The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 447 Chess Player

In the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon body personally presided over the sacrificial ceremony and ascended the throne as the Pope.

In the past, when the Popes of the Heavenly Emperor Sect were enthroned, the old Pope presided over the sacrificial ceremony and carried out the handover during the ceremony, handing over the power of the Pope to the new Pope.

But this time, the old pope had been thrown into the "Howling Hell" by Liang Ji, so after he rectified the Tiandi Sect, he personally presided over the sacrificial ceremony, ascended the throne, and ascended to the position of pope.

At this time, around the sacrificial ceremony, there were the Half-Dragon Royal Clan, the Qiuniu Royal Clan, the Pulao Royal Clan, and the Baxia Royal Clan. The leaders of the four bloodline clans led their legions, as well as a large number of family members, who were watching and congratulating Liang Ji. As a half-dragon, he ascended the throne of the Pope.

These four-line family members are the blood-line family members who have chosen to join Liang Ji in the past three months.

Liang Ji had previously violently suppressed the original Pope and the protective corps led by several imams at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. In the following three months, he actively rectified the Heavenly Emperor Sect. The Heavenly Emperor Sect legions sent to various clan cities were all powerful. Completely, he took over the power of the Celestial Emperor Sect everywhere.

The strong attitude and powerful methods shown in it are undoubtedly very intimidating to the royal family and those in power among the Ten Meridians.

Therefore, before he could take action, the royal families and powerful people from the Ten Lineage Families came to surrender and directly submitted themselves to his command.

However, there are still some rulers of the Six Meridians who are unwilling to give up their efforts and interests. They choose to split, either wait and see the situation, or choose to fight, and do not come to surrender within the three months stipulated by Liang Ji.

At this time, on the high platform, the Pope's enthronement ceremony presided over by Liang Ji has reached its climax. Liang Ji holds the scepter and legal code representing the status and rights of the Pope, ascends to the position of Pope, and accepts the orders from the patriarchs and religious leaders of the Emperor of Heaven. Priests, priests, guardians, as well as many pilgrims watching the ceremony, and teams led by the leaders of the four-line family members kowtowed together.

Liang Ji raised the scepter in his hand high. Behind him, the sacred artifact pagoda suddenly buzzed and vibrated, with the sound of bells and bells. A large amount of black and yellow light bloomed and hung down from it, falling on him like a crown.

There were surging winds and clouds, flashes of thunder and fire, and all kinds of strange phenomena appeared in the sky.


In the dark, the sound of dragons roared, stars appeared in the sky, and large meteors rained down, falling on the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain and on many dependents who participated in the Pope's enthronement ceremony.

Immediately, the dependents who were blessed by the light rain felt that their blood vessels had been improved, many hidden wounds and lesions in their bodies had been repaired, and even their life spans had increased.

The gift from the Emperor of Heaven, the Rain of Starlight!

Feeling the changes on their bodies and looking at the ‘Godly Emperor’s reward’ manifested in the sky, many family members participating in the ceremony on Longshou Mountain Holy Land cheered.

Shouting the name of the Emperor of Heaven and cheering the name of the Pope!

The family members from all sides worshiped and respected Liang Ji more and more for Liang Ji who ascended the throne of the Pope on the high platform. After all, in the recorded history of the family members, no matter whether previous popes ascended the throne, emperors ascended the throne, or even the enthronement of the 'Messenger of the Heavenly Emperor' after completing the great cause of unification, there had never been a reward from the Heavenly Emperor like the 'Rain of Starlight'.

Such rewards are usually only received by the 'Rain of Starlight' as a reward after the dependents return from the expedition in accordance with the instructions of the Emperor of Heaven.

This time, Liang Ji just ascended the throne as the Pope, and the "Rain of Starlight" rewarded by the Emperor of Heaven fell down, which clearly shows that the Emperor of Heaven is interested in him!

This time, the status and ability of the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' may exceed that of several 'Messengers of the Emperor of Heaven' recorded in history books!

Around the sacrificial platform, the kings and leaders of the four bloodline clans of Half-Dragon, Qiu Niu, Pulao and Baxia who participated in the ceremony were also bathing in the rain of starlight falling from the sky. At the same time, many of them looked at each other, and everyone could see The look of surprise and surrender on the other side's face became even stronger.

They were grateful for the choice they had made, but at the same time they couldn't help but lament in their hearts that the choices made by the other Six-lineage Familia this time were probably a big mistake.

The Emperor of Heaven rewards you with the rain of stars. This was naturally one of the backup plans that Liang Ji prepared before he went into seclusion for reincarnation. Now he released it when he ascended to the throne of the Pope, naturally to enhance his prestige and strengthen his control over the forces of his dependents.

As the 'Emperor of Heaven', Liang Ji is naturally a chess player standing outside the chessboard on top of his natal star. The means and resources he can use are far beyond the imagination of the family members among the stars.

For him, as long as he successfully breaks through the 'mystery in the womb' and awakens his own memories in this reincarnation on the natal star, the reincarnation practice of 'unity of soul and Tao' will be mostly successful.

Next, as long as he does not encounter unexpected changes outside his natal star, he will be confident and worry-free, and can perfectly complete this reincarnation practice of 'the union of soul and Tao', and reach the perfection level of the third-level star master.

Trouble among the natal stars, those six-lineage dependents who have not surrendered, has never been a problem here in Liang Ji.

After the Pope's sacrificial ceremony after his enthronement, Liang Ji directly took over the power of the four-line family members who had surrendered, and together with the Guardian Legion, reorganized the combat strength of his legions.

It took two months to form a legion and begin to attack the remaining Six Meridians Familia who had not surrendered.

The first target he chose to attack was the Chaofeng Familia who now controlled the family throne and established the sixth generation of the National Feng Dynasty.

Although it can be said that the Chaofeng Familia controls the throne and can fly in the sky, it can be said that they are the strongest and most powerful among the Six Meridians Familia that have not yet joined.

But Liang Ji still directly chose to attack the Chaofeng Familia, with the purpose of defeating the resistance of the remaining Six Meridians Familia in one fell swoop.

The strongest Chaofeng Familia was defeated, and the resistance of the other weaker Five Meridians Familia was naturally weakened to the lowest point.

The army went out for battle, and Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon took charge personally, fighting all the way to the capital of the Feng Dynasty, where the original royal city of the Feng Familia clan was located.

It is located on a high peak, surrounded by strong winds and adjacent to the East China Sea.

When Liang Ji led the army all the way to the capital of the Feng Dynasty, he saw that waiting here was not only the army of the Feng Familia clan led by the Feng Emperor of the Feng Dynasty, but also in the sea on the side, led by King Chi Kiss. The Chiki Familia army was also arrayed nearby.

The Chaofeng Familia and the Chiki Familia, these two bloodline Familia who are one in the sky and one in the sea, have always maintained an alliance during the tens of thousands of years of separation and reunification of the Familia.

Just because the bloodline magical powers and battle formation power of their two families are so compatible, together they can operate the great magical power of 'calling wind and rain', which is enough to dominate the family.

Therefore, joining forces has always been the best choice for the two families.

Of course, for Liang Ji, whether they join forces or not has little impact.

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