850: Bait

On the outskirts of the Harm Galaxy, where the original Blade Fleet disappeared.

A shocking battle just took place in this originally empty star field. Although this battle has passed for a day, the countless warship fragments and crew corpses still floating on the battlefield still tell With the tragic situation of the war at that time.

Especially in this star field, the corpses are very dense.

When the Rookie Hook-class battleship collided with the Plague, more than 8,000 Granite marines died on the spot, and more than 20,000 were seriously injured. In the ensuing battle, more than 20,000 marines died in battle, and counting the crews on the destroyed warships on both sides, there were almost 70,000 soldiers killed on both sides in this battle.

Then add the original 440,000 crew members of the Blade Fleet. After the two sides took control of the battleship, the corpses of these crew members were thrown out through the sewage bin of the battleship as soon as possible. Brain plague virus.

Even the soldiers of the Republic did the same, without any thought of comradeship.

This has resulted in the dense concentration of more than 500,000 corpses in this area... It's like a space hell.

The Gran people are here to do coolies, and now they are also responsible for cleaning the battlefield. The style of the Fourth Civilization is more meticulous. After each battle, the battlefield will be cleaned to collect useful parts. Even if there are no useful parts, taking these pieces back and melting them can make the battleship new, right?

Compared with the rich and powerful Galactic Republic, after a battle, if there is no time to clean up the wreckage of those battleships, they are often blown up directly, and they are too lazy to clean up, as long as they are not used by the opponent.

Things were different on the Confederate side, but the results were about the same. The corporate giants of the Trade Federation will never allow those servant races to participate in any aspect of the war, except for taking money out. They outsourced things like cleaning the battlefield to some garbage disposal companies. Anyway, this thing can be solved with money.

But the fourth civilization often uses these races to do some chores, such as the Granites.

Now, Tang Xiao personally issued an order to investigate Shen Qiaoen's body thoroughly, which made these hardworking Granites even more miserable.

A cargo spaceship flew into the garbage spaceship and unloaded all the mixture of corpses and battleship debris in the cargo hold. The Gran pilot dropped a sentence in the communication, "I'll leave it to you. All the corpses will be screened once. Photographs will be kept for certificates, and DNA data will be recorded.”

"No problem, you can go to work. We have to go back and return after we have finished processing the garbage here." The pilot of the garbage spaceship said.

The pilot of the cargo spaceship was full of complaints, snorted and flew out of the spaceship directly.

He didn't notice that the pilot of the junk spaceship seemed to have a dull expression.

At this time, behind the pilot of the garbage spaceship came a shrill, but eerie voice, "It's almost time, get out of here."

"Yes, get out of here." The driver replied in a daze.

All I could see was a short, fat Bis man standing in the cabin of the junk spaceship! Lying on the operating table in front of him was a human who was still wearing a Granite battle uniform. Looking closely, it was the Shen-Jon that Tang Xiao had been looking for! !

At this moment, half of Shen-Jon's face was almost completely burned, looking hideous and terrifying, but there was still a ray of breath left!

This Biss man is the master of Darth Plagueis, Darth Tenebrous!

After he reached an agreement with Darth Malthael, he got such a body at the cost of teaching him what he had learned all his life, and the two temporarily formed an alliance to fight against Darth Sidious.

However, that doesn't mean Darth Tenebrous doesn't do anything.

"At least one point of your judgment is correct, Darth Malthael..." Darth Tenebrous looked at Shen Jon lying in front of him, and said coldly: "This person, will be A very good Sith Lord...hehehehe..."

The junk ship, mixed with other junk transporting ships, started its hyperdrive and disappeared without a trace. It’s just that no one knows that the landing point of this spaceship is not the Halm galaxy...

After arriving at the target, a hidden and uninhabited galaxy, the junk ship flew into a space station transformed from an asteroid.

The hidden hatch of the space station opened, and at that moment, a beast-like logo was revealed. Below the logo were four letters written in the standard language of the galaxy——



"Governor, according to our inspection results, the 178 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers of the Blade Fleet are generally not in good condition, and a large number of parts need to be replaced before they can be used." Logistics Minister Tuo Wan reported to Tang Xiaohui , "There is a plan that we dismantle 40 of the spaceships, and then replace them with other spaceships with intact parts. I don't know how..."

"Needless to say, this plan is not considered. Each of the 178 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers will be on the front line of the war against the Galactic Republic!" Tang Xiao said firmly.

"But if this is not the case, it will be difficult for us to get parts for the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser. Since the disappearance of the Blade Fleet, the Dreadnoughts ordered by the Navy of the Galactic Republic have been very rare, so almost none of them have entered the black market. Even if there are, they are The old model of Dreadnought, this new type of Dreadnought has many unique technologies, and we have not been able to fully crack it." Tovan said.

Tang Xiao waved his hand, "Don't worry too much about the spare parts, I will go to the people in Lundili to ask for them."

Tovan was startled, "Lundili Interstellar Power Company? They are in the Galactic Republic!"

Tang Xiao didn't mean to explain, but just waved his hand again, and Towan shut his mouth very tactfully, and backed out.

"Lundili..." An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth, "The Blade Fleet is just a bait. When I get this bait, you are destined to take the bait...haha."

He turned his head to look at the communicator on the table, which was still flashing and sneered. According to the records, this frequency band has called him several times.

The communicator failed to identify the source of this frequency band, obviously the other party was encrypted.

However, to be able to obtain the private communication frequency band as the governor of Dawn Star and an important member of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy, the other party naturally has the ability and connections of the sky.

And Tang Xiao also knew who the other party was.

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