Chapter 571: The Fall of Alaris (Part 1)

569. The Fall of Alaris (Part 1)

The Wookiees on the moon of Alaris devote almost all of their air forces to the fight.

The technology of the Wookiees is actually not developed, and they also belong to a deformed civilization where the originally backward race was forcibly merged after being merged into the Galactic Republic and its technology was raised.

They did have a group of elites who were educated in the Republic and had mastered advanced technology, capable of developing secret weapons like extractors. But the average level of life and technology of many Wookiees is still far below the level of the Galactic Republic.

There are two types of atmospheric combat aircraft widely equipped by Wookiees, and both are thopters, which have several pairs of wings vibrating at high speed to generate lift to fly.

One is the Oevvaor twin-body thopter, which is 15 meters long and has two open fuselages, each carrying two Wookiee fighters. The main weapons are two blaster cannons, but sometimes the furious Wookiee pilots will drop some bombs and the like directly from the cockpit.

The other is the Raddaugh Gnasp light-weight thopter, which is 7 meters long. Galactic Republic E-Web Heavy Blaster Gun.

Both of these thopters are actually equivalent to very agile ultralight helicopters, without shields and basically no armor. Strong defense.

But there are also advantages. These two thopters are very flexible, and even small-angle turns can be completed at high speeds. They are not like weapons designed by tall and fierce Wookiees.

More than 200 Ivao-type and Gritting Bee-type thopters cover the Republic transport ship and rush towards the deserted island where the robot army is located.

Severance Tann's Robot Legion fighters had a small number of fighters. Seeing such a situation, she didn't take off to meet them. She just commanded the army to rely on the remaining 16 diamond-class transport cruisers that were still on the ground as a fixed force. Anti-aircraft artillery positions to resist.

But even so, the Wookiee's thopters were unable to shake the defense of the diamond-class transport cruiser due to lack of heavy firepower. Joel Drakas had to command the transport fleet to retreat to the beach and open up a landing area. Position, unload the troops and start to attack steadily and steadily.

But when the battle started, the Republic discovered that Severance Tann's robot army had already dug densely packed trenches here and there, as if she had known that the Republic's army would land here!

This beach is backed by Tayriiwook Island, the second largest island in the Wookiee island chain defense line, which is convenient for support and supplies; the terrain is flat and open, which is convenient for the army to deploy; and there is a large jungle in front of it to block the robot army The firepower of those diamond-class transport cruisers can be said to be a natural landing site.

Of course, Severance Tann thought so too.

A large number of B-1 combat robots tirelessly dug holes on the island, digging out a large trench area. When the army of the Republic landed here, they were strongly blocked by the robots hiding in the trenches!

As the saying goes, robots are not scary, but robots are educated.

It's a real nightmare when these robots, who usually only know how to charge stupidly, know how to hide in the trenches and shoot cold shots-although it's not difficult for their programs to do this.

In addition to the suspension motorcycles, the armored units on the Republic side are mainly TX-130 Saber-level suspension combat vehicles. This is because they do not carry AT-TE tactical walkers because they are fighting on the ocean planet.

Under the command of Joel Drakas, the 9,000-strong Republic Army, led by 1,000 elite clone troopers, launched a resolute attack.

The Wookiees also deployed a total of 2,000 Wookiee soldiers from several bases to join the battle, and the more than 200 thopters in the sky were already the entire air power of the Wookiee.

boom! boom! boom! ! Violent explosions continued to set off on the beachhead. Dozens of TX-130 Saber-class hovering chariots rushed to the forefront, and two blasting laser cannons fired continuously, clearing the firepower points set by the robot army.

The clone troopers entered the position torn apart by the TX-130 Saber-class hovering combat vehicle, dispersed in small groups and began to infiltrate the robot army's position.

The Wookiee soldiers are very brave. Not only are they thick and fleshy, they can dismantle robots with bare hands, and everyone is an excellent hunter, and the laser crossbow in their hands can be said to be flawless. When they charged, the power they brought was no less than those saber-level hovering chariots.

In contrast, the remaining 8,000 people in the Galactic Republic's Mittalal Star District local defense force basically followed behind and called 666. They had almost no tactical literacy. Apart from barely knowing how to attack in groups, other What he did was shoot indiscriminately.

However, the Army of the Republic soon discovered that the trenches dug by these robots were not dug randomly, but extended in all directions, and formed a depth of 5 kilometers! Robots everywhere kept blocking the advance of the army of the Republic, making it difficult for them to move every meter forward.

"Don't be afraid! Keep attacking! There are only so many of these robots! They can't have backup! Keep moving forward, one less robot will be eliminated! We will win sooner or later!" Joel Drakas said loudly .

Looking at the front line on the holographic map that is advancing slowly but is still forcing the robot army to retreat, Joel Drakas' eyes are full of angry flames, "This little cleverness is not enough to resist my offensive, in fact Prove that you are just a guy with strong limbs and a simple mind! Sith!"

In the direction of the robot army's base, Darth Lilim stood on the top of a big tree, holding a telescope to watch the battle situation in the distance, and holding a fruit in his mouth, he took a bite from time to time.

After looking at it for a while, she dropped the binoculars and said to herself, "Forget it, that little Jedi might really not be the opponent with red eyes, so it's no fun."

Almost at the same time, there was a shrill siren from Joel Drakas's command post, and the messenger ran over and shouted: "General! It's bad! Llamitcuk Island (Llamitcuk) is under attack! "

Drakas was shocked, "What? How is it possible!! Where did they get the army!! All their landing ships are now on Chidry Island!!"

But the bad news came one after another, "General! Talveyuk Island has been attacked!!"

"Mayday from Rwaawrrkoo!!"

Joel Delacas only felt a buzzing in his head, "No! How is it possible! How did she do it!!"

On the opposite side of the battlefield, Severance Tann, who was sitting on the seat of the base's temporary command center and leaned against the table with her hands crossed, had a sneer on her lips, "Okay, the show is about to begin."

There was a cruel light in her bright red eyes.


[Attachment 1 of the Easter Egg Chapter: Wookiee 'Evao' twin-body thopter. 】

[Attachment 2 of the Easter Egg Chapter: Wookiee 'Gritting Bee' light thopter. 】

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