carry you back? People in Jianghu are very cautious. If you are not grateful, you will beat me..."

"Thank you very much. Let's go and see Widow Zhang take a shower. We didn't see her clearly last time.

"Do you still want to watch a woman take a bath?"

Cheng Yue said with a sad face: "I heard that Bai Daozhuang has hired someone, and Miss Huang, whom we miss dearly, will be forced to get married. Aren't you anxious?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't even know Miss Huang, so he was naturally not in a hurry:

"You get married when you get married. A man should be able to hold it and put it down, but it's more important to watch the widow take a bath."

"Da Zhuang!"

Wang Yue's eyes showed indignation: "How did you become like this? You used to admire Miss Huang so much. When someone passed by in a carriage, you had to run over and sneak through it at night..."


These profiteers from Tianying Castle...

When Zuo Lingquan heard this, he lost interest even more: "Let bygones be bygones, I just want something exciting now, let's go, let's go..."

Wang Yue pulled Zuo Lingquan: "Dazhuang, you must have been hurt and your temperament has changed greatly. I know you have not forgotten Miss Huang. Let's go to the Huang family to steal someone now..."

"Stealing someone?"

"Just kidnap Miss Huang and run away. Miss Huang definitely doesn't want to get married. This is our opportunity. Although you are not good-looking, your martial arts is not good, and your family background is not good, you are confident! Miss Huang will definitely not dislike it. You. Even if I dislike you, you won’t dislike me..."


Zuo Lingquan looked down at his dirty clothes, shook his head and sighed: "That's all, let's not disgust other girls..."

"Dazhuang!" Wang Yue said heartbrokenly: "I don't allow you to talk about yourself like this! Have you forgotten your father and mother's hatred? Have you forgotten our ambitions?"

Zuo Lingquan's parents are here, what kind of hatred can they have? He waved his hand and said: "Forget it, I'm leaving, bye."

After saying that, he walked towards the entrance of the alley, looked around, and continued to study this fake place.

Wang Yue stood at the door of the yard, looking at the leaving figure, with obvious confusion and disappointment in his eyes.

But this emotion quickly disappeared. At the entrance of the alley, three men suddenly ran in, holding knives in their hands. They saw Zuo Lingquan standing in the middle of the alley and cursed angrily:

"You bastard, are you still fucking dead? Beat me. You dare to contradict my young master..."

dong dong dong

There were rapid footsteps, and two fierce thugs rushed up from behind. ? ?

To be honest, Zuo Lingquan was a little confused. He paid a lot of money to come in and have a dream. He just wanted to watch the widow take a bath and then go out to accompany Miss Qiu to investigate the prisoners. Why did this dream keep happening one after another?

Just now, his life experience was tragic, and now he is just a little villain looking for trouble. Next, could this person appear in front of him as a saint, and the little fat man will be shocked and become a god?

Zuo Lingquan didn't want to follow the same routine in his dream, but he couldn't let it go if others scolded him in his dream.

Seeing that the person coming was rude, Zuo Lingquan's wooden sword came out of his belt and stabbed the leading thug directly.

There is no dazzling zhenqi in this sword, but the aura of great skill and skill is fully displayed.

The man running at the front saw something wrong with Zuo Lingquan's eyes, and paused suddenly, and then...


The wooden sword stabbed the thug in the chest and broke into two pieces on the spot, showing several bug holes in the wood.

Zuo Lingquan kept his sword thrust straight in the heavy rain and thought to himself: Isn't this a great opportunity for the old man? That's it?

Before he could finish his thoughts, the strong man on the opposite side struck him with a knife: "I was shocked..."

Zuo Lingquan couldn't block the knife with his arm and quickly took a few steps back. The fat man stood at the door with a pale face. He was a little timid. When he saw the three thugs rushing up again, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward with the door bolt.

The leading man glared angrily: "Fat Cheng, what do you want to do?"

"I..." Wang Yue took two steps forward and became frightened again: "I will give the bolt to Widow Zhang."


Cheng Yue wanted to leave, but after a moment's hesitation he gritted his teeth and said:

"Fourth Master, for my sake..."

"You have your mother's face!" The leading man saw the little fat man blocking the way and raised his hand to stab him.

Even if Zuo Lingquan realized that these were all fake, seeing the little fat man about to be stabbed still made him show his instinct at this time.

The first thug had just rushed forward, and before he had time to smash down the wooden stick in his hand, he saw the originally non-threatening young man in front of him suddenly showing murderous intent in his eyes. Before he could react, the wooden sword was already stuck in his throat.


There was a dull sound like a blunt instrument.

Zuo Lingquan used the force of thunder to stab the sword in his hand into the person's throat, then pulled it out in a flash, leaving a splash of blood in the alley.

Blood spurted out from the throat. Before it hit the ground, half of the wooden sword had already passed out from under the arm of the undead corpse and hit the thug behind in the eye socket.


There were two muffled sounds in succession, almost at the same time.

The leader, Fourth Master, didn't even have time to turn his eyes when he heard the sound of breaking wind, followed by severe pain in his wrist, and the knife in his hand flew out and was stuck on the wall of the alley.


Two corpses spurting blood slowly fell into the puddle.

Zuo Lingquan sprinkled the blood on his hands, walked forward, and pulled out the knife on the wall.


The fourth master, who was covering his wrist, turned around and saw this scene. His eyes were like bells and he was so frightened that he forgot to run.

Cheng Yue had his eyes closed, but when he heard the noise, he turned around to check. When he saw Zuo Lingquan walking slowly like a cold-faced killer, and two corpses whose blood was gradually melting behind him, he opened his mouth wide and his eyes were filled with shock.


A knife kills the head.

Zuo Lingquan picked up the knife and fell behind. He put the knife between his elbows and wiped away the blood, watching his head roll to the ground:

"Are you going to say next, wow, Da Zhuang, why are you so powerful?"

Cheng Yue wanted to say this, but after he came back to his senses, the shock in his eyes turned into panic, and he slapped his knees suddenly:

"It's over, it's over! Are you crazy? How can you kill someone..."

Zuo Lingquan was also surprised: "They came to chop me, why can't I kill them?"

"They are the people under the young master of Baidao Village. There are 108 swordsmen in Baidao Village, and they are all famous in the world..."

"Then let's go and destroy the family."


The little fat man was stunned. He looked at Zuo Lingquan blankly and pinched his face, wondering if he was dreaming.

Zuo Lingquan was born in Jianghu, and his interest in this kind of joyful Jianghu is not much less than that of Yujian Qianli. Since he is in a dream, Miss Qiu is not in a hurry to call him, so why not make the dream more enjoyable?

He put the knife on his shoulder, grabbed the little fat man by the collar with one hand and walked out:

"Jianghu people must respect their credibility. If they say they want to kill everyone, they will kill everyone. Let's go."

"Hey, if you want to die, don't hold me back. How about we go watch Widow Zhang take a bath..."

"After destroying the family, come back and see. Have you heard of the allusion of warming wine and killing Hua Xiong?"



other side.

Heavy rain fell on the mountainside manor. More than a hundred maids and servants were walking through the corridors. There were many guards armed with weapons and dressed in fancy clothes outside.

In a courtyard at the back of the villa, a maid was waiting outside the door. In the side room, a girl was lying on a canopy bed covered with a thin quilt, with a hot towel placed on her forehead.

The girl's face was pale and her breathing was weak, but soon became rapid again, and then she turned her head up and looked to the left and right with caution, a look of confusion in her eyes.

Where am I...

The girl felt dizzy and forced herself to concentrate for a moment before the 'memories' slowly came into her mind.

I am Cucumber Melon...

What kind of bad name is this?

My father is a famous martial artist, and my mother is a young lady from a famous family. She grew up peacefully. A few days ago, someone suddenly offered me a job. When I learned about it, I was so scared that I fainted from crying...

What is this mess?

The girl didn't believe these memories at all, because she had a strong mind and had never been afraid, let alone fainted from crying.

The moment he noticed something strange, the real memory deep in his soul was awakened.

"This place is pretty awesome..."

Qiu Youyou looked down, then pinched her face with her hands, her eyes showing surprise like Zuo Lingquan's.

She could sense the location of her real body, and she could also detect that Zuo Lingquan was 'by her side', so she thought about cutting off the interference of the soul and breaking away from the dream.

But before Qiu Youyou could make a move, she heard hurried footsteps at the door, and then a woman walked in, her eyes calling urgently:

"Guagua, you finally woke up..."

After Qiu Youyou recovered her soul, those false memories became very blurry, but when she saw the woman's appearance, she could still tell that this was the mother in her dream.

Although the appearance was very strange and there was no sense of closeness due to blood connection, the concern in those eyes was not fake.

Qiu Youyou left her mother when she was very young. She hadn't seen this look in her eyes for who knows how many years. The moment she saw her, she stopped thinking about leaving. Even though she knew it was fake, she still wanted to maintain the illusion for a moment longer.

As for why she dreamed of such a scene, Miss Qiu was not surprised at this time.

When she heard 'regret' in the stone chamber, the first thing she thought of was her mother, but she didn't expect that this Huangliang Cave Heaven could penetrate people's hearts to this extent.

Qiu Youyou felt a little wary in her heart, but she still didn't leave. Instead, she looked at the strange woman in front of her.

The woman sat down in front of her, helped her lie on the pillow, and put the towel back on her forehead:

"Don't sit up and have a good rest. Mom knows you don't want to get married, but Baidaozhuang is too powerful. Coming to propose marriage is a courtesy. If you don't agree, you will be a soldier..."

Qiu Youyou looked into the woman's eyes, her heart filled with longing. Seeing the sad look on her face, she asked casually:

"Did Baidaozhuang threaten you?"

"Baidaozhuang is always ruthless. If you don't agree, there will be disaster sooner or later." The woman wiped Qiu Youyou's forehead and sighed softly:

"This is how Jianghu is, as strong as Morning Dew Peak..."

When Miss Qiu heard this, she immediately came back to her senses: "Morning Dew Peak?"

The woman nodded: "Yes, Huang Nuxia from Chenlu Peak was once known as the best swordsman in the world. After being injured several times, she hid in Huangshan Mountain and did not dare to go out..."

Qiu Youyou frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Chenlu Peak is the name of the main peak of Barren Mountain. She has been away for too long, and even if she mentions it every day, she always talks about it as 'main peak, ancestral hall, and divine fire cave.' She rarely calls the name of the mountain. Unless a woman mentions it, she can't remember it.

If the present is a dream created by Huangliang Blessed Land, then how does Huangliang Blessed Land know this information? If it could be spied out unknowingly, wouldn't it be more powerful than searching for souls?

Qiu Youyou is already in the middle stage of the Jade Stage and has already understood the divine soul. She does not believe that the forged dreams of foreign races can analyze people's hearts so clearly. This has already broken away from the scope of the divine soul technique.

If it is a coincidence, it is too coincidental. You must know that the seal of stealing pills is under Chenlu Peak...

Thinking of this, Qiu Youyou couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart...

Seeing Qiu Youyou in a daze, the woman continued:

"Don't be afraid, women have to get married. Although the young master of Baidao Village is a bit more violent, fortunately he has good looks and strong martial arts skills..."

How could Miss Qiu care about this? She wanted to ask about Chen Lufeng to determine if it was a coincidence.

But before he could think of how to ask, another servant ran outside the door and shouted:

"Madam, madam, it's not good, the young master of Baidaozhuang was slaughtered..."

"What?" The woman was startled and turned around: "The guy I just said was killed...who is so bold?"

"I don't know. The young owner of Baidaozhuang was passing by on horseback on the street. He seemed to have glanced at someone, and then he was chopped down without even pulling out the knife. It is said that the person who came was very arrogant. He was holding a bun in his left hand and a knife in his right hand. While eating and slashing, he also said, 'Didn't you say that you will treat people with admiration after three days of separation?'..."

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