The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 987: The Rebirth of the Huanpai (Part 2)

986. The Rebirth of the Huanpai (Part 2)

The faction of MPs headed by Councilor Ainle-Tim began to come up with a dusty name again - The Rim Faction (The Rim Faction).

This was once the most powerful faction in the Galactic Republic's political arena, and was once composed of representatives from many of the Central and Outer Rim Sectors.

Because the central and outer ring star regions occupy more than three-quarters of the entire galaxy, most of these councilors are large in number, and there are also many talented people who are outstanding in all aspects.

During the period of the Republic, although the Galactic Parliament was inefficient, it was the highest-level administrative organization in the entire galaxy. All proposals would be discussed and voted in the parliament before they could be passed. Under such circumstances, the Huan faction with a large number of people naturally has the ability to influence the decision-making of many republics.

During this period, don't say who has big fists. Everyone has no fists, and the only armed force in the entire Galactic Republic is the Judicial Fleet. So at that time, there was a quarrel in the parliament. Don’t look at your planet Kuat and Rendili’s industrial development, and don’t look at your planet Mulinster and Balmora-Neimoidia. The faction is that there are too many people, and no one is cowardly when they quarrel. In the end, Kuat these planets have to give them three points.

The Huanpai at that time still gave many people hope.

Although the outer ring star region is poor and backward, they can still make their own voices in the Galactic Republic when they unite. And more or less still able to win the policy support of many Galactic Republics, although these policy support can be really implemented very few, but at least there is such a thing.

But it was not until later that everything started to change from the rise of separatism.

The cloud of war began to hang over the Milky Way, and almost everyone was discussing the war. At this time, the ring faction also began to realize that something was wrong.

Ever since the Battle of the Malastal Fjord, everyone has discovered that there is still an option of resorting to force! As a result, changes began to take place in the council, and even within the Huanpai.

When the threat of force became a real possibility, many ring faction members began to think more about safety when they considered issues. And they also start talking about money more, because only with more money can they buy more warships to protect themselves.

At this time, the real and unshakable advantages of the members of the inner circle and the inner ring planet began to be manifested.

In the election after the resignation of Speaker Finnis-Valorum, a large number of ring faction members turned against each other during the election process, and even the leader of the ring faction at the time, the representative of the planet Reynolds, Aoun Free Tower, also openly rebelled , support Schiff - Palpatine elected Speaker.

This also marked the demise of the ring faction. After that, although Francis Underwood briefly supported Ainle Tim to rebuild the ring faction, it could not fundamentally change the problem.

But now, in the confederation of independent galaxies dominated by the outer ring and the middle ring of the Milky Way, the ring faction has been reborn again!

And this time, Einle-Tim also proposed very specific and strict regulations. He stipulates the conditions and assessment standards that need to be met to join the ring group, and stipulates the obligations, duties, and rights that ring group members need to perform.

Even in the Huanpai, positions with different functions and responsibilities at different levels have been set up, which are very strict and clear. This is completely the standard of a political party!

The Huan faction has not only been reborn, but has grown further. It is not just a loose political association, but now, it is a political party with a common ideal and a common program!

And for Tang Xiao, this is the real role of Ainle-Tim and Huanpai! Without their existence, including the Freemasonry, all long-term political plans are empty talk!

Moreover, he did not allow the Freemasonry to participate in the affairs of the ring faction, and at the same time he did not let Ainle-Tim join the Freemasonry. In other words, he is actually manipulating several chess pieces in different aspects at the same time.

This is a huge political layout!

The first thing after the rebirth of the Ring faction was to launch a strong challenge to Earl Dooku in the council of the Federation of Independent Galaxies! They used the peace initiative as a weapon to force Count Dooku to make concessions in this regard.

After Earl Dooku had an hour-long debate with Ainle-Tim at the Laxus sub-planet council meeting, he returned to his office to talk to Tang Xiao secretly, and then secretly talked to Tang Xiao Angels had a discussion.

Then, he found Darth Sidious and brought up the current problems of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxies.

"My lord, after Ainle-Tim returned to the planet Marathal, he began to use his influence to win over a large number of councilors, and he continued to advocate peace, which made our situation very passive." Dooku The count half-kneeled on the ground, and said very respectfully to Sidious who was wearing a black cloak in the holographic projection.

"I have said many times, I am not interested in playing political games with those planets in the outer ring! Why is Mina Bontry still alive now? Including Ainle Tim, I also need to watch it within three days To his decapitated place!" Darth Sidious growled impatiently.

"I have already sent an assassin to assassinate Mina Bontry, but it failed... and Ainle Tim paid great attention to his own security after returning from Coruscant. If he acts rashly now, he may be independent Confederation politics will get out of hand," Count Dooku said.

"How much control do you think you still have now? My great, far-sighted, wise Count Dooku." Darth Sidious mocked, "The separatist movement is almost here, even if your No matter how out of control the political arena is, so what? Think carefully, Count Dooku..."

The voice of Darth Sidious was fatally bewitching, "Your future should be on the side of mankind, on the side of the core circle of the galaxy, and on the side of the new order we are about to establish! Not, the group of fundamental The barbarians on the outer ring who don't obey discipline!"

"But... things are complicated..." Count Dooku wanted to say something, but was cut off.

"Shut up!" Darth Sidious roared, "I'm tired of you talking about difficulties with me. Now, either you prove to me that your ideals of the new order are still firm, and you are still A worthy person! Either follow those barbaric and backward outer ring planets and be crushed to pieces by this war!!"

The power of the dark side around his body became real, and the voice seemed to come from all directions, gloomy and terrifying, "You should see for yourself...the power of the new order!"

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