The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1054: Big One Camp

Cecilia said: "It was not the monsters under the ground that killed Earl Denton, but a group of humans! Their armor bears the aristocratic family emblem of Bethlehem. Nicholas IV also knew the importance of this scene, and he By speaking, let the court painter restore as much of the scene as possible, and let me bring it to you to watch. "

Cecilia handed over a scroll.

Bai Xiaowen unrolled the scroll. This is a painting that depicts the scene before the death of Count Denton-exactly what Nicholas IV saw and remembered.

There are many blank spots in the scene, which are obviously unqualified from the overall view of the painting. However, this was also the request of Nicholas IV. He asked the artist to draw only what he really remembered, without any modification and completion, so as not to interfere with Bai Xiaowen's judgment.

The most obvious and impressive one is a bull-like young man wearing a noble armor with the emblem of Bethlehem, blood dripping from his sword, and a lazy smile on his face. For expressiveness.

The appearance of others is not so clear, and their positions are relatively backward.

"It appears to be this man who has killed Earl Denton."

Bai Xiaowen asserted, "Since it is a nobleman of the Bethulwe family, the Gorse Empire should also have a record. Who is this person?"

"It is the eldest son of the Duke of Bethlehem, Auguste Bethune," Cecilia said. "It is strange to say that this Auguste has always been mediocre and has nothing to highlight. If it was not this time, the Duke of Bethlehem Severely ill, how could he not be able to preside over territorial affairs ... but after Augustus took control of the territorial powers, he showed an excellent ability to organize the territorial affairs in an orderly manner. This time he killed Count Denton. And even more powerful personal force. "

Qiao Rui aside said: "This is probably a fake."

"Yeah, I also don't think he is the original, it should be the Awakener's identity. Being able to cut in as the eldest son of the Duke of Real Power, this ticket is not ordinary." Li Shuyi also expressed her views.

Bai Xiaowen frowned.

It is clear that Auguste is the awakening. What made Bai Xiaowen think was a deeper problem.

The other players held their breaths and did not want to disturb Bai Xiaowen's thinking.

After a long time, Bai Xiaowen exhaled and said, "Things are a bit big. We are facing more than just the Awakening Five."

Facing everyone's astonished eyes, Bai Xiaowen continued to express his judgment: "There should be two possibilities for the hostile awakening who currently appears on Kane's plane."

"First, the other party is composed of three teams of awakenings who are not under one's control. There is cooperation and competition between them, but the common goal is to unify them."

"The basis for supporting this kind of inference is that we know that the old aristocratic faction cut in, and there should also be an underground monster camp. In order to compete for the contribution of the battle to kill Earl Denton, the underground monster camp launched impatiently The raid, but before the battle, Count Denton had prepared ahead of time ... this shows that someone had secretly reminded him through some channel. "

"Who is the reminder? Since it is not our side, it is likely to be the awakener of the old aristocracy camp, who wants to defeat Denton and does not want him to die in the hands of the awakener of the monster camp underground. In Earl Denton After fleeing, the old school aristocrat, that is, this Auguste, led the people to kill him, and took the great unification into his pocket. "

"This shows that the awakeners in the underground monster camp compete with the awakeners in the old aristocratic camp, so there are at least two awakened teams. We have previously inferred that the Central Province still has awakeners lurking."

"In the case of two teams competing, no one team will dilute their own strength and be sent to the central provinces. Then the awakeners of the central provinces should also form their own team, perhaps with the old nobility camp. Maybe the team has reached a war alliance. "

Bai Xiaowen explained it in detail, and his teammates understood it.

"What's that second possibility?" Cecilia listened to God, and when Bai Xiaowen closed her mouth, she asked.

"The second is the situation that I am most worried about."

Bai Xiaowen took a breath and said, "There are no three teams, but a huge awakening team! This awakening team has a clear division of labor and should use at least three high-level tickets. When choosing to cut in, they chose the underground world respectively. , The old school aristocracy and the central province aristocracy! The goal of this huge team is to promote the unification of Kane's plane and promote the evolution of all members! "

"It's ... is it possible? The ticket in the spirit world is a random match plane world. It is difficult for the awakening members of the entire huge team to match the Kane plane." Li Shuyi said.

"It's really difficult, but it doesn't mean it can't be done."

Bai Xiaowen sighed: "People like us who are ignorant of the rules of the spiritual world can find out how to increase the success rate of matching by locating items. Those powerful forces with deep heritage and long-term heritage must be more perfect."

"But you also said that the awakening team of the underground world camp competes with the awakening of the old school aristocracy ..." Li Shuyi said.

"That's right, but judging from the results, this degree of competition is not considered vicious competition, because the ending of the entire army of Earl Denton and the Imperial Vanguard has not changed. The difference is only the killer, which is contributed by the war. Attribution. The calculation of such a degree within a large team is within acceptable limits. "

"No matter what kind of speculation, there are two things in common. First, the other party has a large number of people, and second, the other party's ultimate goal is to unify." Qiao Rui gave a summary.

"For us, there are still obvious differences between the two situations. The most critical point is who will complete the unification?"

Bai Xiaowen said, "Unification can only have one camp in the end. Is the underground monster unified Kane or the old nobility? If the opposing teams are relatively independent, then there will definitely be internal struggles. However, I prefer the latter It is speculated that several teams from the other side belong to the same large team. "

Qiao Rui said: "If it is a large team, then the unity camp they choose should be the old school aristocracy."

"Why?" Li Shuyi and Cecilia both began to inquire ~ ~ Han Xu listened carefully, and then made stuffy gourds.

"Because of the contribution of Earl Denton's killing, he eventually fell on the awakener of the old school aristocracy camp." Qiao Rui pointed to the most prominent young man on the scroll, Auguste.

"Yes, this August should be the leader of the team. He can calculate the team members and **** the kill contribution, but not the other way round. The faction chosen by the team leader when they cut in must be their default. Great Unification Camp! "

Bai Xiaowen said with emotion: "This Auguste has great ambitions."

Qiao Rui nodded: "The old school aristocracy should be the weakest of the three camps. If you can counterattack successfully, complete the unification, and your contribution will break through the sky ... even if there are so many awakenings participating in the contribution sharing, At the head level, he should also be able to obtain at least rare professional books on the leader level. Luck is better, and the lord may be uncertain. "

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