"Be loyal to my boss, or die!"

Meng Kui stood proudly.

Although his physical strength has not recovered yet, Feng Kun was beaten to a pulp by Ao Xin, and the others were frightened by the Conqueror's Haki and dared not move.

Even without using the fruit ability, he can kill all these people now!

Since Ao Xin did not kill these people directly but handed them over to him, it means that Ao Xin intends to subdue them.

Meng Kui guessed Ao Xin's intentions.

Feng Kun was unwilling, but the huge gap in strength between the two sides made him feel desperate.

His arrogance had been shattered by Ao Xin.

"I am willing to acknowledge Qinglong as my boss."

Feng Kun looked back at the frightened brothers:"What about you? Are you willing to join Qinglong with me?"

How could these brothers not be unwilling? They were all very surprised!

As for the killing of more than a dozen companions?

What does that have to do with them?

This group of people can even abandon their families. They are just a group of workers. Do they have to avenge them?

What's more, Ao Xin is obviously a stronger person than Feng Kun.

Following Ao Xin is definitely more promising than following Feng Kun!

Before, when they learned that Qinglong was also from Biancheng, they had the idea of betraying Feng Kun and joining Ao Xin.

But on the one hand, they didn't know the other party's specific address, and it was difficult to cross the city full of zombies.

On the other hand, they were also worried about being discovered by Feng Kun and killed.

Finally, even if they found Ao Xin, it was hard to say whether he would be taken in.

Now that the other party took the initiative to take them in, it was just what they wanted!

"Yes! We do!"

"From now on we will be Boss Qinglong’s men!"

""Brother, what's your name? We can call you that too!"

Immediately, some of these younger brothers came up to Meng Kui to show their courtesy, which made Feng Kun feel cold.

He cursed these people for being greedy and having no loyalty at all, but the situation was stronger than the people, and he could do nothing about it.

"My name is Meng Kui, and the boss's name is Ao Xin."

Meng Kui looked at the workers who were bowing to him with satisfaction,"But you can't call the boss's name casually, you have to address him respectfully! Do you understand?"

The workers said they understood.

While they were talking, the zombies wandering in the distance were attracted by the crowd gathered here and attacked here one after another.

Meng Kui glanced at them, picked up his knife with a broken blade, and looked into the distance:

"The zombies are coming, keep fighting!"

"Take me to your residence later."

Meng Kui asked Feng Kun,"Can you still fight?"

Feng Kun's face and shoulders were bleeding.

His facial bones were fractured and his shoulder blade was pierced by the steel whip. His injuries were serious.

If it weren't for the super endurance provided by the animal system, he would probably be unconscious now.


Feng Kun gritted his teeth and felt that he could not be looked down upon. Even if he had to be loyal to Ao Xin, his ability would definitely be the key to his future.

With one arm hanging down and holding a knife with one arm, he stood at the forefront of the group of workers, acting as the spearhead.

Meng Kui stood at the end of the team, cleaning up the zombies that were chasing from behind.

Although these people were not well educated, they were very thoughtful. With the advantage of numbers, they found a simple way to fight zombies.

This method was very effective in the early stages.

In fact, the most suitable for this fighting method are the troops.

They have stronger physique and physical strength, coordination and cooperation ability, combat experience and courage, etc.

However, the military at that time wanted to eliminate the zombie crisis as quickly as possible and chose hot weapons for large-scale casualties.

As a result, the zombies evolved and the brave soldiers suffered heavy casualties.


Suddenly, a man screamed. He was bitten on the arm by a zombie. The severe pain made him sweat coldly, but the worker next to him had already killed him immediately!

This was the rule they set when they first united. No matter who was bitten by a zombie, the people around him would kill him immediately.

This is also the reason why this small force can grow and become one of the four major forces in Biancheng.

Meng Kui, who was at the end of the team, was surprised to see this scene.

To be honest, the organization of this migrant worker team is not low!

He believed that if the coaches and students of his fighting club were organized, they would definitely not have their mobility.

No wonder the boss wanted to keep them, these people are really not simple.

This place is the west of the city, very close to the villa area they occupied.

Half an hour later, they had arrived at the villa.

During this process, another person was bitten by a zombie and was of course killed on the spot.

"Brother Meng, this is our safe base."

A tall young man came to Meng Kui very attentively to introduce everything about them.

Feng Kun was very dissatisfied after seeing this scene, but he dared not say anything, not even a hum, and could only follow Meng Kui silently.

Seeing that the young man took the lead, the others were unwilling to fall behind and stepped forward:

"Brother Meng, let me tell you..."


Meng Kui felt annoyed by the chaotic shouting of the group of people, and snorted coldly:"Shut up!"

Everyone was embarrassed and quietly lowered their heads and took two steps back.

Meng Kui pointed at the young man who spoke to him at the beginning and said:"Go on."

The young man was delighted and quickly introduced himself:"Brother Meng, my name is Zhou Xiang, you can just call me Xiao Zhou! We are..."

Zhou Xiang introduced their background in detail, from their work, how they came together, how they seized the community, etc. Everything was explained in detail.

"Are you migrant workers?"

After learning about these people's experiences, Meng Kui seemed to vaguely know Ao Xin's intention to keep them.

However, did the boss know that this was a team of migrant workers? He couldn't figure it out.

But looking at the tall concrete walls outside the villa and the various building materials piled up in the community, he couldn't help but sigh that these people were talented.

"Brother Meng, why don’t you bring our boss over as well? This is a high-end villa community and it should be occupied by our most honorable boss!"


Zhou Xiang's eyes rolled and he quietly approached Meng Kui:"Brother Meng, we have a lot of good things here!""

Good things?

Meng Kui was a little unconvinced. Although he admired the organization and construction capabilities of these migrant workers, what good things could they have?

No matter how good���Could it be better than the devil fruit?

Zhou Xiang saw his disbelief and said with a flattering smile:"Brother Meng, come to our house and take a look. I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

Seeing the confident look on the young man's face, Meng Kui also became curious and followed him into the villa.

As soon as he walked in, he saw many disheveled women and instantly understood what the good things Zhou Xiang was talking about.

Although these women looked a little haggard, they had fair skin and exquisite figures. Although they were not the most beautiful women in the world, they were also beauties in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Brother Meng, these women are all very tender and they are all yours now!"

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