Chapter 535 Painful decision

533、Painful decision

On the planet Geonosis, whether it is the battle on the ground or the battle in space, it has become more and more tragic.

Trench's fleet continued to launch assaults, and it had strangled with the Galactic Republic's fleet, turning into a scuffle. The fleets of both sides had me and you, and they were all firing on all cylinders.

The fleet of the Galactic Republic originally had an advantage, but at the beginning of the battle, in order to meet the ground forces, they sent more than half of their warships to fight in the atmosphere of the planet Geonosis. As a result, Trench, who was good at capturing fighters, The admiral just caught it.

Under the completely desperate attack of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy fleet, Admiral Wulf-Ularen couldn't even delay the time, so he had to urgently ask for help from the ground.

He is much more experienced than Mabel Garson, the tactical consultant who commanded the fleet before, and he naturally understands that once the space battlefield is defeated, he will be surrounded on the surface of the planet Geonosis just like the previous fleet, and this time, they There will be no chance to escape again.

But the ground battlefield is also very tight at this time, and General Grievous is also not the T-series tactical robot that commanded the ground combat before. Launch a general attack regardless of losses!

In the previous battles, General Grievous had completed his deployment. He first depleted the ammunition supplies of the clone army, and then when they ran out of ammunition and had to shrink their defenses, he deployed the robot army to all directions of the ruins of the main lair.

And now the time is right, robots from every direction have launched an assault!

In order to evacuate, the commander of the Republic must load the army on the ship and transport it away, but the more troops loaded on the ship, the smaller the army left to defend the position, and the greater the pressure.

If it was at the very beginning, they could still rely on the air fire support of a large number of Republic warships in the sky, but now that the space battlefield is in a hurry, they have to dispatch warships to space, which further intensifies the pressure on the ground battlefield.

At this moment, Admiral Trench's fleet is only left with 2 Providence-class destroyers, 3 Disobedient-class light destroyers, 6 Generosity-class communication frigates, and 4 Vengeance-class light destroyers. But under his command, these warships, which were already covered in injuries, were still attacking frantically.

They didn't even care when the Dream Sisters led the last remaining fighter jets, aided by Visions, to attack the Confederate fleet. Admiral Trench has already understood that instead of entangled with these illusions, it is better to concentrate all firepower on the opponent's warship.

Anyway, your phantom can't turn into battleships, even if you can, these battleships are not as flexible as fighter jets, but they are actually easy to identify. Anyway, you only have more than 100 fighter jets in total. Finally, let's see whether your force is durable enough or our hypermaterial engine is durable enough!

And the battle situation was exactly as Admiral Trench had expected. Luna-Meng and Luna-Huan were unable to turn the tide of the battle. Although they led the fighter squadron to severely damage several Confederate warships, the Republic's fleet still suffered heavy losses.

Admiral Trench had confidence anyway, the lost fleets belonged to the Confederation of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, not Admiral Trench, nor the fourth civilization to which he was truly loyal. And on the contrary, Admiral Trench will be rewarded because of the heavy losses to the Republic in this battle.

In the Republic Fleet, all 4 Invincible-class heavy cruisers were severely damaged and withdrew from the battle, and 3 of them could not be evacuated due to damaged hyperspace engines. Now Admiral Woolf Ularen is organizing shuttles to take these 3 warships The officers and soldiers on board were transferred to other warships.

Not only that, but 10 Karak-class light cruisers, more than 30 CR-70 frigates were destroyed, and 7 Dreadnought-class heavy cruisers were severely damaged. If Master Yoda hadn't dispatched battleships to support them in time, and the surviving Jedi Knights also flew fighter jets to join the battle, they might really have been wiped out.

In the entire area of ​​the space battlefield, shattered metal fragments and a large number of broken warship wreckage can be seen everywhere. Countless corpses and robots have been thrown out of these wreckages, and some wreckages are even in the vacuum of the universe. Combustion, which is mostly an engine or energy part, or a life support facility that constantly produces oxygen.

However, the fierce battle continued, and new warships rushed out of the atmosphere of the planet Geonosis to join the battle. The advantage of the space battlefield gradually tilted in the direction of the Republic.

However, in contrast, the situation on the ground battlefield gradually collapsed.

There are still 20,000 ordinary soldiers and more than 30,000 clone soldiers standing firm. As more and more spaceships are deployed to fight in space, they are no longer able to defend against the simultaneous attack of 600,000 robot troops from all directions. .

"Master Yoda, our ground position has been retreating steadily, and we can't hold it anymore." The Republic's tactical advisor Mabel Garson said, "Now there is only the last Cheer-class assault landing ship left on the ground, even if the All the vacancies on this warship are filled, and it can only accommodate 25,000 people at most. And we dare not let the warship land again. The landed warship will take off again, and all preparations will be delayed for at least half an hour. Not counting the loading time, we can't wait..."

His meaning is obvious, and now some ground troops must be abandoned.

The faces of the Jedi Knights present were all ugly, and Master Yoda and Master Windu were silent.

War is always cruel, and such a choice will be faced one day, but I didn't expect it to come so early.

"How long can it last, the fleet in outer orbit." Master Yoda closed his eyes and asked.

"It's not a question of how long it can last, it's that we can't let a fleet carrying more than 100,000 soldiers fight in space for a long time... This will turn into a disaster." Mabel Garson said extremely frustrated.

Master Yoda was silent for a long time, and said slowly: "Use your life to help us hold the position... the remaining soldiers. This is a painful choice."

Mabel Garson gritted his teeth and said: "I suggest to let clone soldiers board the ship. Their value is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers. Let me issue this order! Everything has nothing to do with the Jedi Order! And , I am willing to stay and live and die with these soldiers!"

Because his wrong choice made the war passive before, now he decided to take this responsibility.

Master Yoda closed his eyes and remained silent.

"Out of consideration for the war, Mabel Garson's choice is correct. Now, as the living, the only thing we can do is to win this war and make the sacrifice of the dead more valuable." Master Windu Said.

Master Yoda opened his eyes suddenly, and said: "I will give the order to retreat. I will bear the responsibility for the defeat."

His gaze was extremely firm. At this moment, he made the best decision, sacrificing the 20,000 ordinary people army, and saving the clone soldiers as much as possible.

This order was issued by him, no doubt it would bring shame to the reputation of the Jedi Order again, but Master Yoda knew that if he did not do this and just put all the blame on Mabel Garson, he would be in vain. A person who practices the original force of light and walks in the light...

jedi knight.

The final order was given, and Master Yoda himself told the soldiers that they must stay and stand, but after the fleet left, they were allowed to surrender. The government of the Galactic Republic will also try its best to diplomatically urge the Confederacy of Independent Systems to at least give these captives normal treatment.

There will also be 5,000 people left in the clone army, but they don't have too many complaints. Most of the wounded volunteered to stay, but for the 20,000 ordinary soldiers, this decision is extremely cruel.

After the order was issued, they mutinied almost on the spot, but were forcibly suppressed by 5,000 clone troopers.

Thank you for the 1000 starting coins rewarded by Banana Jun! !

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