The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1053: Count Denton's Oath Stone

"This is indeed a problem. The regular forces of the Imperial Army are a bit stronger ... I mean compared to the private army of Bethouwe."

Auguste said with a little headache, "Although special training has been given to the gang of waste, it is still too difficult for them to have a combat force comparable to the regular legion of the empire in just a dozen days. Moreover, the monsters in the underground world There aren't enough of them at the moment to fight the regular legions of the Empire. "

"Yes, so we must first get rid of the nail that the empire broke into Xisha Province." Andre said.

"You mean Count Denton?"

Auguste Haha laughed: "This is easy to handle. Although Bethou's private army is weak, it is enough to make cannon fodder. When I rush out to kill Denton, the Imperial Vanguard will certainly be defeated."

This tactic is suitable for situations where the enemy commander is not strong. It would be impossible for Nicholas IV to rule the Empire, because Auguste knew that he couldn't charge a lord.

"It's not difficult to defeat Denton, after all, it's just a rare leader. But how can Denton make use of it?" Andre shook his head.

"Using Danton's value?" Auguste yanked his chin. "Well, then change the tactics, secretly kill Danton, and then disguise the deformed monster. While Nicholas IV has just arrived, there is no defense, and he is overcast As long as Nicholas IV is seriously injured, I have the confidence to defeat the Empire. "

"No." Andre shook his head.

"Why?" August is a good-hearted protagonist. According to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms he has watched, all the protagonists who have been conceited have succeeded, and those who don't listen to counsellors are finished.

His favorite Bofu Sun died early because he didn't listen to counselors' advice.

Andre explained: "First of all, when the Gorse Empire investigated the deformed monsters in the Central Province, it had expanded the scope of the investigation, and even the heirs were under investigation! That is to say, their prevention mentality in this respect It is very heavy. For the first time, the count Count Denton will be closely investigated, and this plan is difficult to work. "

After a pause, Andre said, "And most importantly, I don't want Nicholas IV to die like this."

Auguste tilted her head: "I don't understand."

"Nicholas IV died and the empire was scattered. Who will help us consume the strength of the monster empire underground?" Andrea sighed. "The current Kane can be seen as a three-legged empire. The Gorse Empire, the strongest, It ’s like Cao Mengde who dominates the north; the monsters below the ground are currently inferior, just like Jiang Dong and Sun Zhongmou, and our weakest strength can be seen as the poor Liu Xuande before the Chibi War. "

"In the Chibi War, Cao Mengde was originally captured by Zhuge Kongming, but when he deployed, he intentionally arranged Guan Yunchang in Huarongdao, why?"

Andre asked and answered, "Because he didn't want Cao Mengde to die. Assuming that Cao Mengde wasn't suppressed and Sun Zhongmou was not suppressed by anyone, it would inevitably grow rapidly. Liu Xuande at that time had no strength to compete with it."

Andre sighed, and it was no easy task to be August's think tank, and he had to do what he wanted. Knowing that Auguste liked the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Andrea also forced himself to read it, so that both became the Three Kingdoms Pass.

To borrow the analogy of the Three Kingdoms is often a shortcut to persuade Auguste.

"Well, I think you're right, Nicholas IV should be better alive." Auguste quickly nodded.

"To deal with Pioneer of Count Denton, let Carmel attack with monsters in the underworld," Andre said. "In a short period of time, it is in our favor for both sides to consume."

"Carmel? That native Earth?"

Auguste frowned. "Isn't this giving her the war contribution? Count Denton is also an important plot character."

When it comes to the contribution of the unification process, August becomes very sensitive.

"With the bait of Count Denton, don't worry that Carmel will not do his best. As for the contribution of the war, don't worry, I already have arrangements." Andrea's pale face showed a smile of bamboo in his chest.

"Well, just do what you say. By the way, quickly kill the old duke, I don't have to come here every day to waste two hours of escort." Auguste whispered.

"Can't be anxious, at least until the squad leader has mastered the power of the Bethlehem leader before he can let the old duke ascend to the sky. Now, it is enough to keep him in a coma that is seriously ill and cannot be a director. You should be superficial. The mouths of other aristocrats must be blocked in order to rightfully control power. "


Jinghai Base City, Chaoshen Guild Building.

At the appointed time, Cecilia was called back to Earth again.

This time, the news she brought was even more amazing.

"Count Denton is dead? The vanguard of the Empire is defeated?"

Bai Xiaowen digested this information and said slowly: "The enemy's reaction speed is too fast ..."

"What do you mean?" Li Shuyi asked.

"There was a move on the side of the Central Province, and there was a reaction in the province of Xisha, which defeated the pioneers of Count Danton first ... If this is not a coincidence, at least one problem can be explained, that the Central Province still has enemies Lurking! Also, the hostile camp awakeners who have mastered special communication channels! "

Li Shuyi nodded: "The main road between Xisha and the central provinces has been blocked and controlled. It stands to reason that intelligence should not spread so fast."

Cecilia said: "There is a detail. According to the report of the vanguard of the vanguard, the raid was an army of monsters underground, but Count Denton seemed to have taken precautions and led a small group of elite breakouts out of the battlefield .After receiving this report, Nicholas IV thought that Denton was alive ~ ~ but then learned that the other party was dead. "

"Wait a minute ..." What Bai Xiaowen caught keenly, "How did Nicholas IV get the news of Denton's death? Did the elite who followed Denton's breakout still survive, and escaped to Nicholas?"

"No, those elites are annihilated."

Cecilia said: "The reason why Denton died was that Nicholas IV had the oath stone of Earl Denton. With Denton's death, the oath stone broke. At the moment of breaking, Nicholas IV saw the scene before the death of Count Denton through the picture displayed by the oath stone. "

The Oath Stone is similar to the "Stone of Alertness", but in addition to conveying the message of life and death, it also allows the holder to see some pictures of the victim before death, which are considered more high-end magic items.

"What did he see?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

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