Ao Chen's fruit ability has been developed by the awakening crystal. Not only has the treasure storage space been greatly expanded, but the perception range of treasures, as well as the depth and speed of burrowing underground have also been significantly improved. What surprised Ao Xin the most was that Ao Chen's speed was improved again.

Originally, her speed bonus was about twice that of the same level of fantasy beasts, but now it has reached three times!

According to this trend, when Ao Chen's fruit awakens, she will be a must-have just by relying on speed!

Completely make up for the lack of strength and defense.

The two people and the tiger bid farewell to their parents and headed north.

Along the way, Xiaobai was very happy.

If Ao Chen didn't follow, he would be even happier.

The reason why Ao Xin wanted to take Xiaobai with him was because Xiaobai had not recognized his master for a long time, and cats were notoriously ruthless.

He was afraid that if he left, Xiaobai would be taught badly by others.

In particular, Xiaobai's experience now is like that of a toddler, like a blank piece of paper, which is the easiest time to be stained black.

In order to save time, Ao Xin directly transformed into a blue dragon, carried Ao Chen on his back, grabbed Xiaobai, crossed the Yellow River, and headed north at a high speed.


Being held by the Azure Dragon and overlooking the world, Xiaobai couldn't help but howl like a wolf, and Ao Xin almost stumbled and threw him down.

He shook Xiaobai in his claws and asked,"Why do you make such a noise when you yell?"

Xiaobai replied with a silly face,"Ah? Sister Chen taught me."

His accent has been corrected now, but he has been taught some strange things.

Upon hearing this, Ao Chen immediately denied it three times:"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Ao Xin was speechless:"I can't let you and Xiaobai live together in the future, I asked you to teach him to read and write, what kind of mess did you teach?"

When Ao Chen heard it, he pulled his dragon horn and shook it:"No! I want Xiaobai! I will teach him knowledge well!"

While playing, Ao Chen's expression suddenly shocked, and he said to Ao Xin:"Brother! Down below! There is a treasure in the northwest direction!"

When he heard about the treasure, Ao Xin immediately became alert and flew in the direction pointed by Ao Chen.

After the fruit ability was further developed, Ao Chen's treasure hunting range was greatly expanded. Otherwise, if they hadn't used the one hundred first-level awakening crystals, they would definitely not have found this devil fruit.

Landing from the air, this is a deserted countryside. In the dense forest, at the root of a willow tree, there grows a strange fruit with twisted patterns.

There are no people or zombies here. If they hadn't passed by, I don't know how long this fruit would have existed here before being discovered.

I pulled it out and identified it on the spot, and I was a little disappointed.

It is the Dog-Dog Fruit Samoyed Form.

It's just an ordinary species of the animal system.


Ao Xin looked at the fruit in his hand speechlessly, but thinking about the vice admiral in the form of a spotted dog, although it was just an ordinary species, it was not too bad.

He handed it to Ao Chen and continued to head north.

Without a map to navigate, Ao Xin relied entirely on his own feelings and experience from his previous life to move forward.

When he flew over a county town, a young man hiding on the roof of a tall building below happened to witness him leaving.


Wei Mingxuan scratched his yellow hair. When he was escaping, he passed by a barber shop and took out the hair dye from the barber shop, and dyed his newly grown black hair yellow.


The Husky squatting next to him saw the Azure Dragon flying by, and suddenly a sense of pride arose from within:"Awoo!!!"

He howled towards the sky. He was no longer an ordinary Husky, and his voice was so widespread that even Xiaobai, who was caught by the Azure Dragon and flying in the sky, heard his voice.

Then, it also echoed with"Awoo!"

It didn't matter that Xiaobai barked, because they were flying anyway, and even if zombies were attracted, they would not be afraid with their strength.

But it was different for the little yellow-haired one. The Husky's shout directly pointed out the location of the zombies wandering downstairs.


The little yellow-haired boy, who had just rested for a short while, heard the roar of the zombies downstairs. He was so startled that he stood up and said,"Xiao Sa, what are you yelling about?"

""Go, go! Jump to the building next to you!"

He jumped onto the back of the little dog, and the red dog howled and ran towards the edge of the roof. When he reached the edge, he jumped hard and jumped to the top of the tall building next door.

It was too troublesome to carry the little yellow-haired burden on his back, otherwise it would be able to fly freely!

"What is Boss Qinglong doing here?"

Wei Mingxuan suddenly thought of a possibility:"Boss Qinglong asked about the devil fruit before, he is not going to challenge that BOSS!"

"That thing is not something that humans can mess with. I heard that there was one in America. Seven people with special abilities attacked it, but they were wiped out in an instant!"

He took a photo of the Azure Dragon passing by while escaping, and uploaded it to the God-given network:

"Shocked! The Qinglong boss of Biancheng is flying north, and he is suspected to challenge the zombie BOSS in the capital!"

Tsk tsk, Wei Mingxuan looked at the video he posted with satisfaction, and suddenly thought, if I take a picture of the boss's battle, it will definitely go viral!

As for why he likes to be in the limelight so much, it is because more and more people have discovered that after posting videos to the God-given space, they can get corresponding points based on the number of views!

Although these points are few, even if it is a big hit, the points obtained are limited, but it is ultimately a gain without taking risks.

In the previous life, when it came to the late stage of the first God-given space, some people speculated that this function of the God-given space might be to encourage the exchange of intelligence between different places.

Unfortunately, there are always people who make some messy things popular for the sake of gimmicks.

"Xiao Sa! Let's go to the capital too!"

He patted Erha and sat down. Xiao Sa carried him on his back and jumped around on the roof, looking at the back of Qinglong that was gradually going away.

"By the way, where is the person who bought my Thunder Fruit? How come I have never heard of any news about him?"

Wei Mingxuan could not forget that he once had a Thunder Fruit but sold it for a thousand.

It is the rarest natural fruit, so it stands to reason that the person should have made some name for himself.

He was puzzled as to why he had never heard of any news about the person with the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

When the figure of Qinglong in his field of vision became farther and farther away, he suddenly realized that something was wrong:"Huh? Boss Qinglong seems to have gone astray!"

"Isn't he going to the capital?"

After struggling with Xiao Sa for a while, he decided to go to the capital first. Maybe the boss just had something to do and took a detour.

He guessed correctly. Ao Xin did have something to do and took a detour.

Just as he was about to fly away from the county, Ao Chen suddenly found traces of treasures again, and there were two of them!

"Brother! Another treasure! Two more!"

"However, one is in the northwest and the other is in front. Which one should we go first?"

Ao Xin decided to go to the northwest first, and he could get the other one along the way.

After descending the clouds, it was still a deserted wilderness.

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