The Evil God is Invincible

Chapter 204 To Go Or Not To Go

As night fell and the neon lights of the city began to flicker, Liu Yue'er dragged her tired body back to her home in Xingteng International High-end Community.

This is a high-end residential area. With Liu Yue'er's ability, even if she does not eat or drink for a lifetime, the accumulated salary may not be enough to buy a corner of this apartment. Not to mention the luxurious furniture and high-end supplies in this house, even when she retires, she will not be able to support the car under her seat.

All this is because I found a very capable husband, Zuo Huailin, the sales manager of Hongyuan Group.

Because of Fu Mingxiu's case, she has been busy with investigation and evidence collection all day long. From Mr. Liu of the Pegasus Group, the answer she got was as expected. The young general manager named Liu Peng not only denied it, Instead, he clamored to sue Fu Mingxiu for spitting blood.

Tang Chen, the general manager of the U.S. branch of Baikang, is not a thing. Relying on his foreign status, what he said is even more disgusting. That pair of eyes with green light not only stared at his chest unabashedly, but also said that at his age, that thing was already useless, if he didn't believe it, he could verify it on the spot.

The old thing is simply a beast in human skin.

Liu Yue'er went up to the third floor while thinking. At this moment, the door of the house is locked, and it is estimated that no one is at home. After being married for more than two years, I and Zuo Huailin have been away more and less together, and the time we have been together will not exceed two months. Both of them are still young, and they only think about work in their hearts, because they haven't had any children yet, and Liu Yue'er is already used to this kind of family life.

Even so, Liu Yueer still loves this family and her husband very much. The busy work only makes her life more fulfilling. In the past, Liu Yueer would pester her husband to take time to go hiking together, or go picnicking in the countryside, or drive to Going on vacation in other places, but since I became the captain of the criminal police team, this situation has become a distant memory.

Liu Yue'er is also a person who works desperately. It is because of this drive that she quickly grew from an ordinary police officer to an excellent police officer. She even served as the captain of the criminal police team two months ago. She upholds the dignity of the law with extraordinary wisdom and courage, declares war on all evils, and shines the light of justice in her body, just as she said: Many people say that I am beautiful, but in fact I only have righteousness...

Liu Yueer turned on the light after entering the house, the bright light made her feel the warmth of home, no matter how tired or bitter she was outside, as long as she came home, she felt that she had entered a warm harbor, even though she was often alone at home .

She really regretted not coming back after eating in the unit cafeteria. She put down the bag on her shoulder and took off her uniform. It seemed that she had to do it herself for dinner.

Suddenly, her eyes were tightly attracted by a briefcase on the dining table. Could it be that he came back? Liu Yue'er had never seen this briefcase at home, since it appeared on the dinner table, it must have been Zuo Huailin.

Now that he left the bag at home, will he spend the night at home... Liu Yueer's face suddenly had a fever, thinking that her husband might spend the night at home, she realized that the two of them seemed to have not been together for a long time made out.

What... Liu Yue'er opened the briefcase, and found a big envelope made of kraft paper inside, and the addressee on it was herself.

She picked it up and found it was quite heavy, What is it... She opened the envelope while thinking, and inside were a few pages of photocopied writing materials. Under the writing materials, there were bundles of brand-new banknotes. Scanning it, I knew that there was a total of 100,000 yuan in it without counting.

Out of the caution of a criminal policeman, she didn't touch the banknotes with her hands, but took a closer look at the pages of materials that she had already grasped. This made her turn pale with shock, No...impossible. ...How could it be... She became a little flustered, and hastily turned to the other pages to read them one by one, is this possible...

Just when she was a little bit at a loss, suddenly ring... the phone in the room rang loudly, and she hurried to answer the phone as if she woke up from a dream.

Hey, may I ask...who is it... Liu Yue'er asked.

It's Police Officer Liu! Have you read the materials and those things? A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone.

Who are you? What do you want to do... Liu Yueer asked eagerly.

You don't need to know who I am. I don't think there is any need to doubt the authenticity of the materials with Officer Liu's professional level... the man said unhurriedly.

Quickly tell me who you are and what you want to do, otherwise I... I'm going to call the police... Liu Yue'er said calmly. Call the police? No, Officer Liu, you are a policeman yourself! Do you want to send your husband to jail, or do you want to try the feeling of a novice sending his husband to prison... Haha...

... Liu Yue'er was at a loss for words for a moment.

Listen, you'd better stop investigating Fu Mingxiu's case. The 100,000 yuan in the bag is the hush money we paid you. I think you have a lot of ways to settle this matter. Hehe, your husband What is right is another matter. We have always done business fairly and justly. We will pay you nothing less, but we will not let others owe us a penny. One article. If you don’t want your husband to go to jail, go to Room 606 of Jinlong Building now...

Hey... Hey... Liu Yue'er was about to say something, but the man on the other end of the phone had already hung up.

For many years, it was not the first time that whenever there was a major case, she received threats of one kind or another. Liu Yue'er had also overcome it in these years, but she never thought that what she was most worried about would still happen.

From the time she started dating her husband to getting married, Liu Yue'er has been worrying about a problem. The husband is also from an ordinary working family, so it stands to reason that he shouldn't have so much money to buy a house and a car, and his life is extremely luxurious. Every time I asked about it, my husband said that it was due to the company's good benefits and treatment, and because I worked hard, the company gave me a certain amount of shares. In addition, I also started a little business in my spare time, in order to make my wife and children live better in the future.

Nonsense, you have a wife now, where is the child? Hearing her husband mentioning the child, Liu Yue'er blushed involuntarily.

Hehe, my children are here, and I will fight for you all my life. The husband said with a smile while stroking Liu Yue'er's smooth belly.

A year ago, the company my husband worked for suddenly launched an investigation because they suspected that Zuo Huailin's taking kickbacks would damage the company's interests. It was said that Zuo Huailin and several other managers were suspected of serious crimes at the time, but for some unknown reason, the evidence was not very sufficient. Hongyuan Group has not formally sued.

Although Liu Yue'er also asked Zuo Huailin worriedly, but her husband strongly denied it, because the two of them had a cold war for a while, since then Zuo Huailin has been busier, and used to go home once a week, Basically, it is pretty good to be able to stay at home for one day a month now.

But Liu Yue'er could feel that Zuo Huailin still loved her very much. Every time the two of them met, Zuo Huailin was still as passionate as when they were newly married. He always said that he wanted Liu Yue'er to live a better life. After working hard for a few years and saving enough money, the two of them would have a child. He wanted his child to live like a prince and princess.

However, Liu Yue'er always felt that this matter was not that simple. She never thought that this matter would explode when she was investigating a seemingly ordinary ### case.

Those few pages of information recorded in detail the date, amount and specific location of the kickback her husband asked for in the transaction. Based on Liu Yueer's intuition, she was 99% sure that what was said above was true. of. But she never expected that the other party would use this trump card in this case that didn't seem to be a big case, which was beyond her expectation.

According to the evidence provided by the other party, Zuo Huailin not only took kickbacks, but also conspired with the company's top management at the time to falsify profits and defraud huge public funds. She knew that the tens of millions of figures listed above were enough to send anyone Go to the execution ground.

Could it be that the other party just let himself give up investigating the case of Fu Mingxiu being ### so simple?

Speaking of Fu Mingxiu's case, he didn't have much evidence. After Fu Mingxiu was ### in Jinlong Building, she wanted to commit suicide, maybe she wanted to come and go innocently. Fu Mingxiu not only took a bath, but also soaked herself in the bathtub for nearly two hours. Hour. When she walked into the bathroom, Fu Mingxiu didn't even think about suing those two people. She jumped into the bathtub with all her clothes on. All the strong evidence against her was completely destroyed by the victim's own ignorance.

After being persuaded by friends, Fu Mingxiu thought of reporting the crime, but all that was left to the police was a weak confession, and nothing else.

Judging from the attitudes of Manager Tang and Manager Liu when they spoke to him, these two people clearly knew that he couldn't do anything to those two people based on a single confession, but the other party paid him for this matter. The hush money of 100,000 yuan, and the revelation of Zuo Huailin's matter, all this made Liu Yue'er feel that things are definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface.

The other party asked me to go to the Golden Dragon Building to talk. What can I talk about with those people? Thinking of the way Manager Tang looked at him with greedy eyes, Liu Yue'er not only shuddered in his heart, but he seemed to understand the other party's intention to let him go to Jinlong Building at this time.

Do you want to go or not?

This is not only related to her innocence, but also the fate of her husband Zuo Huailin.

I am deeply grateful to Yidiwangmu, Hankzhang, Shumihuangdi, nanpingliwei, 888088, Shasha loves you, Amazon savage, asd20030309, 1046745454, Dafeng, lukf991225...etc. For your strong support, I cannot list them one by one, please forgive Yulong I didn’t remember the names of so many friends all at once, thank you for your consistent support, You Long said sincerely: “Thank you!!”

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