Ao Xin's baseball bat wrapped with electric current was really like thunder and gossip. He basically killed zombies one by one in front of him.

But he did not immerse himself in the pleasure of killing. Instead, he rushed downstairs quickly while fighting.

There are two urgent things now. One is to find a way to go home. He can't let his parents and sister be bullied again in this life.

The other thing is to kill 100 zombies as quickly as possible!

Because as long as a single person kills 100 zombies, the God-given space will be opened. At that time, he can exchange it for the three-color domineering practice method to accelerate the improvement of his strength!

Qinglong can fly, but with his current physical strength, he will definitely not be able to fly home.

With the iron rod swung up, Ao Xin was like a Qinglong war god, invincible. Behind him, a large number of students gathered and wanted to follow him out of the corridor.

But what they didn't know was that in the doomsday, there was no safe place. Hiding in the dormitory and closing the door could live longer.

But he didn't care about these. They were all disposable NPCs!

After rushing out of the corridor, his eyes narrowed.

Sure enough, the situation downstairs was even more terrifying than that in the building!

He was studying in a medical school, and those cadaver teachers and the specimens made in the laboratory, as long as they were not cut into pieces, turned into zombies and rushed out. What's even more terrifying is that this school was once a mass grave!

Many people died here during the Anti-Japanese War.

Rumor has it on campus that the evil spirit here is strong, and residential buildings were built here, causing many people to get sick.

Later, it was a Feng Shui master who suggested building a school to use the young people's strong and yang blood to dissipate the evil spirits here!

Therefore, this medical school was built.

Now, those corpses that have turned into dry bones, infected by the zombie virus, have all drilled out from the ground and attacked every living person they saw.


"Who can help me!"

The campus was in chaos, everyone was running for their lives, they were panicking and bumping into each other.

Many weak students were knocked to the ground by others.

They were trampled and almost killed.

After finally taking a breath, they were pounced on by zombies and bitten off!

Ao Xin ignored them, identified the direction of the school gate, and strode towards it.

His ferocious appearance also made others dare not approach.

Suddenly, two familiar figures in front came into view.

A man and a woman, both wearing branded clothes, but now they were equally embarrassed.

The girl had a pretty face, fair skin and beautiful appearance, but her physical strength was obviously not as good as the boy. It was Ao Xin's ex-girlfriend Wu Manman.

Suddenly, a skeleton claw stretched out from the ground and grabbed the boy's ankle.

The boy was shocked, but fortunately the girl next to him helped him take off his shoes to get rid of the skeleton's grip.

But this delay also allowed the zombies chasing behind to approach.

The boy actually pushed the girl to the ground and ran away alone with one foot bare.

The girl was desperate, watching the zombie about to bite her, and suddenly found Ao Xin killing everyone from the side.

"Help! Big guy over there, please save me! I am willing to do anything for you!"

She couldn't recognize Ao Xin's current appearance, but she felt vaguely familiar with him. Seeing a group of students following the dragon man, she felt that it should be a person, so she shouted for help.

Ao Xin saw Wu Manman out of the corner of his eye, but his steps did not pause for a moment.

It is normal for college lovers to break up because of cheating, and he would not retaliate against others because of this.

But the two of them have been strangers since then. If you want him to save people, just dream on!

No longer paying attention to the situation over there, he continued to run wildly in the killing.

Seeing that the big guy ignored her, Wu Manman felt endless despair in her heart. Finally, her heart was taken out by a zombie hand, and she was depressed. He closed his eyes silently, and didn't even make a scream.

Wu Manman's tragic death did not move Ao Xin.

At this moment, there were countless people who died tragically at the hands of zombies like Wu Manman!

He still used a big stick to clear the way. Whether it was a zombie or a skeleton, the fatal point was the head.

As long as the head was blown up, it would become a real corpse.

Finally, when he rushed to the school gate, his body suddenly froze.

Not only him, but everyone, including the zombies, stopped in place.

It was as if the whole world had pressed the time pause button.

A majestic and grand voice rang in everyone's ears:

"The first God-given [Devil Fruit] descends, and the God-given space opens!"

Then, Ao Xin felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and when he woke up again, he was already in a strange space.

There is no space here, no time, only two light screens, one large and one small.

On the large light screen, there are four big words"God-given Store", and on the small light screen, there are four words"Personal Panel".

Ao Xin was already familiar with these things in his previous life. It was an opportunity bestowed by an unknown existence.

You can exchange corresponding items with points.

There are skills, combat skills, equipment, potions, etc.

Points are obtained by hunting zombies.

Just as he was about to go in to exchange, the grand voice before appeared in his ears again:

"Because you are the first person to reach 100 points in hunting zombies, you will receive a reward from God!"

"And because you reached one hundred points within ten minutes of the apocalypse, the level of God’s reward was upgraded!"

"You can choose one of the following three rewards!"

Ao Xin was stunned. This was something he had never experienced in his previous life.

But since it is a reward, it is always a benefit. He quickly looked at it carefully:

Reward 1 [Perfect Fruit]: Make your current Azure Dragon Fruit reach a perfect state and completely eliminate the side effects of the Azure Dragon Fruit. After the side effects are eliminated, you can not only ignore the restraint of seastone and sea water, but also eat another devil fruit without your body exploding.

Note: If you eat the second fruit, then before the side effects of the second fruit are eliminated, you will still be restrained by seastone and sea water, and you cannot eat other fruits.

Reward 2 [Domineering Genius]: No points need to be exchanged, no practice is required, and the three-color domineering will be awakened directly. Even if you do not actively practice, the three-color domineering will automatically grow slowly. If you actively practice, then your three-color domineering practice speed will be doubled!

Reward 3 [Corpse-slaying Artifact]: You can get Get a custom weapon of the Supreme Sword level, and the damage caused by this weapon to zombies is doubled!

Fruit, domineering, weapon, choose one!

If you choose one, he still has a thunder fruit in his backpack. Once he obtains the double fruit ability, his combat power will at least double!

If you choose two, his domineering cultivation speed will be much faster than others. In the long run, the improvement in combat power will be even stronger than the double fruit!

If you choose three, he can directly obtain a powerful weapon, plus the effect of special attack on zombies, he will get points faster in the future!

What to choose? One and three can improve combat power immediately, two can slowly improve combat power, but the upper limit will be higher.

Judging from his experience of obtaining the second gift of God in his previous life, at least by that time, domineering is not outdated.

As for whether domineering will become outdated, he doesn't know.

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