The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 988: The Upheaval of the Confederacy (Part 1)

987. Upheaval of the Confederacy (Part 1)

21BBY, May 31.

Laxus sub-planet, independent galaxy confederation council.

"We should stop the construction of robot factories! Use valuable industrial production capacity for the construction of warships! The robot factories on Geonosis should be shut down immediately!" Thunbak-Tula, representative of the planet Semiles, said in the parliament an impassioned speech.

The leader of the Geonosis planet sitting at the top, Grand Duke Bogle-Inferior, had an extremely ugly face. He stood up with a cane and said in a very incomprehensible voice mixed with Geonosis: " We need more combat robots to meet the needs of the war! In the previous 3 months of war, we lost more than 300 million robots on various battlefields!"

"However, no matter how many robots there are, we still need enough battleships to transport and escort them! Now the number of our Rookie Hook-class battleships has begun to drop sharply, and such heavy warships are difficult to meet the combat needs!" A representative of the Trade Union, Newt Gunray's uncle, Root Gunray, was also speaking loudly.

On such occasions, the Governor of the Trade Federation, Newt Gunley, and the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, Thorn Hill, would generally not participate, mainly because the two butts were still sitting on the side of the Galactic Republic.

And with their identities, they really don't bother arguing with people in these places.

"That's why we also need to build a warship dock at the same time. The expansion proposal of Parmante Port was just passed last month." Earl Dooku said in a deep voice.

"For the current war situation, our industrial capacity has reached its limit, and the Galactic Republic is building warships far faster than us! So we need to further concentrate our industrial capacity on warship construction!" Enterprise Alliance representative Denari - The base station got up and said the same.

"Then what about the ground combat forces?" Pogle-Inferior was very annoyed, because the manufacture and supply of robots is now the main source of income for the planet Geonosis.

"We propose to relax the conscription restrictions on the confederation's affiliated planets, and allow the affiliated planets to train the army and participate in this war." Said the representative of the Interstellar Banking Association, Luo Vaped.

(PS: These seemingly unfamiliar names are actually adjutants of major corporate giants. See Chapter 508 for details.)

"This is absolutely impossible!!" Shu Mai, the president of the commercial guild, jumped up and cursed loudly as if his butt was on fire, "This is betrayal!! Naked betrayal!!"

"Letting the warriors of our planet join this great war, I don't know why it is a betrayal?" Otto Stratus, the leader of the Jabim planet, stood up and said, "The cloud and rain assault on the Jabim planet The robot army is more elite and powerful than ten times the number of robots!"

Holding a sword and shield and wearing gliding boots on the battlefield, this warrior who looked like a lion, now put away his fangs in the council, was still imposing.

"You know why!" Shu Mai ignored Otto Stratus at all, but just looked viciously at the Trade Federation and the Enterprise Alliance, and then looked in the direction of Count Dooku with a complicated expression. Said: "The combat efficiency of the robot army is the highest, and it is also an important reason why we have maintained the war until now!"

"Isn't it because of our Shenyi-class destroyers and Cole-class battlecruisers that the main reason why the war has been maintained to this day? Of course, there are also the latest Behemoth-class battlecruisers." Luo Vapede sneered Said.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Shu Mai's bruised face turned dark.

"That's what it means. We should completely eliminate the outdated Generosity-class frigates and the relatively low-efficiency Disobedience-class light destroyers, expand the production of Cole-class battlecruisers and Behemoth-class battlecruisers, and establish a team consisting of The Shenyi-class destroyer is the flagship, the Behemoth-class battlecruiser is the core, and the Cole-class battlecruiser is the new fleet for fire support!" Luo Vaped said.

"As a representative of the Interstellar Banking Association and an adjutant to Chairman Thorn Hill, you should understand how much money such a transformation will cost, Mr. Luo Vaped." Earl Dooku asked indifferently.

"That's why we need to close redundant robot factories and recruit troops from planets with high-quality soldiers to save industrial costs." Root Gunley said, "For example, the robot factory on Hypori planet, every month Spending more than 20 million credits, this is a huge waste of resources!"

Now Walter Tamber, the chief foreman of the Technology Union, couldn't sit still. He quickly turned the knob of his protective armor, adjusted his voice to an angry voice, and said loudly: "Who gave you the courage to attack our factory? of!!"

"You know how many resources were wasted, how many kickbacks were taken, and how many effective combat capabilities were actually produced by the robot factory on Hyperion Planet." Luo Vaped sneered.

"The Cole-class battlecruiser is a product of Dawn Planet, and the Behemoth-class battlecruiser was jointly developed by you and the Fourth Group! You are all the same breed and want to snatch our profits!!" Shu Mai roared, "This war is fought by us, other planets just need to cooperate! This is our initial agreement!"

"But this agreement can no longer bring us victory. Could your business guild be able to build a spaceship that can rival the Jaeger-class battlecruiser of the Republic, or can it build a fighter that can defeat the ARC-170 fighter? "Thunbak-Tula retorted.

"Our fleet has reached the Antal galaxy in the inner ring star region!"

"So do you know how much we lost in the Battle of Antares?"

Shu Mai said viciously: "In short, I can't agree to this matter!"

"That's why it was submitted to the parliament for voting." Thunbak-Tula said.

"This is different from what we agreed on!" Shu Mai said to Earl Dooku again.

Earl Dooku just said lightly: "I want to remind everyone that if we cannot gain an advantage over the Galactic Republic in the war, then all our previous plans are empty talk. And even if we start peace negotiations, what we get It would only be humiliating."

Councilor Ainle-Tim did not oppose this proposal very fiercely, but said slowly: "I am opposed to this point, because it is still a means of expanding the war and will not help us reach a conclusion with the Galactic Republic. peace agreement."

At this time, Tang Xiao, who hadn't spoken all this time, finally said, "We can't guarantee that a peace agreement will be reached, so at this time, it's not the time for us to put down our weapons, is it? Congressman Tim."

Einle-Tim nodded solemnly, "So I didn't raise any objections, I just have reservations, Your Excellency the Governor."

Shu-Mai's anger finally reached its peak, she said angrily: "For your treachery, my only choice is to leave!!"

"Before you leave, please settle the loan with us first," said Luo Vapede, representative of the Interstellar Banking Association.

"Or, are you planning to betray the Confederacy and join the Galactic Republic?" Tang Xiao said suddenly, with an inexplicably ferocious smile on his face.

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