The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 448 The power of nine levels of merit

When Liang Ji led the army to the capital of the Feng Dynasty, which was the original Feng King City, the current last Feng Emperor had already led the army of the Feng Familia clan to set up a large formation in the capital and activated the city defense formation.

On the bank of the capital of the Feng Dynasty, in the vast sea, King Chiki also led his army to arrive and set up a large formation, intersecting with the formation of the Chaofeng Familia in the capital.

At this time, the mountains surrounding the capital of the Feng Dynasty and the sea where the Chiki Familia army was located were already surrounded by violent storms and rough waves.

The great magical power 'Call the Wind and Rain' has been activated under the joint operation of the Wind Emperor and the Chiki King, guarding the capital of the Feng Dynasty and the Chiki Familia army.

At the same time, a blue aura of light rose into the sky from the capital of the Feng Dynasty on the top of the mountain, turning into a huge figure of the Feng Familia. It was wearing an imperial robe, a crown on its head, and holding a jade seal with six colors of aura flowing around it. The big seal is surrounded by violent storms, and the power of the great supernatural power to call for wind and rain is added to it.

Obviously, this is the last Feng Emperor of the current Feng Dynasty!

There are also illusory figures of various clans such as Yaju, Suanni, Qi Niu, Jiao Tu, etc. emerged in the city, bowing to the figure of the last Wind Emperor in the center. These figures turned into streams of light under the movement of the great array in the city. Gathering on the figure of the last Wind Emperor, his figure began to grow and grow rapidly, directly growing beyond 500 feet to reach a size of more than 800 feet.

Great supernatural powers, laws of heaven and earth!

Since the last Golden Emperor of the first generation of the Jin Kingdom, with the help of the grand formation in the capital of Dragon Soul City, he has gathered the power of the ten lineages, thus pushing the bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' to the great magical powers of 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' Afterwards, the first 'Wooden Emperor' of the second generation dynasty of Mu Kingdom completely mastered the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' by means of battle formations.

Since then, the emperors of all dynasties have mastered this method and can display the great magical power of "Law of Heaven and Earth".

Nowadays, the emperor of the sixth generation of Feng Dynasty has naturally mastered the great magical power of "Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth".

As the capital of the Feng Dynasty, formations and restrictions have naturally been arranged to gather the power of the ten-lineage family members. At this time, it was mobilized and operated by the last Feng Emperor to display the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth'. .

For a moment, the last Wind Emperor stood tall on the top of the mountain, surrounded by violent storms. He had the power of the two great powers of "calling for wind and rain" and "law of heaven and earth". His combat power and power were soaring, overwhelming all directions!

It was the army led by Liang Ji that faced the power of the last Wind Emperor. It was suppressed before the battle began. For a while, there were many signs of fear and panic, and their morale plummeted.

On the top of the peak, the last Wind Emperor, who was like a god and a demon, surrounded by wind and rain, seemed to have seen the panic of Liang Ji's army. His momentum and power became more and more majestic, and he stared at Liang Ji like lightning. Sheru Thunder shouted loudly: "Dragon Pope! You are the envoy chosen by the Emperor of Heaven, and my lineage of the Wind Emperor is also left by the envoy of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"We all serve the Emperor of Heaven, and I, the Wind Emperor, do not want to be your enemy!"

Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon body was named after "dragon", so the Feng Emperor called him the "Dragon Sect".

"If the Dragon Pope is willing, we can join forces! The Feng Dynasty will recognize your position as the Pope, and Pope You will recognize the dominance of our Feng Dynasty on behalf of the Heavenly Emperor Sect!"

"Since then, the Heavenly Emperor Sect has continued to govern the beliefs of the dependents and spread the faith for the Heavenly Emperor, while our Feng Dynasty has been in charge of the secular world and shepherded the people for the Heavenly Emperor!"

At this time, the last Feng Emperor demonstrated his own fighting power, and even wanted to win Liang Ji's support. Since then, the state and religion have been separated, allowing his Feng Emperor lineage and the Tiandi Sect to jointly rule the family clan.

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words, but did not accept the other party's kindness. Instead, he directly raised his voice and said: "Feng Emperor, for the sake of the previous generation's 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven', this Pope will once again give you the Feng Emperor's lineage to surrender." Opportunity."

"Now, disperse the big formation in the city, disband the Chaofeng Legion, open the city gate, and lead the Chaofeng Familia to come out and surrender."

"This pope can still keep your Fenghuang lineage to continue passing on."

"Otherwise, when this Pope takes action, he will directly attack the city, cut off the head of you, the last Wind Emperor, and kill everyone in your Wind Emperor lineage!"

"Don't say you didn't predict what you said!"

"Haha..." After hearing Liang Ji's words, the tall figure of the last Wind Emperor who stood on the top of the mountain and in the capital suddenly burst into laughter and said in a deep voice: "Long Pope, you are not ashamed to speak! Let this emperor Let’s see if your methods are as tough as you say!”

Before he finished speaking, the tall figure of the last Wind Emperor directly raised the jade seal with six colors of aura flowing in his hand, swept the sky with wind and rain, and crashed down towards the army led by Liang Ji under the mountain.

This jade seal was the first generation of the Golden Emperor who collected the talismans of various clans and refined them into a golden seal. Subsequently, the founding emperors and envoys of the Emperor of Heaven of each generation of dynasties would refine this golden seal again and integrate it into the new dynasty. Power, thus becoming the gathering of the power of the royal family of all dynasties, and it can be called the number one spiritual weapon among the family members!

So far, the clan has experienced six generations of dynasties, and there are naturally six colors of aura flowing on this jade seal. Each color of aura represents the power of the imperial power of the clan dynasty.

Although these six generations of dynasties have been destroyed for five generations, and the sixth generation of Feng Dynasty has also split, and is now on the verge of destruction, the power of the imperial power of the family members gathered on the jade seal is still very terrifying, and it has become recognized and recognized by all the family members. The representative of 'Imperial Power', the history, family beliefs, elemental power, etc. gathered on it are all terrifying.

At this time, the last Wind Emperor took action and went all out to kill the most powerful spiritual weapon, the six-color jade seal that represented imperial power. It also had the power of 'calling for wind and rain' and 'law of heaven and earth'. Gather and bless it to increase the power of this spiritual weapon to its peak!

Like the sky and the earth being turned upside down, it came with a blast!

Even Liang Ji, facing the jade seal in the sky, felt as if the heaven and earth were overturned and it was difficult to resist.


He couldn't help but raise his voice in praise. He understood that the spiritual weapon 'Jade Seal', which had been cultivated and refined among the family members, had been successfully refined, and it was enough to become another important guardian weapon above the natal star.

However, for him, although this 'Jade Seal' is powerful, it is still powerless.

At this moment, Liang Ji was standing in the middle of a large army, with nine-colored light spinning behind him. He raised his hand and sprinkled a large nine-color light rain, which fell on the surrounding army of family members.

The next moment, deep shouts rang out from the surrounding legions, and a huge half-dragon figure, a prisoner ox figure, a Pulao figure, and a Baxia figure were seen rising from the legion. They were strong in the wind and grew to nine in the blink of an eye. It is one hundred feet in size, even taller than the last Wind Emperor's manifested form on the top of the mountain.

It is also the great magical power of the 'Law of Heaven and Earth', and Liang Ji is blessed with the power of nine levels of merit. He does not need to gather the power of the ten-line family members, but can be mastered by the commander of his family's army with the support of the army's battle formation.

Moreover, Liang Ji's figures of the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' blessed by the power of nine levels of merit are obviously different. The figures of the four 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' are shrouded in golden light, surrounded by majestic power of elements, and many other differences. elephant.

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