As Ao Xin was hesitating, he suddenly remembered Teacher Kai's wise words:

"Haki is the foundation!"

Roger, Shanks, Garp, none of them have fruit abilities, but they still became invincible strong men?

Even Mr. Kai, in pursuit of the improvement of his Haki, did not develop his fruit properly, and he did not even awaken it when he fought against King Luffy!

"Choose two! Domineering genius!"

No more hesitation, the ability lies in the quality, not the quantity.

How strong the Azure Dragon Fruit is depends on how strong your physique is.

It is not easy to develop a fruit to its limit.

The next moment, a blessing came to his mind, and he directly awakened the three-color domineering. A black and weak domineering covered his fist. This is the armed color!

Click on the God's Gift Shop, which contains all the items that can be exchanged during the first God's Gift.

At the top of the light screen, there is an explanation about the points. It is very simple, with only one sentence:

"Points can only be obtained by killing zombies. The stronger the zombies are, the more points you get. Killing with hot weapons is ineffective!"

It is divided into four major sections: [Skills], [Combat Skills], [Equipment], and [Potions].

In terms of skills, there are naturally three colors of domineering: [Armament Haki], [Observation Haki], and [Domineering Haki].

That's right, here, Domineering Haki is not based on the natural king's qualifications, but can be cultivated!

The essence of Domineering Haki is a kind of momentum, which comes from the power of the soul and has nothing to do with the king's qualifications.

It's just that people with king ambitions have a more determined mind and are more likely to feel this power.

The exchange price of the three colors of domineering is not much, each of which only requires ten points, which is really cheap!

But this is for Ao Xin. For ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to kill ten zombies in total!

There are more in the combat skills.

First of all, the Navy Six Styles, each of which requires a thousand points to exchange.

There are also combat skills of various strong men.

For example, [Kaido Combat Skills] has a comprehensive gift package, and there are also separate ones, such as [Thunder Bagua], [Roaring Thunder Bagua], [Great Power·Thunder Bagua], [Descending the Third World·Inducing Naraku], [Vajra·Dyborg], [Gundari ·Long Shengjun】and so on.

Each combat skill requires 100,000 points to exchange, and the big gift package requires 1 million points to exchange for all Kaido's abilities.

It also includes the drunken series.

Of course, such as Garp's boxing, Hawkeye's swordsmanship, Zoro's swordsmanship, Sanji's kicking skills, Jesus Bu's shooting skills, etc., are all included.

The equipment includes various swords, bows, guns, armor, etc.

For example, the most common navy saber or pirate sword only needs 100 points.

The fast sword requires 1,000 points.

The good fast sword requires 10,000 points.

The big fast sword requires 100,000 points.

The equipment of the supreme fast sword level requires 1 million points!

There are all kinds of medicines for treating injuries, poisons, and even all kinds of delicacies can be used as"food supplements" to replenish physical strength and repair injuries!

Among the potions, the most special one is the bloodline factor potion, which is divided into four types: [Toxic Powder] [Spark Red] [Electric Shock Blue] [Windbreaker Green]. Each can give the user an exoskeleton and a superpower.

It is one of the few ways to obtain special abilities besides devil fruits.

Another way is to use artificial devil fruits.【SMILE】and [Green Blood].

The former was created by Caesar and is an imperfect animal-type devil fruit with great side effects, and even has the disadvantage of losing expression and only being able to smile.

The advantage is that it is cheap, and only one thousand points are needed to exchange for one.

The latter was created by Vegapunk and can only copy superhuman abilities. Because ordinary humans do not have the blood of the Lunalua clan, fusing green blood will cause the risk of death.

Moreover, the copied ability is only half the effect or power of the original ability.

In addition to these four categories, there is also [Unique Exchange Item].

In other words, as long as someone has exchanged it once, this product will be permanently removed from the shelves, and others can no longer exchange it.

There are two unique exchange options.

They are [Invisible Black Blood Factor] and [Magic Potion]!

Invisible Black is Sanji's blood factor.

Unlike the other four, Red, Blue and Green will make people lose their emotions.

Although Toxic Pink has emotions, the ability of the exoskeleton is half weaker.

Invisible Black is a perfect blood factor.

Super strong defense, self-healing ability is even comparable to the awakened Mythical Beast.

There is also extreme speed, when the speed is so fast that others cannot see it, it is also equivalent to invisibility.

This ability is no worse than any other devil fruit!

And there are no side effects of devil fruit!

Of course, the price is ridiculously expensive, requiring a full 100 million points!

The magic potion is similar to the perfect fruit, which can eliminate the side effects of the current devil fruit, so that you can eat a second devil fruit.

But it is also the only one, and it is also worth 100 million points!

He exchanged 10 points for five pieces of water meat, which is a food that can quickly replenish physical strength.

It can allow him to last longer in battle.

It only costs 2 points per piece, which is a good thing with good quality and low price.

After closing the God-given store, he opened the personal panel to check his details:

Name: Ao Xin

Talent (hidden attribute): Domineering genius

Devil fruit: Fish-fish fruit·Phantom beast·Blue dragon form

Realm: Body Forging-0

Combat skills: None

Equipment: None:

Points: 90

Nothing, because everything has just begun.

The baseball bat in his hand is not a weapon, and he doesn't want to exchange his points for ordinary weapons.

In terms of realm, he was in the Body Forging realm throughout the first God-given period.

There are nine realms in total: [Bronze Skin], [Iron Bones], [Giant Strength], [Divine Feet], [Five Treasures], [Six Palaces], [Jade Marrow], [Resurrection], and [Corpse Fight]!

The method of cultivation is armed color domineering!

This is a method of strengthening the body.

Although he had learned the three colors of domineering in his previous life, in this life, if there is no reward for the domineering genius, he still needs to exchange it before he can learn.

What is exchanged is not so much a method as a practice license.

The personal panel provides not only personal attributes, but also a communication tool.

When the construction of human civilization was destroyed in the doomsday, everyone relied on the communication function of the personal panel to keep in touch.

Moreover, it is very humane to divide it into many channels.

At this time, many people have started chatting with each other:

"Oh my god, this God-given space is so magical! It’s full of props from the Pirate World!"

"With these, zombies don't seem so scary."

"Idiot above, do you have points to say this? Killing a zombie only gives one point, and I don't know how long it will take to redeem those good things!"

"Forget about exchanging it, I'm lucky I didn't die!"

Soon, the majestic and grand voice from before sounded again:

"The space stagnation will end immediately, and you can enter the God-given space at will in the future"


He felt his eyes go dark, and when he woke up again, his consciousness returned to his body. He was surrounded by endless zombies, as well as panicked and bewildered classmates and teachers.

His right paw was holding a baseball bat, and his left paw was holding five pieces of water meat!

The God-given space does not provide storage function





When the countdown ended and time and space returned to normal, Ao Xin stuffed a piece of juicy meat into his mouth and continued to charge out of the school gate while wolfing it down.

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