The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 282 Stowaway Girl (1)

The girl on the bed is named An Rou, who lives in Yangzhou, mainland China. Her parents are teachers in a middle school in Yangzhou. Her parents did not give her much material comfort, but gave her a pretty face and a devilish figure. When she was a child, she Just dreamed of becoming an excellent dancer.

After graduating from junior high school, she was successfully admitted to an art school. After three years of rigorous dance training, she graduated with honors and was assigned to the city song and dance troupe to become an ordinary dancer, but her dream was hard to come true. Speaking of excellence, she didn't even get the lead and solo dance.

In the song and dance troupe full of beauties, she is also the most outstanding in appearance. What makes other girls envious and jealous is that she has a pair of big and straight breasts, which will jump up and down slightly during strenuous exercise and dancing. , attracted the attention of many men, perhaps because of this reason, she could not dance solo, although she was not well-known, but attracted many suitors, in addition to the men in the group, there are also big money and rich families in society son.

The place where she lived was full of flowers, and she was often surrounded by a group of men, but for her dream, she rejected them all one by one. In this way, she still attracted the jealousy of other sisters in the group, and everyone intentionally Alienated her and said bad things about her behind her back.

A few months ago, the troupe rehearsed a large-scale dance and was preparing to participate in the provincial art performance. This was her only chance. In order to win the position of lead dancer, she took the initiative to please the director for the first time. When asked, she gritted her teeth and nodded.

At ten o'clock that night, she deliberately wore a fashionable fashion, put on makeup, and dressed herself up beautifully. She came to the director's dormitory as promised. This is the director's dormitory in the troupe. He usually lives here. Go home less.

Thirty-seven or eighteen-year-old young director is also well-known in the national dance circle, so he has great power in the song and dance troupe. Everyone fawns over him and fawns over him.

In a place full of beauties, the cloud of beauties in the song and dance troupe completely made him a wolf. Most of the actresses in the troupe had had an affair with him. When An Rouer joined the song and dance troupe, she had an outstanding appearance. and stature caught his attention, and he had

She tried to seduce An Rou many times, but she cleverly avoided her. From then on, he intentionally made things difficult for An Rou. Even though she had outstanding dancing skills, the director just didn't give her a chance to show off.

This time, An Rou took the initiative to deliver it to her door. How could he miss such an opportunity?

An Rou was embraced by the director as soon as she entered the door. Although she had been prepared, this sudden movement still made her a little flustered. It was the first time in An Rou's life that she was hugged by a man, and it was a man she didn't like. In her arms, the director eagerly kissed her face, neck and small mouth, one hand was still touching her plump body through the clothes, and she could still feel a hard thing between the director's legs in her panic On top of her legs.

An Rou was put down by the director and lay flat on the bed. The director lay beside her and continued to kiss her, muttering in his mouth: An Rou, An Rou, you are so beautiful, I like you so much, at the end, He reached out to touch An Rou's thigh again, An Rou couldn't help clamping her legs, it was the first time she was played by a man like this, An Rou trembled nervously, the director's teasing made her feel no happiness at all.

The director got up and started to unbutton her clothes, but she closed her eyes shyly and let the director take off her clothes: Wow, An Rou, you are so beautiful! The director praised her figure in surprise, and parted Her legs were kneeling between hers, and the hardness of her lower body was ready to enter her body.

Ah—— An Rou, who hadn't been touched, yelled, turned sideways and began to cry, and the director was also startled by her cry: What are you doing? I haven't touched you yet , What is your name? If you don’t want to, get out of bed and leave right now. There are so many people who want to sleep on my bed. You know, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as you become the lead dancer, your... You have to think about it...

After a while, An Rou gradually calmed down. The director said to her: I won't treat you badly. I will definitely take care of you in the future and train you to become a star. As long as you satisfy me tonight, I will I'll let you lead the dance this time. An Rou retorted.

Really asked: Really? You won't lie to me, will you?

No, no, how could I lie to you? As long as you are obedient and obedient, I will definitely make you popular. While speaking, the director picked up An Rou's legs... But, the director has not yet waited. Approaching An Rou's body, An Rou couldn't help but yelled again.

Hey, how did Miss An, who usually looks like a saint and arrogant and arrogant, learn this skill? You little bastard, you vixen, you dare to rob me of a man... After the door was opened Pushing him away, Meng Meng, another actress from the same group as An Rou, gritted her teeth and walked in. Seeing this scene on the bed, he jumped up and kicked and hit An Rou, while cursing the director and An Rou for being shameless.

The director, who was still majestic just now, turned into a soft-tempered egg at this moment. What made An Rou unbelievable the most was that the director pointed at him and said in a panic that An Rou had seduced him on his own initiative. This made An Rou feel ashamed. Under Mengmeng's biting and kicking, An Rou fled out of the director's room with her clothes in her arms.

The next day, everyone in the regiment seemed to know about her, and they all looked at her with strange eyes, and everyone talked about her behind their backs. When she returned to the door of the dormitory in the afternoon, she heard a girl in the same room say: Usually she's pretty decent, but she's also a coquette.

Another said: I don't know how comfortable it was last night. You didn't hear him screaming so loudly.

There, it is said that she was chased by that girl Mengmeng so that she didn't even put on her clothes and ran out with her buttocks...

An Rou was so humiliated that she lowered her head and ran away, finding a place where no one was around and crying loudly. She resents herself for not being self-deprecating, and she resents the cruelty of this society. But, no matter what, she couldn't stay in the song and dance troupe, so An Rou resigned and left the song and dance troupe, and came south to Nanyue alone.

In Nanyue, it is not difficult for her to find a job. The working environment and salary are better than her imagination, but there is no one she can do for a long time.

In the past two months, she has changed several companies because her superiors have made unreasonable demands on her, and some even manipulated her in the office. With the incident with the director last time, An Rou decided to be a good girl with self-respect and self-love. She resolutely opposed these temptations and coercions from the outside world and swore to the death. In this way, either someone fired her, or she couldn't bear to leave angrily.

A boss once said to her: Miss, you don't have a diploma, you don't have the ability, and you don't have social connections. Why do I spend so much salary to hire you? It's not because you are beautiful, you are so ignorant, and you are lucky. Xiang, how can I hang out in society in the future? She just entered the society, and only then did she feel the complexity, desolation and helplessness of the outside world.

Two months after coming to Nanyue, An Rou was in trouble, and she had very little money left. It was the first time in her life that she encountered such a big trouble, and she really didn't know what to do.

One evening, when she was eating at a food stall, a beautiful woman sitting next to her took the initiative to chat with her. After asking about her situation, the woman asked her if she wanted to go to Taiwan, saying that a friend of hers had A fashion company asked her to find several models in the mainland. She was paid 5,000 yuan at the beginning, and she could get tens of thousands after becoming famous. It's a pity to pretend to be a model, and she said that she will definitely become popular when she goes to Taiwan. Although An Rou was very excited at the time, she still had doubts. Promise her that she will think about it.

The woman didn't force her, and handed her a business card when she was parting, and told An Rou to contact her after thinking about it, but not later than tomorrow at the latest. see the result. Know she will go.

This night, An Rou almost didn't sleep all night. For An Rou, who has lived in mainland China since she was a child, Taiwan is a place full of mysteries. She used to imagine that she would be able to visit Hong Kong, Taiwan and other regions one day, and now the opportunity has come. Although she still misses her parents and does not want to be too far away from them, and is worried that she will be deceived again this time, she is still very excited when she thinks that she can go on stage again and have the opportunity to realize her star dream ,Even

What's more, she is now at the end of her rope, so she made up her mind to try again.

Early the next morning, she called the woman, expressing her willingness to go, and bluntly said that she was penniless at present, but the woman said it didn't matter, she could go to her, and she would be responsible for food and lodging, and asked He knew her address and told her that a car would pick her up later. At noon, a man drove a Mercedes-Benz car to find her. An Rou packed her simple luggage and got into the car with him.

In a luxurious villa, An Rou saw the woman from yesterday. In her luxurious living room, An Rou saw that there were seven other girls there. Although they were of different heights and bodies, they were all beautiful. Everyone's face was full of longing for the unknown world, and seeing so many people going to Taiwan with her made An Rou feel a little more at ease.

The woman asked the girls to call her Sister Li. That night, Sister Li held a meeting for them and told them that the official procedures for going to Taiwan were very difficult. It would take at least three months, or even half a year. ...smuggling. The formalities can be handled slowly in the future. She said that she is very familiar with the way, and she can definitely send them to the place safely, and it is guaranteed to make them rich.

After Sister Li finished speaking, she asked them to express their views, and whoever didn't want to go could leave. Several girls expressed their willingness to leave as soon as possible. Sister Li also told them that for the sake of safety, they should not contact their family and friends these few days, so as not to leak the news and attract the attention of the police. Nodding in agreement.

At nine o'clock in the evening of the second day, Sister Li suddenly informed them that they would leave immediately without bringing luggage, and said that someone would prepare all the daily necessities for them, and then asked two men to take them away, because there was no moon, It was very dark and the wind was strong. They were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe. They followed two men to the riverside and boarded a small cargo ship. The people on board let them get into the hold. He told them not to speak fiercely, and then closed the hatch.

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