The fairy is fierce

Chapter 13 Walking the Street

The two of them walked out of the inn together, chatting along the way. The first stop must be the spirit animal ration shop in the market.

The dumplings created opportunities for the wet nurse to get on the ship, and she was not polite at all in taking rewards. She had to weigh in two ounces of dried spiritual fruits and dried meat that she had never seen before.

In a foreign land, the various food rations of special products are naturally different from those in the Zhengdao territory, but there are also some taboos. The dried meat of many animals is not sold. The reason is naturally because the northwest is the territory of the demon clan, and the meat of other people's descendants is sold in public. It is bound to arouse the dissatisfaction of the monster giants.

When Miss Qiu saw this scene, she was a little disdainful. She walked to a deserted place and commented:

"The aliens say, 'There is no hierarchy in the way of heaven, and all living beings are equal,' but in fact they are the most hypocritical; their so-called equality is only the equality of meat-eaters, and those races without strong voices are not meat in their mouths. We are the right way, It seems that they are less tolerant than aliens, more like barbarians who prey on the jungle. However, as human beings, we respect the human race. The jungle is only for foreigners. No matter what kind of birds and beasts, we will eat them equally. We are more honest than the aliens. many……"

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and smiled: "What I said, I feel that one is a hypocrite and the other is a real villain, neither of them is good."

Miss Qiu did not deny this: "The right way is the right way of the human race, not the right way of heaven and earth. To heaven and earth, we are the great evil people who bully all races and are superior to all living beings; alien races must take the form of mortals, Carrying out the responsibilities of God is tantamount to denying one's origin and becoming an enemy of the human race. It seems that one has high aspirations and cares about the common people, but in fact it is the way to die. Grandpa once said, if the human race is gone, what else will I have in this world? use?"

When Zuo Lingquan heard this last sentence, he chuckled:

"I finally understand why the old sword god dislikes me."

"Oh? Why?"

"What I'm thinking in my heart is, if my family is gone, what does life and death have to do with me? The way I seek is lower than that of the old sword god, and it's easy to stand on the opposite side.

Miss Qiu might have remembered old things, so she was silent for a moment and then said softly:

"You are all right. Grandpa's actual personality is no different from yours. He cares about his family very much. It's just that his position forces him to do things that disappoint his family but understandable when faced with a dilemma. Just a choice.

"My dad can't do it. He obviously doesn't have the skills of grandpa, so he has to learn from grandpa's temper. If he had half the awareness you have, I might still be in Jiuzong now. Maybe you wouldn't even meet Shangguan Lingye, and I would become a My junior brother."

Although Miss Qiu was only half-joking, the unforgettable experience of her childhood could not be concealed between her brows.

Zuo Lingquan could only sigh softly at this, not knowing how to comfort him for a moment. .

The sudden silence caused Tuantou, who was squatting on Zuo Lingquan's shoulder and pretending to be stupid, to spread his wings. The meaning was probably: I asked you to deceive the nanny. If you don't use sweet words to make the girl happy, why are you talking about all this nonsense? Do you expect 'Qiu Pingping' to burst into grief and cry into your arms?

Zuo Lingquan also felt that the topic was a bit heavy. Fortunately, the two of them were not far from Wanxiangzhai. They arrived outside the shop within two steps, and Miss Qiu also put her mind away.

Wanxiangzhai is quite large, with three floors, and the decoration is magnificent. However, the things sold there can only be described as "not good quality but not cheap". They are all paintings, calligraphy and ornaments, none of which are made by famous artists. , some may have been painted by the owner himself.

There are basically a few shops like this in every market. Most of them are opened by relatives of the market's devotees or big owners. What they sell are not cultural toys, but people and sophistication.

Zuo Lingquan entered the shop. There were some customers inside, most of whom were disciples of aristocratic business families, seeking to see the boss to settle relations.

There was a steward in the hall, because they were all customers who came to ask for help from the boss. The steward's attitude was naturally far from polite. He leaned against the counter and drank tea, turning a blind eye to the two people who came in.

Although the eloquent Taotao was not here, Zuo Lingquan could still handle these small daily contacts. After walking around the hall, he asked:

"Fellow Taoist, may I ask if Dong Zheng's family is in the store?"

The steward, who was in his early forties, responded directly:

"If you meet an older person on the spiritual path, you should call him an elder."

Zuo Lingquan wanted to reply: "What if I can't do it?", but it was too reckless to do investigation work, so he continued:

"My companions and I want to enter Huangliang Blessed Land for retreat. We heard that Zheng Dong's family has connections. Can the Immortal Chief inform us?"

The steward's eyes signaled to the Wenwan in the hall: "My boss is so elegant. I don't need one or two fairy coins. When I see guests, I only see fellow guests."

The meaning of this statement is obviously that I want to buy something as a stepping stone.


Zuo Lingquan was not surprised by this. Doing this kind of business is all about making money, so there is no reason why he has such evil intentions. He turned around and looked around the lobby. He could see that there were many fairy portraits hanging on the walls. The painters could not be said to be lifelike, but at least they looked like human beings.

Zuo Lingquan came to the scroll to observe. Although he didn't realize that he didn't recognize the people in the portrait, he still figured out who it was. After all, there were famous names written in the lower left corner and the seal of the shop owner Zheng Yu.

Just like the Zhengdao site, no matter how big the background of the Xianjia shop is, they dare not hang up the beautiful picture of the Immortal Lord on the top of their mountain. There is no picture of Mei Jinshui on the wall; but Zuo Lingquan looked around and saw it. The words 'Valkyrie'.

Although Shangguan Yutang is the Immortal Lord on the opponent's side and is an 'evil devil' to the foreigners, the Immortal Lord's identity and reputation as someone not to be trifled with are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and no one in the world dares to make fun of him.

Judging from the fine brushwork of the portrait, the owner of the shop painted it quite solemnly, and the background and even the mounting were more formal, without any glamor at all. The only shortcoming was that the painting did not look like a real person.

The person who wrote the painting must have never seen the Valkyrie with his own eyes. The woman in the portrait is a version that the world made up based on rumors and rumors. It conforms to ordinary people's impression of a strong woman - tall figure, slender limbs, ice-cold face, and cool temperament.

To put it simply, she looks similar to Miss Qiu. Her breasts are much smaller than the ancestor's, her waist and hip curves are not as hot, and her eyes are not as powerful as the ancestor's.

Of course, this is not to say that Miss Qiu has a bad figure, but that the ancestor is really tall and takes advantage of her body shape, and her status brings an absolute crushing temperament, which is enough to eclipse any woman standing next to her in the world. The only The only one who can arm-wrestle is Mei Jinsui.

Miss Qiu had never seen Shangguan Yutang in person. After looking at the portrait for a while, she asked:

"What does the Valkyrie look like?"

Zuo Lingquan shook his head: "The real person is much prettier than the portrait."

Although Miss Qiu 'knew' that the Valkyrie was not interested in Zuo Lingquan, she suspected that Zuo Lingquan had some thoughts about the Valkyrie and asked again:

"How beautiful is it?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't even think about it, and just said something eloquent: "There are beauties in the East, peerless and independent; one smile can captivate a city, and another smile captivates a country."

Miss Qiu was stunned for a moment, evaluated it carefully, and nodded slightly:

"What a literary talent. You are the first person who dares to comment on the Valkyrie's appearance and call her a 'beautiful woman' after the nine sects have been in alliance for three thousand years."

Zuo Lingquan felt that there was something in Miss Qiu's words, so he responded with a smile; "Miss Qiu is not the same as the beauty of the city, the appearance of the iceberg. Others dare not praise her, and it's not that she is not good-looking. Could it be that I am wrong if I praise her honestly? "

"How can I compare with the Valkyrie?"

Miss Qiu obviously took advantage of the compliment. After muttering something softly, she went elsewhere.

Tuanzi raised his little paw, seemingly wanting to kick Zuo Lingquan, but what he actually meant was a thumbs up.

Zuo Lingquan raised his hand and patted it, asking Tuanzi to pretend to be stupid, and continued to buy toys with no origin. In the end, after picking and choosing, he bought the pirated portrait of the ancestor. The price was higher than the real thing and it looked like the real thing.

After spending some unjust money as a stepping stone, Zuo Lingquan successfully met Zheng Yu, the owner of the shop.

Zheng Yu is the distant nephew of Zheng Jian, the chief steward of Tianying Castle. He is greedy for money and arty. There is nothing to say. His only advantage is that he has enough money and can do things quickly.

After Zuo Lingquan complimented Zuo Lingquan on his painting skills and paid for the incense to enter the blessed land, Zheng Yu didn't even ask about his identity and background and started making arrangements directly. Zuo Lingquan, who went through the process smoothly, even doubted whether it was a fraud or intentional. Asked:

"Don't Zheng Dong's family ask about our origins? What if we two are evil heretics and enter the blessed land to cause destruction?"

Zheng Yu's answer was very straightforward: "Whoever you say is not a heretic, I will only accept money. If you give me enough money, even if you are a spy sent from the east and want to destroy Tianying Castle, I will turn a blind eye." "Eye, businessmen are based on integrity, this is called 'morality'."

Zheng Yu's words were joking, but he was not lying, because the people who could enter the blessed land through the back door from him were 100% invisible, 90% of them had enmity with the Supervisor Temple, and 10% were wanted by the entire alien race. If you really check the unscrupulous wild cultivator, this kind of business will not be possible at all.

As for destroying Tianying Fort, if Zuo Lingquan has this ability, Zheng Yu would be seeking death if he dares to investigate; if he doesn't have this ability, what can he do if he is let in?

But Zheng Yu probably didn't expect it, and Zuo Lingquan didn't tell lies either.

Facing such a highly enlightened alien monk, Zuo Lingquan couldn't say any more words of praise except "Refreshingly". He took a sign and agreed to enter the blessed land at 10 o'clock tomorrow, and then returned to the inn with Miss Qiu...

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