Ordinary survivors envied those who lived in the same city as Ao Xin, because they could hold on to a golden thigh.

However, some powerful people saw other meanings in this.

"Ao Xin, Dragon King?"

Wu Shuang has left the Magic City at this moment. Although he has formed some forces, he wants to get An Nan more.

Before the end of the world, he liked this female anchor. Now that the end of the world has come, he has also obtained a powerful devil fruit ability, so naturally he wants to live freely as he pleases.

But this woman is very alert. He has been chasing her for so long, but he has not caught her.

"Humph, so what if I have a lot of points? My strength is not worse than yours!"

"I'll see who's stronger, your Azure Dragon or my Kirin!"

In the capital, on a high-rise building near Luoshui, a slender woman was lying on the bed, holding a white mask in her hand, browsing the Dragon King Shop.

"Dragon Emperor Ao Xin?"

"Biancheng is not far from Shendu, I will see you soon. The points are temporarily with you, and they will all be mine in the future!"

Then, she entered the God-given network and asked one of her subordinates,"Did you catch her?"

The subordinate seemed to be taking a break as well. When he saw the message, he immediately replied,"Boss, she is very alert, and she is a fantasy beast. She escaped every time I caught up with her!"

She was a little angry,"Waste! What I gave you was also a fantasy beast! I gave you so many points, but you can't even catch a woman, what's the use of you!"

"Now your family is getting the best care every day. If you fail to complete the task, you know the consequences!"

The subordinate hurriedly replied:"Don't worry, boss! I will definitely catch her back!"

At night, in a wilderness outside the suburbs, a beautiful girl looked back and saw a zombie chasing her.

Although she was fast, her strength was only at the Bronze Skin Realm after all. The zombie jumped up a few steps and got closer and closer to her.

"Damn it! That damn woman!"

She cursed inwardly, took a deep breath, and slowed down.

Although she was a mythical beast, her combat power was not particularly strong. Her abilities were in other areas.

Slowing down, she listened carefully to the voice behind her head. Because she had been avoiding being hunted down, her observation Haki improved much faster than her armament Haki.

A fishy wind blew, which was the unique stench of zombies.

She suddenly squatted and got under the crotch of the zombie. Her strong and white calves suddenly exerted force, and with this jump, she actually jumped more than ten meters away!

However, the zombie's claws still tore her clothes on her back and scratched the muscles under her hair. Skin.

Obviously her defense was not enough to resist the zombies' attack.

The zombie virus invaded her body. If it were anyone else, they would turn into zombies in the blink of an eye.

But she had gotten used to being hunted down.

A bright glow flashed on her back, and her skin healed in an instant without leaving a single scar.

The zombie virus that invaded her body was also purified by this glow!

It seemed to be similar to the resurrection blue flame of the phoenix.

She ran around in panic, and in the distance behind her, there was a young man who was chasing the traces she left behind, tracking her all the way.

"It's the smell of zombies."

The young man frowned:"She runs really fast. If we continue to chase her, we will leave Yuzhou."

But thinking of his family in the hands of that woman, he had to continue chasing her.

Fortunately, he was a fantasy beast of the Dog-Dog Fruit and had a good sense of smell, otherwise it would be easy to lose her.

But after all, he was not a Roaring Sky Dog and had no hunting ability. Once the other party was too far away from him, he could not smell the other party's trace, so after a short rest, he could only continue chasing her....


Ao Xin did not leave immediately. He wanted to catch as many water monsters as possible before leaving to cultivate crystals.

The construction of the safe base on the bank of the Yellow River is also getting faster and faster.

As Ao Chen, Meng Kui and others continue to bring people from other places in Biancheng and join the infrastructure army, the innermost foundation has been laid.

A large amount of river sand was dug up by the sand mining ship and became the basic material together with the building materials transported by Meng Kui from the building materials factory.

Zhang Heng, who was stationed in the chemical plant in the south of the city, left his men alone after one night and ran away. His men were relieved.

Without Zhang Heng, they would not have to contact Ao Xin's forces behind their boss's back, and now they have all been transferred to the bank of the Yellow River.

Of course, in the process of constantly bringing people, many people were still infected and killed by their companions.

After a month, nearly 100,000 people had gathered here.

This is all the survivors in Biancheng now.

The gathering of population also caused the zombies to turn to the bank of the Yellow River because it was the most popular.

The combat team no longer needs to go far away to kill zombies, but guards the bank of the Yellow River, in front of the infrastructure team, to block the zombies.

At night, Tang Yingying will lead the zombies away, and then use the fragrant fruit to imitate the smell of zombies to cover up the human smell so that everyone can sleep well.

In her previous life, the reason why she could become an important cadre under the powerful people in the capital of gods was because this ability was very important in the early and middle stages.

After a busy month, Ao Xin catalyzed a total of two thousand crystal beasts, which were enough for the time being.

Moreover, he had almost caught all the water monsters in the nearby Yellow River.

If he wanted to catch more, he had to go farther.

After killing ten crystal beasts, he gave the awakening crystal to Ao Chen and asked her to absorb it.

"Brother, aren't you going to absorb it?"

Ao Chen felt that it was a bit of a waste for her to absorb it now. Her ability did not add much to the battle. Even if the fruit was developed, it would not be of much benefit to the battle.

Ao Xin said,"I plan to go to the capital. You come with me. After your fruit ability is developed, the treasure space will become larger, and you can bring more fresh water."

When Ao Xin went to the provincial capital before, he relied on the water in the wine and food to survive.

Occasionally, he could find some fresh water from roadside shops or hotels, but most of the time, his lips were chapped.

So this time he must find Ao Chen, and use Ao Chen's ability to find other devil fruits.

After Ao Chen knew that he was very useful, he absorbed ten crystals.

On average, each crystal core can increase her treasure space by ten cubic meters. After ten crystals, her treasure space now has one hundred and twenty cubic meters.

But Ao Xin still felt that it was not enough, so she simply killed one hundred heads and increased her treasure space to one thousand cubic meters, which was barely enough. She also collected buckets from various supermarkets and other places, filled them with fresh water, and stuffed them all into Ao Chen's treasure space.

The fresh water they distilled these days, in addition to daily drinking, still has a lot left.

But one thousand cubic meters will completely exhaust these reserves.

"Dad, Mom, Xiyao, I will take Xiaochen and Xiaobai to the capital, and you will continue to build and practice according to my previous plan."

After he had a relationship with Liu Xiyao, he now promoted her to the ranks of family members, and received treatment second only to his parents and sister.

"Don't worry, your father is here to watch over you."

Ao Kang is in good spirits now. He was surprised to find that he had a good talent for practicing domineering. After his body became stronger, his face and body became younger, and his words were full of confidence.

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