749. Beheading

The white light flickered extremely violently, and the figure of the 14,100-meter-long super giant suddenly appeared in the space.

At the same time, the bridge of the Commander-class dreadnought, the flagship of the 7th Squadron of the 2nd Army of the Galactic Republic, was already busy.

"Confirm hyperspace transcendence! Enemy ship, one!"

"The length is 14,100 meters, and the mass is 900 million tons! The database comparison is complete! It's the Plague!" the radar soldier shouted.

The combat staff officer rushed over and looked at the screen, "Are you sure it's the Plague?"

"Undoubtedly." The radar soldier said with certainty.

"How is this possible? Why can the Plague come to the inner circle without a sound?!" The combat staff officer exclaimed.

"Order the ships to prepare for battle immediately! Pay attention to the super cannon of the Plague!" Admiral Rivers, the commander of the fleet, issued an order.

At the same time, the Plague is also completing its final combat preparations.

"The hyperspace jump was successful! The current position is the planet Cato-Neimoidia!" the navigator reported loudly.

"The whole ship is in combat mode! Raise the shield!" The combat staff issued an order in accordance with the combat rules.

"Stop!" Admiral Severance Tann, who was sitting in the captain's seat, had a serious face, "All energy is supplied to the supermatter electromagnetic gun! The battleship has entered overload mode! Start charging immediately!"

"Yes! Stop the shield system! All energy is concentrated to supply the supermatter electromagnetic gun! The overload mode is on!" The combat staff repeated the order, and all departments immediately started to execute it. He looked at the system feedback, and then said: "If you give up the shield , the charging and overloading time can be compressed to 40 seconds!"

Severance Tann showed a cruel smile on her face, "Adjust the shooting angle, target...the enemy's flagship."

Standing aside, Darth Lilim turned his head and said with a playful smile, "There are three Commander-class dreadnoughts over there. Would you like me to tell you, sister, which one is the flagship?"

Severance Tann ignored her at all, and just continued to order, "Target, the Commander-class ship on the left rear, shoot immediately after charging."

Commands were issued one after another, and the huge battleship Plague began to adjust its course. At the same time, the gun barrel over 10,000 meters long began to unfold, and the terrifying energy began to concentrate. With the operation of electromagnetic force, extremely powerful energy formed around the battleship. Circles of extremely dazzling light circles, this energy began to rotate at a high speed under the action of the magnetic field, and made the giant projectiles that had already been loaded also start to rotate!

And this terrifying energy on the Titan battleship was also detected by the Republic battleship as it was.

"The enemy ship is starting to recharge!"

Commander Admiral Rivers looked serious, "All the shields of the ships are concentrated in front! Calculate the ballistics! Check the database and compare the charging time of the main guns of the enemy ships!"

"Trajectory confirmed! The enemy ship is aiming at our ship!" The voice of the radar soldier was panicked, and his expression was even more exciting. He changed several expressions in an instant, and even he himself didn't know whether to cry or make trouble.

It's not his fault. Anyone who is aimed at by a 500-meter caliber super super super super cannon will have such an expression.

"Aim at the ship? How do they know the flagship is here?" Rivers was also sweating and clenched his fists tightly.

"The comparison is complete! Judging from the data of the Plague battleship in the Trigalis Star Wars, the charging time of their main guns is 200 seconds, and it increases with each launch!" The combat staff gave the data.

"Evading is useless! All the energy is concentrated on the front shield! The energy transfer is completed within 60 seconds! Resist this shot for me! Inform the other warships and counterattack immediately!" Admiral Rivers said.

"Yes! All energy sets..." Before the combat staff could finish speaking, a ray of light comparable to a star suddenly lit up in the dark deep space!

This ray of light instantly enveloped the entire battleship!

Then there is no more...

The shield of the Commander-class dreadnought of the flagship of the 7th Squadron, the Golden Light, broke through and penetrated like paper, and then the sub-caliber projectile with a diameter of more than 370 meters went directly into the interior of the battleship, shooting a Terrible hole!

The commander-class dreadnought is 8,000 meters long, and the hull is a cuboid shape commonly used by warships of the previous era. This is to accommodate the 43,000 crew members necessary for the operation of the warship. Although it is a backward warship from the previous era, its size is still here after all. More than 1,100 explosive laser cannons are installed on the Commander-class dreadnought ship, and its firepower and armor are extremely powerful.

But now this Commander-class dreadnought has been directly blown into scrap iron by this gun!

The bow of the ship was completely destroyed, and a super large hole with a diameter of more than 600 meters was punched in the middle. The big hole is full of melted metal, and the flames in many places have not been extinguished, reflecting a red light, which looks like a passage leading to hell.

And at the bottom of this passage, the sub-caliber projectile that was still burning at an ultra-high temperature was a new light source, illuminating everything around this hell scene.

Although the powerful armor and structure of the Commander class prevented the battleship from being directly disintegrated by this gun, under the powerful impact, the battleship was also repelled by more than 200 kilometers in an instant! The terrifying impact caused all the surviving crew members on the entire battleship to suffer secondary injuries, either seriously injured or comatose.

But even a comatose crew member can't live for more than 2 minutes after the life support system fails...

Including Admiral Rivers, commander of the 7th Fleet, the commander-class dreadnought of the Golden Light has 43,000 people on board, and none of them were spared!

Like the previous debut on the planet Trigalis, the Plague directly aimed at the enemy's flagship and command center under the guidance of the Sith Lord's force, and then directly destroyed it through this terrifying firepower!

This completely different combat method from the tens of thousands of years of history of the Galactic Republic left everyone dumbfounded and at a loss as to what to do.

They don't know that even in "Original Sin of a Solar Empire", the weak fleet of the Urgent Traders Alliance often relies on the super firepower of the Ragnarov-class Titan battleship to destroy the opponent's capital ship within a short time after the war begins. and Titan, and then one's own battleship swarmed up to bully the remaining boat.

Beheading is the standard tactic of a Ragnarov-class Titan battleship...

It wasn't until this time that the warships of the 7th Squadron woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream. With full firepower, the fighter planes took off, and rushed towards the Plague with the confusion and anger of the flagship being destroyed!

"Raise the shield! The fighter takes off! The main gun is replaced with a scattered projectile, ready for the second launch!" Admiral Severance Tann issued an order.

Almost at the same moment, dozens of turbo lasers fell on the Titan battleship, and exploded directly on the armor without the protection of the shield! The continuous explosions caused the battleship to shake violently, but Severance Tann looked at all this with an expression on her face.

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