849: meritorious service

"If the Plague is going to undergo a complete overhaul, it needs to be dragged back to the Titan shipyard on the planet Yago-Dur." Helmut Zemo stood in front of Tang Xiao, holding a document and reporting, "But now the Ji Wen people The situation is very delicate, and the Galactic Republic Council is requesting to send a survey team to them to investigate their large-scale construction of warships."

Tang Xiao waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about the defense of the Yago-Dur planet. It is a trisolaran galaxy. Although the three stars are relatively stable, it is not as difficult to survive as in the famous novel, but the complex gravitational environment is still there. It is not conducive to the deployment of large-scale fleets. The two Argonev-class interstellar bases we built there are enough to break the Republic's head."

"That is to say, you are ready for the Jiven to openly join the Confederation of Independent Systems?" Zemo asked.

"It's an inevitable consequence."

"Then the Plague..."

"It still has nothing to do with the Ji Wen people, tow the boat to Parmante Port."

Helmut Zemo was taken aback, "Drag to Parmante Harbor? Isn't this... wait a minute..."

Immediately, he figured out Tang Xiao's intentions, and said with a smile, "I must say, this move is really wonderful."

"Now that you understand, let's make arrangements."


Tang Xiao stood up, straightened his clothes, and switched on the communication. The holographic projection flickered for a moment, projecting a tall, tall, energetic old man in a black cloak.

Count Dooku, leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Tang Xiao smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Count Dooku, I'm here to report to you a great victory that just happened."

"Although I've heard of it, it's really shocking when such news comes from your mouth... I look forward to it with full respect." Earl Dooku bent down and made a gesture of invitation.

"We defeated the fleet of the Galactic Republic and captured 178 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers in the Blade Fleet. Our Confederation of Independent Galaxy will add another powerful force!" Tang Xiao said, "And we captured Jedi Master Yi Si-Kos, member of the Supreme Council of the Twelve of the Jedi Order."

"Hahahaha!!" Earl Dooku laughed heartily, "It's really a shocking victory! We are approaching our goal step by step! When the day is achieved, Your Excellency Tang Xiao, you will be the first! Hahahaha !"

"I don't dare to do it. My goal all along is to win the war." Tang Xiao said politely, and then he and Earl Dooku complimented each other for a while before getting to the point, "But I still have one very troublesome thing here. matter."

Earl Dooku was in a very good mood, stroked his neat beard and said, "Just say what you want, as long as I can help you, I will do my best."

Tang Xiao then said bluntly: "Because the Titan battleship Plague was severely damaged in this battle, it needs a thorough overhaul, but we don't have the ability to repair such a super battleship. I hope that the Plague can be transferred to Permante Port Make repairs."

Count Dooku's expression suddenly retracted, and he asked seriously, "Is this what the dead angel meant, or what you meant?" His tone sank, and he didn't even use honorifics.

Tang Xiao said lightly: "After the battle of the Blade Fleet, Lord Death Angel disappeared. I don't know what he thought, and I don't even know where the Plague was built. So this matter , I can only find you."

In fact, even he himself still admires Darth Plagueis' decision to place the construction of the Plague in the Yago-Dur galaxy.

Because the Yago-Dur galaxy is a three-body galaxy with a very complicated gravitational environment, the gravitational forces of the three stars are intertwined, making the entire galaxy almost full of gravitational traps, and the electromagnetic environment is also chaotic.

This is why Octavian Grant led the fleet directly through this galaxy, but still can only scan out the metal and energy reactions of a large number of warships, but cannot know the specific situation.

The docks of the Titan warships are built here, and unless they are directly witnessed, they will not be discovered at all. Compared to the size of an entire galaxy, that 30,000-meter-long large Titan dedicated dock is not even a grain of sand in the sea.

That's why Tang Xiao dared to say this lie now.

Earl Dooku didn't doubt this too much, he nodded and said: "Permante Port is currently the largest warship dock in our hands, and it is more than enough to repair the Titan battleship Plague, but this battleship is very important for us. It's too strange..."

"The blueprint data of the Plague Titan battleship, Lord Death Angel once gave me a copy." Tang Xiao said, took out a memory and clicked it, and a thumbnail image of the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship was projected on the memory , "I will personally go to the planet Lasax, and hand over the data of the Titan battleship Plague, as well as our captive, Master Ith-Kos, to you face to face."

"Hahahaha! I can't wait to entertain Your Excellency the Governor with the highest level of etiquette." Earl Dooku felt even more comfortable, and he raised his head and laughed.

After finishing the pleasant communication with Earl Dooku, Tang Xiao sat back on the sofa again, crossed his legs and meditated. After a while, he connected a communication and asked in a deep voice, "Did you find it?"

A Gran general appeared on the projection, he nodded and said respectfully: "My lord, I have mobilized all my strength to search the battlefield, but indeed only recovered the corpses of two Jedi knights... the Shen- Jon's body was never found."

"Did you not find it, or are you too lazy to look for it?" Tang Xiao's tone turned cold.

General Grann broke out in a cold sweat, "No, no, no, no, I indeed mobilized all my strength to search. We didn't even let go of a single screw floating on the battlefield. Even this battle Among them, the corpses of the soldiers we sacrificed and the corpses of the original crew of the Blade Fleet were compared and recorded one by one, but there is really no corpse of Shen-Jon..."

"I'll give you three more days to find it! Don't let go of even a small piece of body tissue!" Tang Xiao's face was gloomy.

"Yes yes yes... I will, I will... This time I will double the number of people, and I will find it, I will find it." General Grann nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice.

Tang Xiao didn't bother to talk to him, and turned off the communication with a wave of his hand.

He looked at the ceiling, his eyes gradually became cold, and he said to himself, "Then, the next question is... Who is it?"

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