The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 279 Thrilling Moments

Mr. Tang, be careful! Suddenly, Zhou Lu beside Tang Yun let out a creepy scream...

I don't know if it was because of Xie Xuhui's anger, or because of Li Jun's yelling just now, the two tower cranes that were normally erected near the building just now collided with each other, dazzling sparks flashed, and the tower crane near the building was like Mount Tai It smashed towards the building where Tang Yun was standing.

At this time, Tang Yun, Zhou Lu and Xie Xuhui were all standing under the tower crane. Once the tower crane hits the unfinished building, the three people who bear the brunt will die immediately.

At this moment, it seemed that the air was frozen, and everyone opened their eyes wide in horror, opened their mouths wide, and were dumbstruck, watching the huge monster smashing towards Tang Yun and Xie Xuhui.

Cold sweat instantly seeped out from the pores of everyone's body, especially those security guards who followed Tang Yin. Tang Yun was their first responsibility for protecting safety. If Tang Yun had any troubles, then they would be finished. The chairman of Baodao Group will not spare them!

However, facing the thrilling scene, everyone was helpless. They could only watch the tower crane smash towards Tang Yun, Xie Xuhui, and Zhou Lu. No one had the ability or the guts to rush up at this moment. save people.

Tang Yun was dumbfounded and wanted to run, but her two legs couldn't move at this moment. The tower crane came down with lightning speed, it was already very close, and the cold wind it brought up had already blown the bottom of her jacket. Tang Yun slowly closed her eyes like autumn water, her face was so peaceful and natural.

Xie Xuhui's handsome face was already pale and bloodless, and his eyes were full of horror and horror. He is really unwilling! He doesn't want to die yet, it doesn't seem worthwhile to risk his life just to chase Tang Yun! I want to run, but my legs are so heavy that I can't move at all.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand and pushed Zhou Lu who was standing beside him with all his strength, and with the force of the push, he staggered and ran two steps forward , fell to the ground with a crooked body. Taking advantage of the trend and rolling, Gululu turned over a distance of more than ten meters, and unexpectedly escaped from the dangerous range of the tower crane.

However, being pushed by him like this, Zhou Lu and Tang Yun got closer, and their bodies were almost stuck together.

Despicable and shameless... At this critical moment, everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a figure quickly shot the sculpture-like Tang Yun and the trembling Zhou Lu vertically.

Facing the danger, Li Jun rushed forward without the slightest hesitation.

In mid-air, Li Jun spread his arms like a roc spreading its wings, and with the force of a dive, he hugged Tang Yun and Zhou Lu by the waist. The toes touched the ground, and the body turned back with two people. Hearing a deafening bang, the tower crane was close to the backs of the three people, and with a boom, it mercilessly hit the platform where the two people were standing just now.

Li Jun felt a violent shaking under his feet, and then he felt like falling.

To suffer! The edge of the roof platform was already crumbling. Now that the tower crane smashed it, plus the weight of the three people, how could it bear the three of Li Jun standing on it?

Just hearing cracking, booming, booming a few times, the platform protruding from the side of the unfinished building has completely collapsed.

Zhou Lu and Tang Yun watched their bodies fall together with the rubble, closed their eyes tightly and cried out loudly.

In the face of danger, Tang Yun was able to be calm and fearless when she was desperate just now. However, the hope of being alive flashed in front of his eyes, and Tang Yun's tone had vanished into nothingness. At this time, the god of death suddenly reappeared in front of him, how could he not be terrified?

Zhou Lu, on the other hand, was not mentally prepared to face danger from the very beginning. A young and beautiful female college student who just graduated not long ago is full of longing for a happy future life. How could she easily think of the impermanence of life? Between facing the end?

Therefore, the two shouted at the same time, and their arms hugged Li Jun tightly.

In a blink of an eye, Li Jun tiptoed his feet and took Tang Yun and Xie Xuhui away from the place where they were standing just now. As soon as their feet left, the place collapsed.

Li Jun Li Jun took a deep breath, and then rose into the sky, in mid-air, with two beauties on one side and one right in his arms, soaring like a big bird on the wind, he floated for more than 20 meters before slowing down. Land slowly to safety. He was just about to let go of the two people in his hands, only to realize that his hands seemed to be in the wrong place, and the two hands felt soft and elastic!

Tang Yun was very surprised that she didn't faint from fright, but felt the wind blowing in her ears, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and she just subconsciously grabbed Li Jun's hand holding her tightly.

He waited until he felt that his feet were on the ground, and then slowly opened his eyes. Uh...let go, hurt me... Tang Yun's voice was almost inaudible, but Li Jun could still hear it clearly, and quickly let go of his hand.

Sorry, I didn't mean to...


The two spoke almost at the same time, expressing their respective meanings. However, both of their faces were blushing. Neither of the two thought that just as they were being polite to each other, Zhou Lu on the other side of Li Jun's body had already collapsed.

She had already fainted from fright. Without Li Jun's support, how could Zhou Lu stand still?

Fortunately, after Li Jun finished saying sorry to Tang Yun, he turned his head and wanted to say sorry to Zhou Lu as well, and happened to see Zhou Lu who was almost lying on the ground straight up. He hurriedly took a half step forward, stretched out his arms to wrap around Zhou Lu's slender waist, and hugged Zhou Lu in his arms again.

At this time, the security guards who followed Tang Yun, Xie Xuhui and others had already ran over with pale faces. Still five or six meters away, Xie Xuhui yelled, Xiaoyun, are you okay?

You called Xiaoyun too? Mr. Xie, please call me Miss Tang from now on. Tang Yun really expressed her attitude to Xie Xuhui this time, not only not letting him call Xiaoyun, but even her name , to call Ms. Tang, this has fully demonstrated that Xie Xuhui has now been sentenced to death by Tang Yun.

snort! Hey, Xie Xuhui, you always talk about how much you like me, but today you only care about yourself... The friendship between two generations is not as good as Li Jun, who has only met him twice. The good and evil between people You Ti, it's really not that easy to see clearly. But God still loves Tang Yun very much, which made me realize the true face of this person early on.

Just when Xie Xuhui felt the fiery embarrassment on his face, there was a loud bang from the ground, and the huge tower crane finally hit the ground, creating a big hole.

Fortunately, there are already no workers on the ground, and they are not afraid of causing other casualties.

But when everyone was secretly celebrating, a loud boom sounded, and the whole building swayed non-stop as if it had encountered an eight-magnitude earthquake.

No, someone set off explosives. This building is about to collapse. Everyone, run down quickly. Before Li Jun's words fell, a figure flashed in front of his eyes. Xie Xuhui and Zhu Ming, who were holding their bleeding noses, had already started. Jumped down.

Li Jun stretched out his hand to hold Tang Yun, hugged Zhou Lu on the other side tightly, and shouted, Hurry up, everyone, run...

Uh... this person actually hugged me again... Tang Yun felt the strength from Li Jun's big hand. Although she knew that he was eager to save people, there was still an angry look on her face.

This is a high-rise building with more than 30 floors. There are no railings on the stairs, and the building is already crumbling. Everyone runs down in a panic. If there is a slight negligence in the place where they land, their lives will be in danger. Li Jun was clearly aware of this, so he couldn't help but hug Tang Yun and ran away. His footsteps are light, and sometimes he just jumps down a flight of stairs, and he has already descended to more than ten floors in an instant. Hearing a miserable cry, one of Tang Yun's security guards stumbled and fell, and the speed of the fall had surpassed that of Li Jun.

Li Jun yelled: Everyone, step on firmly, be careful. The sound was like thunder, and Tang Yun's eardrums were buzzing. Quick, even the sound is so amazing?

However, the thing that shocked her was still to come. After Li Jun finished yelling, his figure became more erratic. Tang Yun felt that her body was floating up like smoke, and she couldn't see anything clearly in front of her eyes.

Bang!, Tang Yun felt as if she had hit something on her head, but the force on her head was not so heavy. She opened her eyes and looked up, and found that she was following one of her security guards and flipped a somersault in the air in a daze. stood in front of him.

What are you doing in a daze, why don't you run? Tang Yun hadn't reacted yet, but she heard a loud shout in her ear, and the center of her body rose into the air. Lu fell to the ground together, but before he hit the ground, Li Jun had already turned over in the air, letting Tang Yun and Zhou Lu forcefully press him on top of him.

In a daze, Li Jun noticed that Tang Yun had opened her eyes, and at the same time found that her hands were grasping parts that she shouldn't touch casually. With a shock, Li Jun simply closed his eyes and pretended to be dizzy. He really didn't dare to face the two beauties on his body! However, a certain part of his body didn't seem to listen to him, and he stood up on his own initiative.

Tang Yun finally woke up completely. She found that she was sleeping in an indecent position, and her mature, firm and swollen parts seemed to be still tightly grasped by one hand. And there seemed to be something hard against it between the buttocks, and it felt a little hot. In an instant, Tang Yun understood, her little face turned from pale to a rosy sunset.

A breath unique to a mature man came, and Tang Yun jumped wildly, pulled Li Jun's claws away, turned over and got up, God! In front of my eyes, the originally tall building had turned into a pile of ashes, but I didn't get hurt at all.

Falling down from the 36th floor and nothing happened, this can really be regarded as a rare miracle! What about the man who saved him? Tang Yun's eyes fell on Li Jun, seeing his eyes closed tightly, Tang Yun's heart was startled, it could be seen that his face seemed to be redder than her own, she couldn't help being a little puzzled, she thought what's going on?

Xiaoyun... Xiaoyun, hurry up... hurry up and save me! Hearing Xie Xuhui's miserable voice, Tang Yun turned her head to look, and a pair of beautiful eyes involuntarily shot out a strange light, and she saw the girl in front of her. Not far away, under a pile of ruined walls, Xie Xuhui revealed half of his bloody body, with a blood-stained palm open, staring at him with big dazed eyes.

You... How are you? Although she was shocked and drew a clear line with him, seeing his miserable appearance, Tang Yun couldn't help trembling and walked over.

Help me... Hearing Xie Xuhui's screams, Tang Yun suddenly remembered that besides the security guard just now, there should be five people following her. Where did all these people go? Had they all been buried under the collapsed building?

Turning around, Tang Yun stared at Li Jun who was pretending to be dizzy with his eyes closed, and shouted in a low voice, You still don't get up, this time... this time is not...

Grandma's, it was actually seen by others. Li Jun pushed Zhou Lu who was still pressing on him, turned over and sat up. A little embarrassed smiled at Tang Yun: Oh, such a tall building has collapsed, I said how could I faint.

Tang Yun glared at him fiercely, and said to herself, just pretend, don't think I don't know. Are you okay, why don't you go to the hospital? Tang Yun suddenly realized that she seemed to care about Li Jun very much. Her words were half teasing and half serious.

You are fine, what can I do? Go and see your boyfriend. After Li Jun finished speaking, he ran away. Hey, are you saving someone?...He, he's not my boyfriend.

It's a pity that Li Jun has disappeared, and I don't know if he heard Tang Yun's words.

This person, no matter how you say it, you can't leave him alone? In fact, Tang Yun really wronged Li Jun. Where is Li Jun a desperate person? If that was the case, she would be the first to die.

In fact, during the time when Li Junzhuang fainted on the ground, he was not idle. How could the tower crane suddenly fall down while standing there? What happened to the explosion just now? All this clearly shows that someone must have tampered with in the dark.

During the time Li Jun was lying on the ground, he used his ears and eyesight enough to search the entire construction site. When he got up, his figure was like flying, and he ran to the sentry box at the door in between three jumps and two jumps. Near the gate, apart from the car that I, Tang Yun and others drove just now, there was also a small white sedan parked.

Li Jun walked up to the van, without saying a word, raised his foot to the van.

If someone saw Li Jun kicking the van, they would definitely laugh their teeth out. Isn't this a fool, that van is something you can kick with your feet?

However, if someone saw the white van being kicked up by Li Jun, turned somersault in the air, and hit the ground with all four wheels in the sky with a clang, they would be surprised and think that they encountered aliens.

The third chapter has been delivered, shouting flowers and votes for support, don't keep what you still have, it's best to give it to You Long...

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