751: Taming (Part 1)

Turning back the time to one day ago, the world of wealth - Cato Neimoidia is still calm.

More than 100 warships headed by the 7th Squadron of the 2nd Army of the Republic, led by three 8,000-meter-long Commander-class dreadnoughts, are encircling the planet in an impenetrable way.

And on the planet Cato Neimoidia, preparations were also made, the powerful orbital defense system was activated, and the planetary shield was activated, and this was an extremely expensive one-way shield!

As we all know, if it is an ordinary shield, it will affect the shooting of the weapon after it is turned on, because the protection of the shield swims in both directions. The one-way shield can protect oneself without affecting the weapon's fire attack. Warships that can be equipped with one-way shields are often used as flagships. And in Cato Neimoidia, the entire planetary shield uses a one-way shield!

On the outer orbit, the powerful fleet of the Trade Alliance is also waiting. The 30 Generosity-class communication frigates, 5 Shenyi-class destroyers, and 10 Rookie Hook-class battleships, including a large number of small battleships, made the 7th Squadron dare not act rashly.

Even though the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies are fighting in full swing in the Outer Rim and even the Central Rim, this wealth world planet in the core circle is still calm, even though the fleet assembled here has surpassed most of the battlefields.

Now on the planet Cato-Neimoidia, the 100,000 super-rich people have already evacuated, and all the ones left on the planet are the army to defend their properties. There are more than 2 million robots in the army!

Although these super rich people are not on the planet, they still want to keep their wealth through various channels and means, and they are always paying attention to the situation in Cato-Neimoidia.

The Governor of the Trade Union, Newt Gunley, is naturally one of them.

But at this moment, he was looking at a person in a black cloak and trembling in front of him...

The second Sith Lord in this galaxy, the Dead Angel.

After the last time the Angel of Death chopped Prull Barron straight in two in front of him, Newt Gunray went home and had nightmares for days, and until now he had to be under the heavy protection of the robot army. Only dare to barely fall asleep.

And he only dared to stay in the fleet, he didn't even dare to set foot on the planet's ground.

Although he doesn't understand the way of the Force at all, in his opinion, this Sith Lord, who claims to be a dead angel, is no less powerful than Darth Sidious, and the degree of terror is comparable to Darth Sidious. For Sri Lanka, it is definitely even worse!

But escaping can't solve everything, the dead angel still found him.

He drove a red fighter jet directly into his convoy, without even sending out the identification code, just passing through countless anti-aircraft firepower, and then rushed to Newt Gunley's flagship, Hovering quietly outside the porthole of the bridge, it sent the identification code.

The fighter plane transformed into a robot more than 8 meters high, stood outside the porthole of the bridge, and knocked on the glass.

Naturally, it was impossible to make any noise, but this action still hit Newt Gunley's heart like a heavy hammer, and he managed to hold back from peeing his pants.

When he came to the middle of the bridge, Darth Malthael didn't speak, but just stood there watching Newt Gunley quietly.

It was also the first time for Newt Gunley to meet a Sith Lord face-to-face. It may not be accurate to say that, because he had met Hego Damask II and Tang Xiao himself many times before.

It should be said that it was the first time for him to face a Sith Lord who fully displayed his incomparably powerful dark side force!

"Master Dead Angel... Please... May I ask why you came to find me..." Newt Gunley asked in a trembling voice.

He was not too miserable, and quickly gestured with one hand behind his back, and his adjutant hurriedly called a protocol robot to offer Darth Malthael a glass of expensive wine.

Darth Malthael was not too polite, took the glass of fine wine, walked to Newt Gunley's own main seat, and took a sip.

Seeing him make this action, Newt Gunley let out a long sigh of relief. Having been in the business world for a long time, he naturally understood that the other party did not come to kill him.

As long as you can survive, you can donate as much money as you want.

Newt Gunray secretly made up his mind. As for whether it is distressing to give the money out, I can't take care of it anymore. The big deal is to increase the tax by a few points in the several industrial worlds in my hands.

"I have a battle plan and I want to talk to you." Darth Malthael finally spoke.

"Please, please." Newt Gunley nodded quickly.

"Kato Neimoidia." Darth Malthael spoke the name of a place.

Newt Gunray's whole body was shaken suddenly, the wine glass in his hand was suddenly lost and dropped. However, the wine glass and the spilled wine miraculously hovered in mid-air, and then returned to his hand under an invisible force, and the wine also formed a stream and fell into the glass.

But the panic in Newt Gunray's heart grew bigger and bigger.

Cato Neimoidia! He was playing Kato Neimoidia's idea! There is my root! My fortune in the trillions is there! ! No, absolutely not!

Newt Gunley was thinking in his heart, his eyes were a little red.

But Darth Malthael did not make any demands there, but made an unexpected proposal, "I will raid Cato-Neimoidia and destroy the Republic fleet on the outskirts of this planet.... "

Newt Gunley was shocked, "What are you talking about? How is this possible?! The planet Cato-Nimoidia is deep in the core circle of the Milky Way, and not far away is the Second Army of the Republic! How could we be in Where is the fleet that defeated the Republic?"

"I said I can do it, so naturally I have my reasons." Darth Malthael said lightly, "Of course, the premise is that you must cooperate with me."

Newt Gunley's face became serious, and after a while, he raised his head and said very cautiously: "Master Dead Angel... Actually, I think it's better to maintain the status quo for the planet Cato-Neimoidia. ..."

"Are you worried about the loss of your property?" Darth Malthael said, under the hood, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, showing a mocking smile, "No, that's not the case. What you're worried about is , once the battle plan on Cato Neimoidia is successful, the Trade Federation may really anger the Galactic Republic, thus making itself lose its hedging position, right?"

Newt Gunley's expression was a bit complicated. He hesitated for a while, then lowered his head and said, "That's true...the trade alliance still has a large number of industries in the inner and core circles of the galaxy. These businesses cannot be affected."

Darth Malthael sneered, "Then...how about using your shutdown code to shut down all the battle robots?"

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