The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 205 Love, Very Painful

On the way to Jinlong Building, Liu Yue'er was still thinking over and over again, if she was only asked not to investigate Fu Mingxiu's case, for the sake of her husband and the family, she would definitely agree. But she had a hunch that the other party would not be so simple. He really didn't know if he could still stick to his bottom line when the other party made excessive demands.

The white Toyota parked quietly in the parking lot of Jinlong Building. The attentive waiter ran over to look at the beautiful woman sitting in the driver's seat, and stretched out his hand to open the car door for Liu Yueer.

Taking the elevator up to the sixth floor, a waitress wearing a cheongsam walked past Liu Yue'er with a smile on her face, she just nodded slightly to say hello, but she didn't ask what Liu Yue'er was doing here. Even so, Liu Yue'er could still feel a fever on her face.

Following the brightly lit corridor, Liu Yue'er walked forward for more than ten meters, and came to the door of a room with a brass-colored door plate hanging on it. The three numbers 606 on the door plate were extremely eye-catching. She knocked on the door twice, and someone inside said, Come in...

Liu Yue'er opened the door and entered, and saw that the spacious room was luxuriously decorated, a man in his fifties was sitting on the sofa facing the door, his thin body leaning against the back of the large sofa looked very funny.

It's really you... Although she was already prepared in her heart, Liu Yue'er was still a little surprised when she saw Tang Chen's old face.

Oh, Officer Liu, we meet again, welcome... The man said with a dry smile, but he didn't stand up. You are the one who sent me the materials? What do you want to do? Liu Yue'er asked with a serious face, neither humble nor overbearing.

Hehe, Officer Liu is really quick to talk. Okay, then I'll just say it straight. I handled the case of Fu Mingxiu. It's just a broken shoe that Mr. Shen doesn't want. It's not worth the waste of energy that Officer Liu has. As long as you promise not to cause extra problems, and promise me a small request, as for your husband's matter...

While talking, Tang Chen's mouse eyes swept Liu Yue'er dishonestly around Liu Yue'er's mature and plump body. Liu Yue'er, who had changed into casual clothes, lost a bit of her heroic demeanor, but more of a woman's delicacy.

Liu Yue'er didn't like this man at first glance, his slightly bald head, face with sharp cheekbones, lewd eyes...all of these were indescribably disgusting.

She maintained a straight posture, grabbed Tang Chen's words and said: If I am not investigating, you must return the original copy of the material to me, and promise not to pursue Zuo Huailin's affairs in the future!

Ahh... Officer Liu is really a good wife. If I had a wife like you, I would die without complaint... Tang Chen's eyes were fixed on Liu Yue'er's chest, and his plump twin peaks covered the pink and purple windbreaker. It was raised high. It's just that I haven't stated my conditions yet. Don't Officer Liu feel that you're a little too loud now? Hehe, of course, as long as Officer Liu can agree to my conditions, what you said will not be a problem at all.

Please be careful with what you say, General Manager Tang! Liu Yue'er couldn't help changing her expression when she saw the other party's inappropriate words.

Ah... Officer Liu, don't be angry, I'm telling the truth, which man wouldn't be tempted by an outstanding woman like you... Haha... Tang Chen said with a big laugh without taking it seriously.

President Tang, let's get down to business. How are you going to solve that matter? Liu Yue'er said patiently. Seeing that Liu Yue'er was in a hurry, Tang Chen said casually, No hurry, no hurry, this matter is easy to discuss, Zuo Huailin has also helped us a lot in the past few years, and it can be regarded as a contribution to our company Well, we're still very human, but...

It's good that Officer Liu understands the weight of this material. My condition is very simple, except that you are not investigating Fu Mingxiu's case. I will add a small condition...

What condition? Liu Yue'er asked eagerly.

Ah... Don't be angry when you say it, Officer Liu. I fell in love with you at first sight. Frankly speaking, I want you. If you are willing to come to Baikang to work and be my secretary, to put it bluntly, you are my ## #, I can give you a hundred times more salary than you are now.

Shut up!!! Shameless...Tang Chen, please be respectful, don't think that you can do whatever you want because you have money, you underestimate me too much, you want to buy me with just your money, who do you think you are ? I can live without my husband, don't think you can blackmail me with this... Liu Yue'er said angrily.

Good! Good... She is indeed a strong woman in the police world. I saw her today and she really deserves her reputation. She is worth investing in, haha...

Tang Chen laughed and said.

Indecent!! Liu Yueer scolded angrily: Tang Chen, I can tell you clearly about your crimes. Even if you don't die, you have to betray and be imprisoned. This is worse than death for you. Don't think that I don't have any direct evidence. As long as I want to investigate, no one can help you,...

Haha... It's so bad... I don't even want my husband. Fortunately, I still have a hand... Tang Chen said, walked to the table in the corner, took out some materials from the drawer and threw them on Liu Yue. in front of my son.

Look at this, Officer Liu!

Liu Yue'er picked it up and took a look, her heart sank.

How is it? Officer Liu!...I can still read my own handwriting. Tang Chen lit a cigarette and glanced coldly at the woman across from him.

Liu Yue'er suddenly lost the vigor she had just now. What she held in her hand was a property certificate that was fabricated when Zuo Huailin was under investigation. They were just married at the time, and Zuo Huailin asked Liu Yueer to issue a certificate. , indicating that most of the family property is the dowry given by Liu Yue'er's family. Thinking about it now, it is clear that Zuo Huailin used her feelings to deceive her trust and guaranteed the authenticity of his fake accounts.

If I disclose these things and the materials you received, you must know the consequences... Tang Chen said slowly, puffing out a cigarette.

Why? Why is this... ah... Liu Yue'er was almost desperate, why did she even deceive herself with the person she loved the most? Her heart was completely cold at this moment.

Things are not as bad as you think...Maybe these things will never show up one day, but that depends on you... Haha! Tang Chen looked at the helpless female police officer through the smoke, his face full of tears. A sinister smirk floated up.

No, I won't... Liu Yue'er tore up the paper with all her strength, tears welled up in her eyes, at this moment she felt for the first time that the hurt caused by being cheated was so heartbreaking.

Tear it up! I still have a lot... Tang Chen said disapprovingly, What you have in your hand is just a copy of me....

No, I won't agree to you. Liu Yue'er said, and rushed out of the office with a broken heart... Hehe, I am very patient, I will wait for you here , I believe that the beautiful female police officer will still come back to this room. However, if after tonight, I really can't guarantee that these things will not appear where they should appear...

Liu Yue'er staggered out of the room, hearing Tang Chen's ruthless and shameless voice behind her, her heart was as cold as a knife.

Li Jun, you kid went to the capitalist world for a while, and you don't want to bring back something special for the brothers? Yang Jian, who has grown half a head taller, pointed at Li Jun. He withdrew his hand, and stroked Xiao Ran's hair very unbearably: You can still get my forgiveness without me in your heart, but you didn't even bring Xiao Ran's gift. Nothing that can be forgiven.

Yang Gencai turned his face away apologetically: Li Jun, I really don't want to help him talk about you, but your behavior really makes me speechless...

Li Tianshun cheerfully took over the conversation, turned to Liu Fei and said, Liu Fei, the clothes on your body and the watch on your wrist are all brought back from Hong Kong by him, right? Tsk tsk, friends have closeness, really There is no comparison.

Li Jun laughed and said, Since you know what you are doing, why are you screaming? Come, drink.

No matter what time it is, being with these people is still the happiest and most relaxing time for Li Jun.

Liu Fei smiled and said in Xiao Ran's ear: Li Jun brought a lot of good things from Hong Kong, you can pick whatever you want when I come back with me later, just don't give it to these heartless guys...

Hey, who are you saying is heartless? Yang Gen turned his face and reached out to pick up the wine glass in front of him: At the meeting, I fell in love with a girl and I will show it to you. Just blow it up with her, brother trusts you very much.

Hee hee, that's because he's too tall. I said you're not as tall as him and you feel ashamed. Are you listening to me? Liu Fei teased him with a smile.

I don't care about you, Xiao Ran, you can go out with me for a while. Golden Dragon Hotel is fine with everything, except that the restaurant on the first floor is far away from the toilet. If you want to go to the bathroom, you have to go out, go through the back door and walk to the edge of the small forest on the north side.

People who do business may be like this. In this bustling city where every inch of land is expensive, there is already a large garden-like space at the back. There is a toilet inside.

Ah, what happened to that sister? She was crying so miserably. The two walked out of the private room, and saw a beautiful sister in a light purple trench coat at a table in the corner of the hall, holding a The wine glass, staring at the empty and lifeless eyes stupidly, with crystal tears all over his face.

On the table in front of her, there were two simple plates of green vegetables, but on the table, there were already more than a dozen empty beer bottles.

It's really tasteless to live! Waiter, bring me a bottle of white wine...

Sister, drinking too much alcohol will hurt your health. Can you tell me something? Xiao Ran is still a kind-hearted little girl. Seeing this beautiful big sister crying and asking for liquor, Holding Liu Fei's hand, he walked in front of her and said in a low voice.

Uh... The beautiful big sister opened her mouth and let out a belch, and a smell mixed with various smells rushed straight into the noses of the two of them. Who are you? Don't meddle in my business. It's useless to talk to you...Little girl, you are not married yet, remember, don't look for a partner in the future... Men are nothing , no matter how gentle and kind they are, it is their coat to deceive girls...

Sister, you're drunk. Where is your home? Shall we ask someone to take you home? Liu Fei frowned and asked the beautiful woman in front of her softly.

Hehe, where is my home? How do I know where my home is? I don't have a home, and I don't have a home for a long time. That man killed him and himself, so can it be considered a home? But ...But I still love him, I can't leave him, I would rather die for him, this is the sorrow of a woman, hehe...

The big beauty stood up while weeping and talking, and walked unsteadily towards the elevator.

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