Chapter 570

568 , Awakening

Alaris satellite, Chidry Island (Chendrrl) base.

In the dense jungle, a bloody battle is going on.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooirs and and laser The crossbow instantly aimed at a B-2 super combat robot behind and pulled the trigger.

A crossbow bolt wrapped in a blaster beam instantly hit the B-2 battle robot, and the blast energy gas contained in the crossbow immediately produced a second reaction, and the powerful power actually directly crushed the B-2 super battle robot. A hole was blown in the armor of the robot, and the robot fell to the ground with electric sparks flashing.

But there were more robots swarming up from behind, and the dense firepower poured in. Even though the Wookiee fighter dodged in the jungle, he was still shot. The hair on his body was immediately singed, but he was not incapacitated except for a horrible howl of pain. He raised the laser crossbow again and destroyed another robot.

But it stopped here, a powerful laser beam swept across, everything around was ignited, a raging sea of ​​flames swept everything, and even the rocks on the ground were melted.

Driven by the hydraulic device, the four pillar-shaped long legs of the 7-meter-high OG-9 Nest Spider combat machine walked slowly, and the laser cannons on the upper and lower sides of the spherical body continued to shoot, tearing down the jungle and the Wookiees. All positions were set on fire and destroyed.

Even if the Wookiees are brave and powerful, they can only retreat steadily under such an offensive.

After the fall of Rukroro Island, Severance Tann launched the offensive on Qidry Island almost without stopping. 2,000 Wookiee fighters are stationed on the island, struggling to resist the attack of the robot army. The robot army that attacked the island has reached as many as 10,000 units, and there are dozens of powerful nest spider combat machines, but the Wookiee fighters Still resisting with a strong will to fight.

The Wookiee defenders on the other 3 islands also began to send reinforcements over. Although their front lines kept retreating, they still caused heavy losses to the robot army.

Severance-Tann continued to use two Diamond-class multi-purpose transport cruisers, descending to sea level and using them as shields to charge directly at the Wookiee defenses. This trick is actually very effective. Most of the firepower of the Wookiee military base is aimed at the air, and although the horizontal firepower facing the ocean is also very strong, it cannot exert its full firepower after all.

In this way, although two diamond-class transport cruisers were lost again, if this continues, Tann's legion can completely destroy the defense line of the planet Alaris and get what she wants at only half of the diamond-class price.

Obviously, compared with the research data and activation codes of the extractor, just 10 diamond-class transport cruisers and tens of thousands of robots are nothing at all.

The black ghost fighter plane landed in the robot army base on the deserted island. Darth Lilim jumped off the fighter jet and came to the temporary command center.

"Although in my opinion, you often act like a whore, but this time, you did a good job." Severance Tann squinted at Darth Lilim, " There is no better outcome than mobilizing the emotions of opposing commanders on the battlefield."

"Your praise is meaningless. What I want is what the master wants... He wants this galaxy, so I will give it to him..." Darth Lilim licked his lips, "Compared to this great achievement, It doesn't really matter how I am."

"Oh? So if you were really chased by that Jedi just now, would you really let him do whatever he wants?" Severance Tann sneered.

"Don't worry, maybe I will leave you to him at that time? Maybe he will like you more, hehehe..." Darth Lilim waved his hand, brushing shoulders with Severance Tann Pass.

Between these two women who also have blue skin, at this time, there seemed to be another electric light colliding in the middle.

"Take me? This is really a joke. As long as the army is in my hands, no one is my opponent." Severance Tann said proudly.

"Then you have to be careful... Only half of your army is at home now, and the ones you sent out have already suffered heavy losses." Darth Lilim approached Tann's ear and whispered, "If you lose will never imagine what I will do to you..."

After finishing speaking, she walked out of the command center, found a big tree that looked good, jumped on it and lay down among the branches, looking lively.

"Hmph, ignorant guy. With your IQ, you are worthy of talking about strategy with me?" Severance Tann sneered.


"We have to be proactive! Now!" Joel Delacas slammed his hand on the table and yelled.


"Now that the separatist robot army is attacking fiercely, do we have a chance of winning? Why don't we support Chidry Island, rely on the island's defense line to reduce the number of robots, and then counterattack." Mitaral's officer put forward different opinions.

"It's meaningless!" Joel Drakas waved his hand and said, "Even if we wiped out all the robots on Chidry Island, there would only be a few thousand of them, and it would be impossible to completely defeat Separatism!"

He raised his hand hard on the map, "There are still 40,000 or 5,000 robots left on Rukroro Island, and they haven't returned to their base yet. If you remove the robots that are attacking Chidry Island now, separatism is on the rise." The defenders in their base are only half of their total number! And lack of heavy equipment, this is our opportunity!"

The officer of Mitaral looked solemn, obviously he did not agree with Joel Drakas' plan, "But Master Yoda also said before that Jedi Master Shen-Jon is coming. I heard that this Master, he acts steadily and is powerful, we should drag the separatist army here, wait until Master Shen-Jon arrives, and then launch a thunderous counterattack to annihilate them in one fell swoop."

"Have you forgotten what they did to us in outer space just now?! There were more than 500 brothers on that ship! Just like that, they were shot down in front of us! Don't you feel indifferent?!" Joel Della Cass roared loudly, "Master Shen-Jon will not bring more troops! He only has one person! And if we don't seize this opportunity, wait until the separatists return all the robots to that island to hide and defend, We will pay a greater price! It will still be the soldiers of the Republic who will pay the sacrifice!"

Officer Mittalar sighed and lowered his head, seeming to be persuaded too.


"Prepare to attack immediately! But we must also be careful, the opponent has a powerful Sith Lord, even if he takes the initiative to attack, he must fight steadily! Don't ask for annihilation, just surround them, and then wait for the arrival of Master Shen-Jon. Yes." Joel Delacas waved his hand and made the final decision.

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