Feng Kun was shocked, knowing that he could not be touched by the power of the Netherworld.

Unless there is armed color to defend, otherwise, the defense of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is like paper in front of the Netherworld!

He dodged quickly, but the younger brother behind him was not so lucky.

At least a dozen people were cut by the power of the Netherworld, and their bodies instantly decayed and turned into dust and dissipated. After using this move, Meng Kui could no longer maintain his human-beast form, and his body trembled violently. This was due to excessive consumption of physical strength.

Although a move was developed, the speed of this move was insufficient, and the angle of the cut was not accurate, which also caused problems with the accuracy.

This allowed Feng Kun to dodge.

Feng Kun saw more than a dozen people being killed in one move. While he was afraid, he was also glad that he waited until Meng Kui was exhausted from fighting the zombies before he appeared.

Pointing the long knife at Meng Kui's throat,"Submit, or die!"

Meng Kui faced the blade directly, fearless:"You want me, Meng Kui, to surrender? Only my boss can do that in this world!"

"You? You are not worthy!"

Feng Kun was furious:"Are you not afraid of death?"

���Kui laughed and said,"Death? In the end times, who dares to say they won't die? But, the boss has been very kind to me. Even though I, Meng Kui, am afraid of death, I am definitely not a villain who would betray my trust!"

""Okay, okay!"

Feng Kun said three"Okay" words in a row:"Since you want to die, I will grant your wish!"


He actually dropped his long knife, transformed into the form of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and opened his mouth to bite and swallow Meng Kui alive!

Even if he died, he would make his enemy die painfully!

With a bloody mouth and a fishy smell, Meng Kui closed his eyes.

Am I going to die?

I didn't protect my parents. I finally found a reliable boss who gave me so many good things and the most precious devil fruit. In the end, I didn't have a chance to repay the boss, and I was going to die.

While lamenting, I suddenly heard a familiar voice:

"You dare to kill my people?"

A steel whip was thrown by Ao Xin with a whistling sound.

The force of this throw was so great and the speed was so fast.

Feng Kun didn't even see clearly what was coming. He just relied on his sense of crisis to move sideways and barely avoided the heart, but his shoulder blade was still pierced.

He was horrified.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is famous for its strength and defense!

This person didn't even use the ability of the fruit, nor did he use domineering power. He just threw an object from such a long distance and pierced his body?

His body can now withstand even ordinary bullets, which means that the force of this person's throw is stronger than bullets!

Why is there such a strong person in this world?

Feng Kun was frightened. At this moment, he turned around and saw a bamboo steel whip stuck on the wall not far away.

This is the thing. Is it a magic weapon? As he thought about it, the person who attacked him was already in front of him.

This is a young man in casual clothes, with an upright body and a handsome face.

Behind the young man, there was also a cute and lovely girl

"Feng Kun?"

Ao Xin walked slowly to Feng Kun. He had seen this big dinosaur from a distance before.

However, at that time, he was just a small Karami without any fruit, while Feng Kun was a strong man who could be actively recruited by the big boss.

But in this life, Feng Kun was just a small Karami in front of him!

""You dare to touch my people, don't you want to live?"

His voice was not loud, but it made Feng Kun unconsciously feel fear.

Ao Xin was as thin as an ant compared to his Tyrannosaurus Rex body, but in his eyes, Ao Xin was as majestic as a mountain!


Meng Kui was pleasantly surprised to see Ao Xin appear. It seemed that he would not have to die.

But Ao Xin did not look kind to him.

"You can't even beat a tiny reptile, it's such a waste to give you the Fantasy Beast!"

Meng Kui lowered his head in shame, not daring to argue. He was clearly a 30-year-old burly man, but he lowered his head and followed behind Ao Xin, just like a child who had made a mistake.

"In the end times, do you dare to exhaust your physical strength at will?"

"Do you think that with the mythical beast species, zombies are no longer a threat?"

Ao Xin ignored the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of him and turned his back to Meng Kui to preach:

"People are the scariest thing in the end times. No matter what time it is, you must keep some strength to guard against people's hearts."

He was not only warning Meng Kui, but also imparting experience to Ao Chen.

Many people think that they have read many end times articles and know that they should kill the saint first in the end times, but when the end times come, it is still difficult to completely abandon the kindness in their hearts, and they will always overestimate the moral bottom line of people.

This is not something that can be solved by killing decisively.

"Yes, Boss."

Meng Kui carefully savored Ao Xin's words. He knew that Ao Xin was imparting his experience.

Feng Kun saw Ao Xin's arrogant look and immediately turned from fear to anger:

"Who the hell are you? How dare you act so arrogantly in front of me!" He bit down with his bloody mouth, wanting to vent all the"humiliation" he had suffered before!

Behind him, the more than one hundred brothers also turned around from the fear of their companions' instant death, and spread out to surround Ao Xin and the other two.

"A mob!"

Ao Xin ignored their encirclement, and a faint aura emanated from him. This aura struck deep into their souls, instantly magnifying the fear in their hearts. More than a hundred people collapsed to the ground, and some people were even frightened to pee. The dim liquid soaked through their pants and flowed out. The stench made Ao Chen frown.

A punch hit the cheek of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The fist wrapped in the armed color hit Feng Kun's face at a speed faster than the Tyrannosaurus Rex's attack.


With a crisp sound, the Tyrannosaurus Rex's facial bones were fractured!

The huge body fell backwards.

The severe pain came, and the fear of being shocked by the domineering color deepened again.

Relying on the super endurance of the animal system, Feng Kun returned to the human beast form and struggled to stand up:

"Armament Haki, Domineering Haki, how can you be so strong?"

His face was bleeding, and several teeth were knocked out.

He had completely lost the courage to fight with Ao Xin.

The two sides were not on the same level at all!

Moreover, this man didn't even use the ability of the fruit! Just relying on physical skills, he had no power to fight back!

"Meng Kui, you have been defeated by him. I will leave it to you to decide how to deal with this man!"

Stepping over the bodies of the collapsed brothers on the ground, he took out the steel whip that was deeply embedded in the wall and left with Ao Chen.

At the original place were Meng Kui, Feng Kun and others.

"Who is he?"

After Ao Xin left, Feng Kun dared to ask Meng Kui

"My boss!"

Meng Kui proudly announced:"The legendary Qinglong boss!"

"He is the Azure Dragon boss?" Feng Kun sat on the ground dejectedly:"Even the power of the fruit is useless, he easily defeated me with just physical skills."

He thought he could subdue this force of fantasy beasts, but in the end, Meng Kui almost killed him. If he hadn't attacked when Ao Xin was exhausted, he wouldn't even be able to see Ao Xin!

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