Chapter 747

746、Walking away

"General, we have lost contact with 5 companies. It is not clear whether it is because of the weather or because of the attack." The main force of the northern wing of the Republic clone army, in the temporary command post, the clone commander told Jedi Master Seiler S said.

Cyrus lifted his drenched hood, took the binoculars from the clone commander, and looked into the distance.

In addition to rain and fog, it was still rain and fog, and the imaging methods of laser, radar, and infrared were all unsatisfactory. There were reflection signals everywhere in the heavy rain, and the abnormal ionization in the clouds also interfered with the signal of the instrument. They become blind.

"The feeling of danger has been lingering in my heart, and it's everywhere." Cyrus frowned.

"Are we retreating, General?" the clone commander asked.

Cyrus shook his head, "There are no more than 5 sunny days a year on Jabim, so no matter whether we retreat or not, we will always have to face such weather. The only thing we can rely on now is The strength of our main army has been strengthened."

The clone commander looked at the AT-TE walker and AT-XT walker struggling in the mud, and shook his head. With the weight of the AT-TE, one foot can sink into the mud nearly 1 meter deep. To lift it up again, the engine power required is more than 10 times that of the normal situation. Both the speed and the consumption have far exceeded The limit of normal combat operations has been reached.

Cyrus said to the few Jedi knights behind him: "We can no longer divide our forces. You each take a group of people to the direction of the lost company to confirm their situation."



Several Jedi knights nodded in agreement, and then each took a few soldiers, stepped on the Zephyr-G hover motorcycle (Zephyr-G swoop) standard equipment of the Republic Army, and drove in several directions at high speed.

Sellers looked at the figures that had disappeared within 50 meters of them, his face was solemn, and he turned around and asked, "Have you found the main force of Jabim's rebel army in the direction of Master Nokuna?"

"No. In the routine communication half an hour ago, he said that they were preparing to attack Chuca City. It seems that the situation over there is better than ours. At least they can rest in a dry house after arriving in Chuca City Just a moment, and we haven't seen a town or even a village for days," said the clone commander.

At this moment, a LAAT/I assault transport boat descended from the sky. The transport boat wobbled in the heavy rain and could not fly stably, so it could barely land. However, as soon as it hit the ground, it fell headlong into the mud pit, and the entire transport boat turned over. The soldiers on the ground hurriedly directed a nearby AT-TE walker to go there, and pulled the LAAT with a steel cable to rescue the driver.

As soon as the driver was pulled from the mud pit, he shouted: "General! There is an enemy situation! A separatist robot army was found in the area 10 kilometers away from us in the north! There are at least 10 OG-9 nest spider combat machines!"

Master Cyrus immediately said: "Separatism can't hold back at last! The whole army is ready to fight!"



At the same time, a Jedi Knight was driving 4 clone soldiers and galloped forward on a Zephyr-G hoverbike.

They didn't realize that on the nearby cliffs, their whereabouts had fallen into the control of the enemy.

Asajj Ventress put down the binoculars and said with a hideous smile: "Is it really here, Jedi Knight."

She stood up from her hiding place, only to see behind her a scorched battlefield, the corpses of hundreds of clone troopers lying on the ground, and the wreckage of an AT-TE walker burning.

"Give them a surprise." Ventress said coldly.

Beside her, more than a dozen jackals let out a terrifying hiss, and then picked up the sniper rifle, without even using sights, and directly aimed with their excellent vision.

boom! boom! boom! There was a continuous burst of gunfire.

The leading Jedi knight reacted extremely quickly. He had already drawn out his lightsaber just as the jackal's finger was on the trigger. With a quick swing, several sniper bullets were blocked.

But the clone soldiers behind them were not so lucky. They were either shot down directly from the hoverbike by sniper bullets, or the hovermotor was hit and they were thrown out directly.

"Okay! He's mine!" Ventress lifted his cloak, untied two cranked lightsabers from his waist, and rushed towards the Jedi knight!

"It really is your conspiracy! Believers of darkness!!" The Jedi Knight roared and greeted him.

"Your life, I accept it." Ventress's lightsaber swung like a gust of wind, and just a few back and forth defeated the Jedi Knight's sword momentum, and then the two swords cut, and a head flew straight away rise.


Another front, Chuca City.

Jedi Master Nokuna looked at the small city ahead, took a deep breath and said to the clone commander, "Go and negotiate with the local residents to see if we can rent their houses for us to rest. We will never destroy them any property owned, and will pay sufficient rent.”

Moments later, the clone commander returned, reporting, "They agreed."

Master Nokuna nodded and said: "The whole army has entered the city, and the armored units are guarding the periphery. After confirming safety, they take turns to rest and dry their clothes. In addition, all units are strictly ordered not to disturb the people, otherwise they will be dealt with severely!"


The clone army began to enter the town, and the attitude of the residents in the town was very cold, they didn't even want to say anything, they just led the clone soldiers into the warehouse or compartment, and then they all returned to their residences and never came out again.

The clone troopers were also in order, paying credits to each family and carefully stationed in the houses. Master Nokuna is also constantly coordinating to prevent conflicts between soldiers and civilians.

Fortunately, the conflict did not happen. Even if there were some collisions, the local civilians said that it was okay, and then walked away as if hiding from the plague god.

The Republic Army didn't know that after returning home, these local residents all got into the basements of their respective houses, locked the entrances, and the whole family hugged each other tightly, waiting for that time to come.

They don't even know that in the city's huge underground drainage pipe network, countless robots are squatting here in a shutdown state, and they will not move even if the rain washes them away.

The armor on these robots is integrated and completely sealed, even if they are squatting in the water, a drop of water will not penetrate. Their heads are so sharp that they look like they're wearing a pointed hat.

Produced by the Trade Federation, A-series combat robots! -

[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: A series of combat robots. 】

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