Chapter 536: The Result of the Battle

534. The Result of the Battle

The Republic fleet finally escaped from the planet Geonosis after Admiral Trench's fleet was exhausted.

Counting from May 20 when Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi sneaked into the underground factory of Planet Geonosis, the battle lasted for 9 days and finally came to an end.

The Galactic Republic was able to evacuate from Geonosis planet only 15 Cheer-class assault landing ships, 50 CR-70 frigates, more than 60 Karak-class light cruisers, 11 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers, and the largest In the end, none of the 4 Invincible-class heavy cruisers could be brought back, 3 were severely damaged and scrapped, and 1 had no time to evacuate, so they had to surrender together with more than 7,700 officers and soldiers on the battleship.

The clone army participated in the battle with 200,000 people, more than 47,000 were killed and irreversibly seriously injured, more than 91,000 were injured, and 5,000 were captured; 7,700 were captured; more than 30,000 robots of various types were lost.

At the same time, all heavy equipment was lost, including more than 100 SPHA-T self-propelled artillery, more than 2,600 AT-TE walkers, 1,600 LAAT series assault transport aircraft, and more than 600 V-19 torrent fighters.

For the Jedi Order, Master Windu and Master Yoda led a total of 215 people to participate in the battle, plus the rescued Anakin-Skywalker and Obi-Wan-Kenobi, as well as the later support of Depa-Bilaba and Dream Sisters , a total of 220 people participated in the battle, 181 of whom were buried forever on the planet Geonosis.

Whether it was against the Galactic Republic, the newly formed Grand Republic Army, or the Jedi Order, this battle was a heavy loss.

The Federation of Independent Star Systems lost 5 Providence-class destroyers, 5 Disobedient-class light destroyers, 10 Vengeance-class light destroyers, 22 Generosity-class communication frigates, and the mercenaries loyal to Earl Dooku. 3 Rookie Hook-class battleships, 2 Diamond-class transport cruisers, 2 Battery-class transport ships; all 5 Geonosian cruisers were also shot down.

The army lost more than 2.3 million B-1 combat robots, including the B-1 robots that manipulated battleships, and also lost 150,000 B-2 super combat robots, 170,000 Geonosian troops, and NR-N99 More than 500 Persuader-class tank robots, as well as more than 20,000 large-scale combat machines, such as spider spiders, dwarf spiders, and fire hail missile robots, were all destroyed.

The loss of fighter jets was also very heavy. 2,100 Geonosian Nantex territorial defense fighters, more than 7,000 vulture robot fighters, and more than 200 other types of fighter jets were all shot down.

The losses on the planet Geonosis were even more severe. Three huge orbital defense cannons were destroyed, and the underground robot factory was also damaged a lot under the earth-shaking riots of the Jedi knights.

And the most deadly thing is that the damage caused by the wreckage of the large warships that fell to the planet during the battle is no less than that of orbital bombing. The factory took its toll, reducing production capacity on Geonosis by a third.

This battle, which can be said to have ignited the fuse of the war, caused immeasurable losses to both parties involved in the war, and also set a bloody tone for this huge war that was about to sweep the entire galaxy.

But in reality, no one knew that the course of the war had actually been drastically altered.

Because of the intervention of the Fourth Civilization and Tang Xiaoming, Admiral Severance Tann suddenly led the fleet into the battlefield, defeated the fleet deployed by the Republic in the outer orbit of Geonosis, and then walked away. Although it was just such a incident, it triggered a chain reaction. The huge army of the Republic was blocked on the planet, so they had to send more warships to rescue and continue the battle.

You must know that according to the original battle process, the Republic only paid the price of less than 3,000 clone soldiers and 179 Jedi Knights, and completely destroyed the army of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy. The Confederation of Independent Galaxy lost 14 Rookie Hook-class battleships, more than 150 battery-class transport ships, 20 diamond-class transport cruisers and more than 3 million robots transported on them, plus the ground troops were completely defeated and lost more than 110 ships. Thousands of robots, this battle is almost equivalent to breaking a leg of the Federation of Independent Galaxies from the very beginning.

The proposal of this strategy made Tang Xiao have to admire the combat staff who made the plan and Severance Tann who commanded the battle. Only the joint efforts of these excellent people made this battle a success. The most favorable outcome for the Fourth Civilization.

On the one hand, the army of the Republic has suffered heavy losses. The 200,000 clone army can now be sent to other battlefields at no more than 50,000, and the rest must be rested and reorganized. This result is necessary, because in the final analysis, the real enemy of the Fourth Civilization is still the Galactic Republic, and the worse the Republic is beaten, the better for them.

On the other hand, the Confederacy of Independent Systems retained almost all of its transport ships, but at the cost of more warships. , the fourth group and Dawn Star, which have a strong shipbuilding industry and technology, are bound to receive more attention.

Only by making the relationship between the Confederation of Independent Galaxies and the Freemasonry Alliance secretly established by Tang Xiao closer can Earl Dooku not dare to attack him more.

The goal of the Freemasonry Alliance is to control the industry and economy of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies behind the scenes, and this plan has only just begun.

The reason why Tang Xiao wanted Admiral Trench to make the battle a lose-lose result was also a response to Earl Dooku.

When Count Dooku told him the news that the Galactic Republic had assembled a huge force of 60 Jaeger-class battlecruisers to counterattack the planet Bespin, Tang Xiao immediately understood that it was Darth Sidious and Count Dooku. A conspiracy between the two.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to explain why the Republic did not send this cutting-edge fleet to the planet Geonosis, but sent it to the remote planet Bespin.

With the gradual display of some of Darth Malthael's power, Dawn Star and the fourth group will inevitably be suspicious of Darth Sidious's master and apprentice. This is an inevitable result. But what Tang Xiao had to do was to prevent Earl Dooku from attacking Dawn Star and the fourth group. This was not only military, but also political.

Darth Sidious’s promise to Earl Dooku certainly did not include the fact that the Confederation of Independent Systems would soon be wiped out, and Earl Dooku was unwilling to do so, because the Confederation of Independent Systems could be said to be his political ideal. most important tool.

So now, on the one hand, Darth Sidious controlled various forces and sent a huge fleet to attack Bespin, and Earl Dooku was still unwilling to provide support, so on the other hand, Tang Xiao also had to use Use your own strength to bloodlet the Confederation of Independent Galaxies!

Earl Dooku didn't dare to gamble on the political consequences of continuing like this, because in the Confederation of Independent Star Systems on the main planet of LSax, Francis Underwood, a member of the Dawn Planet, had already started his own performance , to build momentum for Dawn Star.

Once Dawn Star is successfully packaged as the hero of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, Count Dooku's political reputation will suffer a major blow!

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