The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 748 Bloody Battle Jabim (Part 2)

747. Bloody Battle Jabim (Part 2)

Time entered the middle of the night, when the clone troopers resting in shifts were taking off their drenched combat armor and drying the wet inner lining...

The A-series combat robot hidden in the sewer started silently, and the four electronic eyes instantly lit up red!

They stood up from the turbulent water flow of the sewer, completed the self-inspection within a few seconds, and then went upstream in the torrent that would wash away a normal person in less than a minute.

The A-series robot is a robot invested and developed by the Hutts. It was originally used for assassination. After it was bought by Earl Dooku, it expanded its production with the help of the Trade Federation. This kind of robot is 2.4 meters high, compact in structure, strong in armor and powerful in firepower. Whether it is individual combat or group combat, it can exert extremely strong combat capabilities, especially in order to meet the assassination needs of various environments, and has a strong adaptability to harsh environments. much.

The swamp and rainwater environment are also included in this list.

A few kilometers away from the city of Chuca, a huge army of robots began to move.

The IG-227 Huohail combat machine relied on the two huge wheels to advance rapidly, and fired hundreds of missiles in the direction of Chuca City!

boom! boom! boom! ! ! The dense missiles sent out terrifying explosions, which exploded on several AT-TE walkers of the Republic Army. The powerful force directly penetrated the armor of the walkers, and then blew the walkers into pieces from the inside out!

The clone army of the Galactic Republic reacted very quickly, and immediately began to deploy forces to counterattack, and the various troops guarding the periphery immediately began to disperse and advance. The AV-7 self-propelled artillery and the heavy artillery on the AT-TE also began to saturated the direction of the missile attack.

The LAAT/I assault transport boat was forced to take off in the rain, carrying the clone tactics team for battlefield interspersed, and carried out air strikes against the droid army.

In just ten minutes, the originally silent city of Chuka was instantly submerged by countless gunshots and explosions.

But this is just the beginning!

At the same time as the outer battle started, the A-series combat robots deployed in the underground sewer of Chuca City in advance began to move!

The clone troopers, who were concentrating on dealing with the attack of peripheral robots, were completely unprepared for the danger that erupted directly from the heart. When the first team of A-series robots crashed into the sewer, they climbed out and attacked the clone troopers with the dual blaster machine guns on their hands and the small rocket launchers on their shoulders!

There are hundreds of sewer exits in Chuca City, almost all over the city!

This clone army is simply not equipped to stand up to the A-series droids rushing from almost every where!

"Retreat now! Get out of the city! Quick!!" Jedi Master Nokuna kept giving instructions to get the clone army out of the trap.

But now almost every inch of land is a battlefield, almost every clone combat unit is fighting, where to retreat, how to retreat? Almost impossible!

"You! Come with me!" Master Nokuna pulled out his lightsaber and led a group of clone troopers to rush out.

Not far away, a group of clone soldiers was suppressed by more than a dozen A-series battle robots. Blast a series of bullet holes.

The hard building materials were riddled with holes by the blaster machine guns of the A-series battle robots, and even an entire wall could only last for less than a minute before being blown down.

The clone troopers were also trying their best to shoot back, but the blast energy beams fired by the DC-15 blaster rifles exploded continuously on the robot's armor, but it had no effect-their frontal armor was extremely strong, unless the concentrated fire continued Bombardment, otherwise it will not work at all!

Master Nokuna rushed up with his lightsaber, and fired a dense blast energy beam towards the robot. He bounced all these blaster beams back. Although he couldn't break through the armor of the A-series battle robots, it also caused great interference. He was extremely fast, and with a few vertical leaps, he had rushed into the robot and slashed wildly.

In front of the indestructible lightsaber, these robots were chopped into two pieces one by one.

However, at this moment, a robot that was cut off at the shoulder suddenly raised its hand and grabbed Nokuna's calf! Nokuna froze. He swung his lightsaber and deflected all the shots, but was still shot in the shoulder blade by a robot behind him.

He quickly set off a powerful force wave, pushing all these robots away, and then the lightsaber swordsmanship was launched again, destroying all the remaining robots here.

"General! You've been shot!" a clone trooper yelled.

"It doesn't matter to me! Hurry up! Retreat to the northwest of the city! The sense of danger over there is relatively weak." Nokuna kept panting while leaning on the wall.

But soon, he mustered his strength again and charged in the direction of another group of trapped clone troopers.

At this time, the battle outside the city became more and more intense.

"According to the plan, we will continue to attack from the south to force the Republic army to retreat north and let them withdraw from the city. In the wild environment, they will not survive tomorrow." A Salari combat staff officer said very fast.

"In this case, let's go!" Alto Stratus pulled out his gorgeous long sword and shield, which are made of Flack steel, which can even withstand the power of a lightsaber , He raised his sword high and said loudly: "Yunyu Commando! Use the blood of the Jedi Knights to write the freedom of our planet Jabim!! Kill!!!"

"Kill!!!" Hundreds of Yunyu commando soldiers raised their guns and shouted wildly.

Although there are not many people, each of them is an elite who has been tempered and tempered, and his combat quality is no less than that of the elite ARC soldiers among the clone soldiers.

Uru-Ulex, the dark follower of Darth Malthael, stepped forward and stood beside Artor, inseparable from him, and said darkly, "Don't let the blood go to your head, Artor. Lord The biggest task for me is to keep you alive."

"Kill!!" Alto Stratus just nodded slightly, then roared, activated the anti-gravity sliders and rushed forward.

The Yunyu commandos also activated their anti-gravity boots one after another, with full horsepower, heading straight for the Republic's outer defense line at a speed of 95 kilometers per hour in the mud and swamps!

In the direction outside the city, the robot army had already exchanged fire with the armored forces of the Republic. The AT-TE walker struggled forward in the swamp, moving its body slowly while firing continuously. The two long legs of the AT-XT walker are also moving forward in the mud, with one foot high and one foot low. The design speed of 75 kilometers per hour is now no more than 20 kilometers per hour.

But these walkers are still firing tenaciously.

The clone army has established more than a dozen solid positions, desperately defending.

At this time, the Yunyu commando came over!

They lowered their center of gravity, and the speed of 95 kilometers per hour was almost unsolvable in this swamp! They used their super-fast speed and agility to quickly approach the huge walker, and then dropped magnetic bombs that stuck to the feet of the walker.

After quickly breaking away and pressing the button, accompanied by a violent explosion, the AT-TE walkers lost their balance and fell down because of the mechanical feet being blown off.

Ulu-Ulex also wears anti-gravity boots, which is even more powerful for him! He wandered on the battlefield, looking for the figure of every Jedi Knight.

Soon, he spotted his target, a young-looking female Jedi.

A ferocious smile emerged from the corner of Ulix's mouth, and he controlled the anti-gravity sliding boots to rush towards her at high speed, drawing a semicircle around her very flexibly, and the splashed muddy water directly splashed on her face like a bullet under the action of the original force . While her eyes were blocked and she lost her center of gravity and staggered, Ulex rushed over at the fastest speed, the red lightsaber flashed past, and the Jedi Knight was cut in half!

The miserable screams were quickly swallowed up by the almost non-stop explosions.

Hiding behind his shield, Alto Stratus used the speed of his anti-gravity boots to slam into another Jedi head-on, sending him flying with his lightsaber!

He turned off the anti-gravity sliders, walked to the side of the Jedi Knight whose head was bleeding, and said coldly: "Jedi Knight, that's all."

"You... traitors to the Republic!" The Jedi Knight was still yelling, "The Separatists are just using you!"

Alto's expression trembled slightly, he directly pierced the Jedi Knight's abdomen with his sword, and then stirred violently, bleeding profusely.

The Jedi Knight grabbed the blade and tried his best not to scream, but his life was already passing by quickly.

"You who live in a dry and comfortable room can't understand where our hatred comes from..." Alto pulled out his sword suddenly, kicked down the dead body of the Jedi, and restarted the anti-gravity sliders. Move on to the next goal.

It was a day of blood and fire, and countless lives were lost on this day. The entire city of Chuca was bloody, and the corpses of clone soldiers were almost everywhere.

Many of the residents hiding in the basement were also affected by the flames of war, and the survivors all hid in the basement. The family hugged tightly and sang the national song of Jabim in a low voice.

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