The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 280 Eating a meal is not peaceful

Sitting in the speeding car, Tang Yun closed her eyes tightly and leaned on the back of the seat, as if the silence didn't exist. However, from her slightly heavy breathing, Li Jun could still guess that her heart is definitely not as calm as it looks.

The two rushed back to the company from the hospital. General Manager Xie was pulled to the hospital by an ambulance from the hospital. His two legs and one right arm were almost smashed into meatloaf by the collapsed floor. crippled.

Except for the security guard who stumbled and fell and was caught by Li Jun's head without any injuries, the rest of the security guards who followed Tang Yun to the construction site were all buried under the reinforced stone slab. Up to now, no one is alive but no dead body is seen. It is estimated that the hope of surviving is less than one-tenth.

Secretary Zhou Lu who had passed out of coma woke up after being sent to the hospital. Fortunately, she was comatose earlier, with no scars on her body, and no mental stimulation. The little fright she received was not worth mentioning. After a day or two of observation, you can be discharged from the hospital without any recurrence.

The reason for the incident was also asked by Li Jun, and it was indeed the people from the Four Seas Gang who did it. After they got the news that Tang Yun was going to the construction site, they sent people to sneak into the construction site and installed explosives under the currently suspended building. When they saw Tang Yun leading a group of people upstairs, they removed all the screws that fixed the tower crane from the bottom. loose.

After doing all this, they then ignited the explosives, originally thinking that the building and the tower crane would be knocked down together. Unexpectedly, the tower crane that lost its screws and anchors would fall down first, which alarmed Li Jun, who suddenly ran down unexpectedly in a short time.

These people hadn't waited to start the car to escape after finishing their tricks, Li Jun rushed to the car and kicked it.

Seeing the bully who kicked the car away with one kick, he stood fiercely outside the upside-down car. The man who survived just got out of the car window and pulled everything out before Li Jun could interrogate him.

After asking about the result, Li Jun stuffed him back into the car and kicked him in the air, watching the car draw a beautiful arc and roll and fly higher and farther. Li Jun left without looking back. went back.

There is no need to confront anyone, and there is no need to leave any evidence. As long as you know what you want to do, you can do everything according to your own ideas.

However, when the car was parked in the basement, Tang Yun got out of the car, stood in front of the car with her handbag in her hand and lowered her head, staring at Li Jun who came down from the car, and took out a piece of paper from her handbag. Holding the paper in his hand, he said lightly: Li Jun, I want to know who you are. If you are unwilling to tell the truth, then you don't have to stay in the company to work.

What, what did you say? Li Jun would rather doubt his ears than believe that what he heard was true. What the hell is this? Just now, you saved your woman twice, and you didn't say a word on the way to send you back. You just walked downstairs to the company, and you are going to fire me? Why are you?

As if knowing what Li Jun was thinking, Tang Yun looked at Li Jun, blinked her big charming eyes, shook her head and said, Although I don't know martial arts, I also understand a little bit. According to your current ability, you don't Is it a little wronged to think that I am willing to be a small driver in Baodao Group? What is your purpose?

Tang Yun's little nose let out a slightly heavy gasp, showing that her heart was not at peace: Perhaps, you don't have any malicious intentions, because when you saved me and Zhou Lu, you really put your life at risk. Forget about life and death. I am very grateful for this, here is a check, the amount is not too large, but this is already my maximum authority. Don't be too small, let me express my gratitude for your life-saving grace.

As Tang Yun said, she reached out and handed the paper in Li Jun's hand: Since you don't want to say it, I won't force you. However, I am responsible for the entire Baodao Group, and I cannot A person with another purpose stays with the company.

Li Jun unfolded the check and looked at it. There are really not many things on it, but it is definitely not too little: Twenty million, haha, Ms. Tang is a big hand. But, do you think you and Ms. Zhou's Is life only worth this money?

Then, how much do you want? Tang Yun frowned and asked.

Li Jun smiled, and casually threw the car keys and the check to Tang Yun: Life is priceless, I don't dare to put a price on someone's life like you. It's okay if you don't let me be a driver, It's okay if you don't let me stay in Baodao Group, you have already said just now that I have absolutely no malice towards Baodao Group, if you don't believe me, then I have nothing to do.

While talking, Li Jun turned and walked towards the exit of the underground parking lot.

Watching Li Jun's tall figure go farther and farther, he has no nostalgia for the Bao Dao Group. Tang Yun flashed a pair of beautiful big eyes, staring closely at his back, the expression on her face constantly changing. Finally, Tang Yun opened her mouth: I haven't agreed to your resignation yet, what's the matter if you leave now?

I resigned myself. It's better than letting you fire me, right? Is it okay if I leave by myself? Li Jun turned around and asked Tang Yun.

Of course not. If you want to leave, you must get my approval, are my driver and personal bodyguard now.

So I can't go yet?

Hmph, of course! Tang Yun said, raising her white ### right hand, and threw the key that Li Jun handed over just now. boarding……

Aren't you at the company now? Where are you going? Li Jun walked up to the car, opened the door and asked as he got into the car.

It's already off work, what else would I do in the company? I won't go to the company anymore, and now you take me home. Sitting on the back seat, Tang Yun gently closed her eyes again.

Tang Yun's family lives in a luxurious manor of 4000 square meters, which has all the facilities, garden, swimming pool, gym, golf course... everything is so luxurious and so attractive! This is something most people dare not imagine.

Seeing that Li Jun didn't react in the slightest to his luxurious home, Tang Yun secretly snorted in her heart: Hmph, don't think that I will completely trust you if you stay with me, I will definitely trust you. Find out who you really are.

You drive the car by yourself. There is a mobile phone in the front storage compartment. It is allocated by the company for your use. Pick me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Tang Yun got out of the car, twisted her waist and turned towards the villa in the manor. go. Li Junxin said that this girl's family is not ordinary rich, and this villa almost catches up with my villa in Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong. It's just that it's far from the Longyuan Garden in the capital.

On the way, I received a call from Chen Ailing, asking if Li Jun had left work. With the company's No. 2 female driver as a driver, the off-duty time is not on time. Listening to Chen Ailing's gentle breathing from the microphone, Li Jun smiled and said in a low voice: I'm off work, and I'm heading towards your house now. Are you ready? I ate you... Listening to Chen Ailing's shy reproach, Li Jun felt itchy in his heart.

However, when she arrived at Chen Ailing's house, before Li Jun could knock on the door, Chen Ailing had already opened the door, slipped into Li Jun's arms, and burst into tears like a little girl...

She hugged Li Jun with all her strength, and the fullness of her chest pressed against Li Jun's chest through the thin shirt...

Li Jun couldn't react for a while, smelling her hair fragrance, he put his arms around her and asked anxiously: What's wrong with you, tell me what's wrong with you, is Yang Guoguo bothering you again?

From time to time, I just feel that this feeling is so happy. When I heard that you came to me, I was so moved that I couldn't help crying. While talking, Chen Ailing gently licked Li with the tip of her tongue. Li Jun's ear, gently scratching the tip of Li Jun's nose with his teeth.

Li Jun picked her up madly, kicked the door shut with his heels, walked into the bedroom in three or two steps, pressed Chen Ailing's delicate and exquisite body on the bed, and quickly released Chen Ailing like a hungry beast Shirt: You're a bit disobedient, didn't I just make you ready? Let's see how I punish you...

Chen Ailing opened her watery eyes, watched Li Jun's movements, stretched out her hand and untied Li Jun's belt...

Her plumpness is so white and soft, and her skin exudes a faint fragrance. Li Jun sucked every inch of her skin, fiddled with the tip of his tongue up, down, left, and right like a thirsty traveler who was lost in the desert when he saw a well. Her chest was stiff, and Chen Ailing couldn't help ###, twisting her waist, holding the pillow tightly with her hands, puffing up her lower abdomen, making the most sensitive part of her woman bear the pressure of Li Jun...

Li Jun separated her legs and sent her hot and hard waist in. Chen Ailing suddenly hummed, hugged Li Jun with her hands, twisted her slender waist gently, and raised her head actively, her gentle hands Lips kissing Li Jun...

Li Jun began to pump in her warm body, pounding again and again, slowly speeding up the pumping speed, Chen Ailing closed her eyes tightly, frowning deeply, clasped Li Jun's arm with her fingers, following Li Jun's frequency Move her ### up and down. The sound of ### in the lower mouth is getting more and more urgent...

The panting in the room finally calmed down, and Chen Ailing's fingers were weakly drawing small circles on Li Jun's chest: I blame you, what time is this, I haven't cooked yet.

What? Are you still full? Li Jun hugged her and said cheerfully.

You... to be honest with you, aren't you hungry? Chen Ailing gave him a blank look, then arched her body into his arms and hummed.

Okay, let's take a bath together, and I'll take you out to eat.

Are you hiring me? Hehe, as Miss Tang's driver and bodyguard, shouldn't I make a small fortune?

Well, please. Li Jun ignored Chen Ailing's ridicule. If she told her about today's experience, she would be scared to death. Women are generally very timid, so it's better not to talk about it.

Where are we going to eat? After getting into the car, Chen Ailing thought of asking Li Jun where they were going to eat.

Li Jun started the car and said with a smile: I'll drive, you guide the way, we can go wherever you want. Chen Ailing was moved by his words for a long time, looking at the little girl beside her who was concentrating on driving. The man's eyes were red again. In fact, how did Chen Ailing know that Li Jun didn't even know the way in Taipei City, let alone know where there are delicious and interesting places.

According to Chen Ailing's instructions, Li Jun drove the car to the door of a hot pot restaurant. The two got out of the car and went in to order the dishes. Seeing the steaming hot pot bottom ingredients served by the waiter, Li Jun said with a smile: All It is said that women don't want to eat hot pot because they are afraid of getting angry and getting acne, why did you choose this place?

That's a woman who has no confidence in herself. I'm very happy now and I'm not afraid of anything. Chen Ailing replied with a smile. Before she finished speaking, Li Jun suddenly turned his face down, stretched out his hand and pulled Chen Ailing behind him, staring coldly at the door with two sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice: You don't have to hide anymore, you all come out.

Chen Ailing was stunned, and followed Li Jun's gaze with confusion on her face. Before she could speak, three men around 30 years old appeared at the door. Immediately afterwards, the five or six people who had walked into the hot pot restaurant and sat at the adjacent table just behind Li Jun and the others also stood up.

Support non-stop updates, continue to maintain the daily update of the three chapters of 4,000 words, call for flowers and tickets again, and hope that all friends will continue to stand up.

I recommend You Long's other book Heroes of the Evil Road, friends who are in a book shortage can read it.

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