The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 283 Stowaway Girl (2)

The cabin was pitch black, you couldn't see your fingers, it was stuffy and hot. This was the first time An Rou experienced such a scene, and she couldn't help but feel scared. She had to curl up in a corner of the cabin with her hands around her knees, and heard the hum of the engine. The sound and the crackling sound of the wind and waves hitting the hull, the body can feel the ups and downs of the boat. After a while, some people started to vomit one after another, which made the smell in the cabin even more unpleasant. An Rou couldn't help but also started to vomit. After a while, she had already vomited five or six times. She felt her intestines She was about to vomit, her head was swollen and painful, and her thinking began to blur. Occasionally, she could still hear a companion crying softly. Time passed so slowly, An Rou seemed to be experiencing pain for several years, she felt that she could no longer live happily. I don't know how long it took before everything finally calmed down. The cabin door was opened, and a flashlight shone in. A man told them to be quiet and come out quickly. Finally, An Rou got up in a daze, followed Everyone climbed out along the cabin door, and a man showed them the way with a flashlight. The girls followed the man frightenedly around the rocks by the sea, and got into a van parked in the woods. The car started immediately, and quickly rushed into the night. Breathing in the fresh air, An Rou slowly woke up a little bit. She could see the car speeding forward along a mountain road. Looking out the window, it was still pitch black, and she couldn't see anything. Twenty minutes Finally, the van drove into a very high gate and stopped in front of a small building. The people in the car said to them, We're here, get out of the car. Only then did An Rou's nervous mood gradually relax. down. The building was beautifully decorated. An Rou and the others were brought into a reception room on the third floor. The exhausted girls fell down on the sofa as soon as they entered the door. All of them lost their energy, their hair was messed up, and their clothes were even more dirty. It's not in shape, and there are more or less their vomit on the boat. A woman and two men came in, and the woman said to them in Mandarin with Cantonese accent: Everyone has worked hard, welcome to Taiwan, you are too tired today, take a shower later, have a good sleep, other Let’s talk about it tomorrow, come here, these are the clothes you will wear tomorrow, if you have any questions, you can come to me, they all call me Fourth Sister, you can call me Fourth Sister from now on.” After finishing speaking, each handed them a Big paper bag, and took out a notebook, asked them one by one their name and each shoe size, said that the shoes will be delivered to their room tomorrow, and then took them into several rooms in groups of two, The room is beautiful, like a hotel, with two Simmons beds, carpeted air conditioner, and bathroom. An Rou's companion seemed to have no strength at all, and fell asleep lying on the bed as soon as she entered the door. An Rou forced herself to go to the bathroom to take a shower, and changed into the underwear in the bag, which was a lace dress Thin underwear will look particularly sexy when worn. An Rou also likes this trendy and cute style. An Rou never wears a bra when she sleeps. This may be the reason why her breasts are well developed. Lying on that soft bed, she soon fell asleep with a sweet smile on her face. Maybe, In the dream, she dreamed that she had become a star, but how did she know that she had completely fallen into the tiger's mouth, and tomorrow would be the beginning of her nightmare. Maybe it was because she was too tired yesterday, An Rou didn't wake up until two o'clock in the afternoon, her companion had already gotten up there to try on her new clothes, it seemed that she liked this dress very much, standing in front of the mirror and admiring it, An Rou also opened the bag that the fourth sister gave her, and there was a pair of black high heels beside the bed. She quickly put them on, and after washing and washing, she went to the mirror, and her companion immediately praised: Wow, you are wearing this dress very well. It's beautiful and sexy, An Rou felt a little uncomfortable, she had never worn such high heels before, and there was a slight pain in her toes, which made her straighten up, An Rou was originally 1.6 meters He is eight, so he looks slimmer. The casual coat and trousers are brown, and the material is high elastic, wrapping the body tightly, showing An Rou's charming curves to the fullest, and clinging to the thigh The thin fabric made her legs look slender and round. Although An Rou didn't want to dress so revealingly, she didn't have any other clothes to wear. It seemed that someone had taken away her dirty clothes and shoes. Thinking about it, this dress is also quite beautiful, so let's leave it at that. Looking back at that companion, he was wearing the same style of clothes as himself, but the color was sky blue, with a pair of white high heels. Although he was slightly shorter than himself, he had a good-looking figure and was very charming. After introducing each other, An Rou realized that her name was Li Na, she was from the Northeast, she was the same age as herself, also nineteen years old, and she had been a dance hall lady in Guangzhou for nearly a year before coming here. At this time, someone brought them food in. The two of them had vomited up their stomachs last night, and now they were really hungry, so they chatted while eating. After the meal, the fourth sister came in to inform them that the boss would see them later and asked them to put on make-up and dress up a little more beautifully. There was already a pile of make-up on the table. The two put on their make-up quickly and looked at each other. more beautiful. After a while, the eight of them were called together again, and two men took them to see the boss. The other sisters also wore the same style of clothes as them, but in different colors, red, yellow, gray Yes, everyone has the same color, all of them are beautifully dressed, full of sexy, because of the high heels, the buttocks can't help swaying when they walk, and they are full of coquettishness. Swallow.

Through an underground passage, they were taken into a room in the villa next door. The room was very luxurious. A middle-aged man in pajamas sat on the sofa in the middle. It seemed that he was the boss. Behind him stood two tough men. He is a big man with a fierce appearance. A man who brought them here asked them to stand in a row facing the boss in the middle of the room, then walked over to the man seated on the sofa respectfully and said, Brother, these arrived last night, take a look. The man Mmm, he waved his hand to let him stand aside, stood up and walked in front of several girls, one by one fell down and stared at them carefully, and muttered while looking at them: Mm, Not bad, not bad! Looking at them, the hairs on their bodies straightened, feeling uneasy. After looking at the front and back, after looking around, I came to An Rou's body for a closer look, pointed at An Rou, and then said to the two men who brought An Rou and the others: Leave her here. , you take the rest, this is a batch of good goods, tell the fourth child to work hard and train hard,

Next, An Rou was stripped naked and thrown on a big bed. Watching the middle-aged man take off his pajamas, revealing his muscular body, An Rou knew what he was going to do now, curled up and cried on the bed in fear With that, Hu Zhandong rushed forward quickly. Go away, go away. The girl cried loudly, while punching and kicking desperately, because of the girl's desperate resistance, Hu Zhandong was unable to succeed for a while.

Oh, it's still a rose with thorns, I just like you. This aroused his desire to conquer even more, and he grabbed the girl's hands vigorously. After all, women are women. Due to desperate resistance, after a while, the girl gradually lost her strength. Hu Zhandong separated her hands and pressed them on both sides of the bed, and her legs were also separated. Hu Zhandong finally pressed her on her body. Struggling, but already very weak, Hu Zhandong looked at her with a smile and said: Little baby, don't cry, I will make you happy to death in a while. Just when An Rou had no strength to resist, the man on her body At the dangerous moment when he was about to siege the city, someone suddenly called the man out.

After Hu Zhandong put on his clothes and left, An Rou, who was lying on the bed sobbing, gradually became clearer. Thinking of what happened to her, she couldn't help feeling sad, but thinking of Hu Zhandong's words, she had already fully understood that she must have slept with that one again this time. Ms. Li did it.

Here, there is no clothing company at all, and I am not recruited to be a model. Now, although that man temporarily let him go because of an urgent matter, when he comes back, he still cannot escape the fate of being played by others.

No, I have to think of a way to escape. Think about those sisters who were transported here with me. I don't know where they were sent and what kind of ordeal they were enduring.

An Rou stopped crying, turned over and got up from the bed. An Rou quickly put on her own clothes, stretched out her hand to open the door, but suddenly found a man in a white coat standing quietly outside the door.

He is the fourth child that Hu Zhandong said, that is, Guo Tao who is good at training girls.

Guo Tao is the fourth eldest in the Sanyi Gang, known as the fourth brother, and was originally a top student in the medical school. He used all his efforts to fall in love with a female classmate in school, but after the female classmate played with his feelings He kicked him away, and he was heartbroken. From then on, he hated all the women and vowed to take revenge. For this reason, he joined the Sanyi Gang. It was Hu Zhandong who arrested the female classmate and handed it over to him. Cut that schoolgirl ### to half-death, then make her a lowly prostitute in the ghetto. He is grateful to his boss for helping him avenge him, and has been loyal to his boss ever since. Because of his excellent medical skills, he is good at treating various sexual and diseases, and he has invented many medicines and instruments to deal with those disobedient women, so he quickly climbed to the rank of boss The fourth position is responsible for training the new girls. Since he is familiar with the psychological and physical characteristics of women, any woman, even those chaste women, will soon be turned into shameless women in his hands. The entertainment industry in the entertainment industry is constantly pumping fresh blood, allowing the major clubs under Sanyi to earn a steady stream of money and wealth, which is highly valued by Hu Zhandong.

Where are you going? Looking at An Rou who was full of panic, Guo Tao suddenly laughed.

I...I want to leave here... The man in front of him was so gentle and dressed in a doctor's outfit. This man was not vicious at all. Could it be that he was a doctor? A doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded should not be too bad, right?

Looking at Guo Tao's smiling face, An Rou boldly stated her purpose.

Do you really want to leave? Looking at the beautiful, delicate and timid girl in front of him, Guo Tao smiled brighter and brighter.

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