The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 4 First Trial of Magical Skills

Not good. Li Junxin said that you were fooled by you in the previous life. I never touched your body until I graduated from university. In this life, you never wanted to escape.

Li Jun thought about it, and suddenly put his hand into Liu Fei's lapel, and lightly ### on Liu Fei's chest, Liu Fei twisted her body, but her breathing became more and more rapid, and she said in her mouth: Take it away! ! But the voice was so weak that even she could tell that she was perfunctory. Li Jun then pressed his hand on a towering mountain, which was full, smooth, and full of elasticity. Although there was still a layer of soft cloth, Li Jun could still feel the beauty of Liu Fei's towering mountain, and his hand trembled. It bounced off unconsciously as if it had been touched by electricity, but then grabbed it again. The wonderful feeling is indescribable. In the midst of distracted and greedy groping, Li Jun's hand was suddenly knocked down. The sudden change made Li Jun startled, his mind was slightly cleared, and he turned his head, only to see Liu Fei's beautiful face in front of him, blushing. Staring at himself: How can you be like this, you are so ashamed to be seen! Just when Li Jun and Liu Fei were so tender, exchanging their hearts, and lingering, suddenly, in the video hall Finally, there was an extremely discordant sound.

First there was a loud snap, as if someone's face had been slapped hard. Then came the sound of mixed quarrels between men and women, and then there were fighting sounds of Wow, Plop, and Ouch.

Li Jun was immersed in the sweetness, and was extremely upset when someone interrupted him. The hand that hugged Liu Fei did not let go, but turned her head behind her,

It didn't matter, Li Junteng stood up. Before Liu Fei had time to ask, Li Jun had already turned the aisle and ran to the back of the video room. Of course, Liu Fei couldn't see the direction in which Li Jun was running, but the dark video room didn't affect Li Jun at all.

Li Jun ran in such a hurry because he saw his good brother Zhang Bin among the people fighting behind him.

However, it was not Zhang Bin who was beating someone, but his own brother was being beaten by three young people aged 18 or 19. Li Yan, who was sitting with Zhang Bin, was now in tears, and was hugged by a man in his thirties. The man covered Li Yan's mouth with one hand, and wrapped his arm around Li Yan, and kept groping Li Yan's body with that hand.

Although Li Jun wanted to pull Li Yan out of the man first, the positions of the people in the fight happened to block the entrance of the guy's seat, and Li Jun couldn't reach him through the people. Besides, Zhang Bin was pushed to the ground by those three people and kicked and beaten. Li Jun was also afraid that Zhang Bin would be injured by several people. So Li Jun walked up to the people who were fighting, and kicked the person who beat Zhang Bin with his back facing him.

The man hit Zheng Huan on Zhang Bin, and felt a sharp pain in his back, opened his mouth with a wow, spit out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and passed out.

In the dark, his two accomplices still kicked and beat Zhang Bin without knowing what was going on.

Li Jun didn't expect that he could kick someone unconscious with his own kick. While his heel was on the ground, he raised his hand and punched another person with his forward figure.

Since this person was facing Li Jun diagonally, he was stretching out his arms and clenching his fist to hit Zhang Bin, who was squatting on the ground with his head in his arms. The person fell to the ground in the direction of Li Jun's force.

Only then did the remaining person finally realize that his companion was being beaten. Hearing the screams from the two people, this guy turned his head and burrowed into the aisle without morality.

At this moment, Li Jun realized that with one punch and one kick, he had already knocked down two people. Judging by the pain of the two, it seemed that they were still seriously injured.

But at this time, Li Jun didn't have time to think about it, he pulled Zhang Bin up, opened his mouth and asked, Zhang Bin, are you okay?

You just came here, do you think there is something wrong? Can you try having someone kick a few times like kicking a football? Zhang Bin grinned and said, Damn, these bastards are really ruthless, it hurts me to death!

Li Jun saw that Zhang Bin had only some flesh injuries, and then listened to this guy's words, and he knew that there was nothing wrong with him. So, ignoring Zhang Bin's complaints, he walked up to the man in his thirties, hit the guy's face with his right fist, and pulled Li Yan to his side with his left hand. Because he could see clearly, this guy didn't let go of Li Yan's hand until the fighting around him stopped. Li Jun was even more angry with him, he pulled up Li Yanhou and kicked him on the thigh again.

But after hearing repeated screams, this man was also punched and kicked by Li Jun and passed out. Fortunately, he was sitting on a chair. The chairs in the video hall are the same as the chairs in the movie theater. They have cast iron skeletons and are fixed to the concrete floor with screws, so he didn't fall down. But also because of this, he couldn't avoid Li Jun's punches and kicks, and he literally took them with his body. Therefore, he suffered more serious injuries than those two people.

It was only at this moment that a hoarse shout was heard: Turn on the light, someone has been killed. It turned out that the one who shouted loudly was the only uninjured guy among the three who besieged Zhang Bin just now.

Seeing his terrified appearance, Li Jun couldn't help laughing secretly. He pushed Li Yan in front of Zhang Bin, but didn't make any more moves. He just looked at the guy yelling amusedly.

With the cry, the lights in the video hall finally came on. Some people who watched the video didn't know what was going on. When they saw the lights turned on, many people clamored and asked why they turned on the lights.

In fact, from Li Jun discovering that Zhang Bin was beaten to the time he knocked the three of them out, it took two to three minutes. There were four tweeters in the video hall playing the sound of the video, and the fight took place in the video hall. At the end, no wonder no one heard it.

Now that the video has stopped playing, the voice of the man shouting is very harsh. Everyone looked over following the shout, only to find the disgraced Zhang Bin and the two lying down in the aisle, not to mention the blood stains on Zhang Bin's clothes, everyone immediately understood what happened , rushed out one after another chaotically.

Li Jun thought about Liu Fei, looked up in the direction where he was sitting, and felt relieved when he saw Liu Fei was not moving in his seat. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw five or six bald young men with bright heads pushing in against the current at the crowded doorway.

When a few bald men squeezed in front of Li Jun, the crowd had almost gone, and a few bold young men knew that there was another good show to be seen, so they stopped a few steps away from the door and did not go out.

Liu Fei also walked in front of Li Jun with a look of astonishment, and asked in a low voice, What's going on?

Li Jun couldn't help but smiled wryly: I don't know either, let's go out first, and you can ask Zhang Bin later.

Hey, go out? If you want to leave after beating our third brother and two brothers, then you have to go out sideways. A bald-headed young man in his twenties standing in front of Li Jun said fiercely.

Zhang Bin couldn't help showing fear when he saw five or six bald-headed youths coming. Li Jun also thought to himself: In the last life, I didn't hear that there is a gangster in a county with a lot of farts. Why do these guys who came here have tattoos all over their bodies, and they all look like gangster youths?

Sure enough, another tall and slender young man said in a soft voice: Boy, you don't even ask, the one who dares to provoke our bald gang in this area has not yet been born, so you dare to beat the third brother?

Although Zhang Bin was frightened, he still said loudly: He should be beaten. Ask him what he did?

The slender man looked at Liu Fei and Li Yan, and smiled, What the hell did you do to dare to touch the third brother? Boy, isn't it that the third brother has taken a fancy to these two girls? Damn, the third brother It seems to be their luck.

It seems that everyone who loves him like Third Brother knows about it, so there is no need to elaborate, that slender and tall figure already understands that it must be that Third Brother has made a mistake and touches other girls in the dark. The third brother has done this before, but he has never been beaten like this. These guys were playing billiards in a nearby place. When they heard the news from the people in the video hall, they dropped their clubs and ran over, just blocking Li Jun and others in the video hall.

In the eyes of Slender Tall and the others, the two men and two women in front of them are only eighteen or nineteen years old, and they don't look like children from rich families in their clothes. However, those two girls are really beautiful, no wonder the third brother is tempted.

But these two men are white and clean, how can the thin Qidara make the third brother and the others stand up? The other three are okay, but they all know the skills of the third brother, he is only slightly inferior to the boss in their bald gang. I don't know what happened to the third brother today, but he was settled by these two guys.

It seems that Slender Tall is still the leader of these bald heads, and the rest of the bald heads just stood behind him and did not speak when he was talking to Li Jun and the others.

A few people watching the scene in the video room and leading the way with flashlights went to look at the third brother and the other three, and when they came back, they whispered a few words to Slender Gaotiao. The man turned and walked out again.

Although their voices were very low, Li Jun could hear them clearly, and he couldn't help being surprised. Damn, no way, with a random punch and kick, I beat one of these thick-looking guys to a broken arm, and the other vomited blood? But the third brother broke the bridge of his nose and broke a piece of it. Legs. It won’t kill people, right?” The tall and slender man was asked to call them the boss, and it seemed that he would not be able to leave for a while.

Li Jun looked at Liu Fei who was looking at him worriedly, and leaned forward to hold her in his arms. Normally, in front of so many people, Liu Fei would definitely dodge immediately, but this time she leaned her delicate body tightly into Li Jun's arms without dodging at all.

Zhang Bin also took the courage to hold Li Yan's hand in his own. Maybe it was because Zhang Bin fought hard to protect her today, which moved Li Yan a little. Maybe Li Yan was moved by Zhang Bin's tenderness for more than a year, and the iron tree blossomed. Each season. Li Yan's hand was grabbed by Zhang Bin, and she didn't break free, and she didn't speak. She was held by Zhang Bin silently, and she didn't know what was going on in her heart.

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