The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 3 Cinema Tenderness

Liu Fei said to Li Jun while walking: Li Yan and I also got up late today, and we wanted to bring it back to you after eating, but now that you are here, let's eat together, and let's go shopping after eating.

Okay, that's what Zhang Bin and I originally meant. I'll go with you if you think of somewhere to eat after dinner.

During the meal, Li Jun and Liu Fei kept chatting and laughing in low voices, but Zhang Bin and Li Yan rarely talked, and even if they said a few words, they were surrounded by the two people around them. Looking at the dejected Zhang Bin, Li Jun couldn't help laughing secretly.

I finished my breakfast very quickly, in fact, it was not early enough. Looking at the electronic watch on my wrist, it was already almost 10 o'clock. Li Jun and Liu Fei came out of the house arm in arm, and smiled at Zhang Bin, Dude, pay the money.

Why am I paying again? Didn't I say you were a treat? Zhang Bin asked dissatisfied.

Hehe, I just said please, but Li Yan is here, if you don't pay, who will pay?

Zhang Bin looked at the blushing Li Yan, didn't say a word, went out to pay the bill obediently, and ran two steps to catch up with Li Jun in front: You boy, don't go so fast, I have something to say. you say.

What are you talking about? Li Jun asked.

Zhang Bin snorted coldly: Nonsense, I invited you earlier, you must do something for me, right?

Oh? What do you want me to do for you?

Zhang Bin gritted his teeth angrily and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: Go away, ask the question knowingly.

Li Jun immediately reflected: Let me think about it, why don't we watch the video?

That's enough buddy, I'll continue to treat you to lunch. Zhang Bin was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes.

Li Jun understood Zhang Bin's intentions in an instant. Now in the county, the only place suitable for girls and boys to talk about love is the video hall. In the dark video room, it is common for lovers to hug and touch each other, but not outside. Even between lovers, there is no one like men and women after the new century, who hug each other on the street like no one else. Kiss together. No wonder Liu Fei let go of her hand as soon as she stepped out of the house.

Okay, you can also watch the video, you buy the ticket. Li Jun took the opportunity to blackmail.

Damn it, it's me again. I don't have much money anymore. I have to treat you to dinner at noon. Let me see if there are enough for four tickets. Zhang Bin said and took out a pile of ten-cent tickets, One piece, Two yuan, um, I still have four and a half, and you can give me another one and a half.

Zhang Bin's family is better than Li Jun's. His family is in the county seat. His father is a laid-off worker who sells fruit at a bus station, but he is not particularly rich.

As for Li Jun, there are three older sisters, the elder sister and the second sister are not much different in age, and they are getting married one after another. The family conditions are better than before. The pocket money of five yuan, the third sister basically gave her all of it.

Thinking of this, Li Jun couldn't help but want to cry. Although the life in the countryside can't be compared with that in the city, there are very few people who don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm anymore. But my sisters still wear patched clothes at home, and only one set of clothes without patches is worn by the sisters when they go out. In the last life, the situation at home did not change until Li Jun started working.

Therefore, when Li Jun, Zhang Bin and others were together, they ate and drank, and they didn't dare to spend money at all. Zhang Bin and the others are also aware of his family situation, and no one has ever bothered with Li Jun in this regard.

Li Jun took out a 50-cent bill and handed it to Zhang Bin, and he was even more determined to find a way to make money as soon as possible.

Zhang Bin led the way, and a group of four came to a video hall near the department store in the county seat. Zhang Bin bought the tickets and handed the two tickets to Li Jun. Just as Liu Fei was about to speak, Li Jun winked and took Liu Fei's hand into the small door with a thick black curtain. This time, Liu Fei let Li Jun hold her hand without breaking free.

Someone inside the door held a flashlight and led Li Jun and Liu Fei to their seats. After the man left, Liu Fei asked, You and Zhang Bin must have discussed it again, so they sat separately on purpose.

Li Jun whispered, You want to sit with two big light bulbs? Liu Fei scratched Li Jun's palm with her fingertips, and then stopped talking. Liu Fei's face could not be seen in the dark, but Li Jun knew that Liu Fei's face must have turned crimson again.

The video was shown in a loop of several films, so what Li Jun and the others saw was the middle clip of a Hong Kong and Taiwan shootout film. In the picture, Zhou Yunfa showed his might with two guns in his hands, and with one shot, he turned the enemy's killers one by one. Li Jun felt that this scene was very familiar, but he really couldn't remember the name of this movie.

Liu Fei was still staring at the screen at first, and soon she had already leaned her head on Li Jun's shoulder, and a pair of small hands grabbed Li Jun's hands ###. Li Jun pulled out a hand and carefully put it on Liu Fei's shoulder, but Liu Fei pressed her head closer to Li Jun's shoulder.

With the help of the weak fluorescence, Li Jun lowered his head and met Liu Fei's eyes. Although he couldn't see Liu Fei's face clearly, Li Jun could clearly feel the tenderness in Liu Fei's eyes.

Li Jun took a deep breath. At this time, Liu Fei really loved her so much, but after four years she resolutely left him because of the pursuit of a better life. Maybe she also had helplessness and misery, but she was in She struggled for years with the pain she left behind.

The feeling of first love is not only unforgettable for women. So much so that after Li Jun got married, his relationship with his wife has always been tepid and lacking in passion.

Li Jun's hand slid all the way along Liu Fei's shoulder, and finally hugged Liu Fei's waist tightly. Smelling the fragrance from her body, I couldn't help but bowed my head and touched my lips to kiss Liu Fei's forehead affectionately, saying in my heart: Liu Fei, you are mine, in this life, I will not let you leave me again.

The delicate body in her arms couldn't help trembling the moment Li Jun kissed her forehead, she pushed Li Jun away with her hands, and sat up straight.

Li Jun moved his hand around Liu Fei's waist slightly, and forcefully pulled the delicate body back into his arms. After Liu Fei struggled for a while, she took the initiative to rest her head on Li Jun's chest again.

The two of them didn't say a word, but the torrent of love flowed between their hearts. The people in the entire video hall seemed to have disappeared, and there were only two people in the world who felt the deep love for each other.

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was only a short moment, maybe it seemed that thousands of years had passed before Li Jun woke up from his deep love. The screen has been replaced by an old monk in ancient costume. The old monk has white eyebrows and is pointing at a bronze statue engraved with meridians and acupoints of the human body, teaching a young monk who is more than ten years old. ...Calm down, embrace the essence and keep one's mind, sink the dantian, return to the Dragon Court, and reach the limbs...

(I don't know qigong, I hope Fang's family can laugh, I just put together a few words from hearsay, based on the plot, if anyone is curious to practice like this, if you become a martial arts master, you must explain where the teacher came from. If, hehe, if Therefore, I am not responsible for going crazy or having other bad reactions. I hereby declare that it is not unpredictable.)

As the old monk spoke eloquently, a stream of heat flowed down from the top of his head following the exercise route of the old monk's speech, directly reaching Li Jun's abdomen, jumping and spinning in the dantian for several weeks like a projectile, and then returned to the brain cavity , and then divided into several warm currents that rushed to the limbs and bones, and finally merged back to the abdomen. In this way, it went back and forth several times, and finally it was collected in the brain, and the heat began to disappear.

As the heat dissipated, Li Jun felt his eyes light up, and the entire video hall, which was originally dark, seemed to be back in the sunlight. The whispers of the surrounding people can also be clearly heard in the ears, and the sound of car horns on the road outside the recording hall and the shouts of merchants hawking are also clearly heard.

Li Jun looked at the people around him in amazement. People were still watching the movie as before, and then looked up at the electric lights hanging above their heads, but they were still not turned on. Then look at Liu Fei who is in her arms, still leaning quietly on her chest. It's just that the face of the pear flower sedan was not clear just now, but now the fairy-like face can be clearly seen.

This is the only function of the second layer of Chaos Art.

What he didn't understand was why the heat flow moved with the old monk's speech in the film, and why the heat flow just circulated around him so that he could see things clearly in the dark? Also, my ears have greatly increased hearing due to the heat flow. All this, Li Jun only knew about it but didn't know why.

However, no matter whether Li Jun knew it or not, understood it or not, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes because he broke through the first layer of the Chaos Art.

The first level of Chaos Jue changes the meridians of the whole body, and the second level penetrates the five senses. Now I have the ability of night vision and far hearing. It seems that this is the entry skill of the second level.

Liu Fei caressed Li Jun's shoulder with one hand, and drew irregular circles on his chest with the other hand, deeply intoxicated in the sweetness of love. I heard Li Jun talking to himself, but I couldn't hear what he said clearly, so I couldn't help but raised my head and asked softly, What did you say?

Li Jun looked at Liu Fei's delicate lips, couldn't help being agitated, and whispered in her ear: I ask... can I kiss you? Water dripped out, You, why are you like this again? Didn't I tell you, after we are admitted to university, then...then do whatever you want.

Li Jun looked at her shy appearance, and his heart was like a deer. But, but... Mayfair, I really miss it now.

Listening to Li Jun's warm and soft words, Liu Fei was not only shy, Jun, wait a little longer, the college entrance examination is one month away, if we can really take the exam together, we will have plenty of time to be together. If If you can't pass the exam, you'll have to wait for a few years, anyway, he has already given you his heart. Sooner or later, his people will be yours, so just wait patiently, okay?

Not good. Li Junxin said that you were fooled by you in the previous life. I never touched your body until I graduated from university. In this life, you never wanted to escape.

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