The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 424 Blocking the Vasian Planet

422. Blocking the Vasian Planet

"Why does Your Excellency the Governor want us to attack the Vasian planet? If we want to disintegrate the resistance of the Ailu people, the fastest way should be to paralyze their industry." Matt Horner communicated with the Supreme Command ask.

Chief of Staff Qi Jian replied: "It should be said that this is a political factor."

"You know, what I hate the most is this so-called politics. It's as if you don't straighten your tongue when you speak, all kinds of twists and turns." Matt Horner curled his lips.

"After all, the population of our fourth civilization is too small. There are many restrictions in fighting this war with the Ailu people. If we crush them militarily, our image in the Congress of the Republic will change, and we will slowly fight against them. Otherwise, the Ailu people are much higher than us in terms of resources and war potential, which will make us passive. So... the best way is to let the Ailu people defeat the Ailu people themselves." Qi Jian said.

"Promoting opposition forces?" Matt Horner nodded slightly.

"That's right. The Ailu civilization is a multi-racial civilization. The origin is the Ailu people, which also includes about 10% of humans and about 20% of Vathian people. And the goal of your A fleet is the planet Vathian It is the homeland of the Vasian people, we have such a foundation." Qi Jian said.

"Okay, I see." Matt Horner nodded.

Immediately, he returned to the command center of his flagship, and said, "Modify the combat objective, we attack the colony of the Ailu, Planet Vathian."


A day later, the hyperspace channel between the Kuna star cluster and the Vasian galaxy tended to be stable. Matt gave an order, and the entire A fleet entered the hyperspace and went straight to Vasian!


At this time, Ailu Civilization is also waiting for battle. In the capital Anji, 100 warships of various types are waiting for battle. In addition, there are two armed space stations behind to support the battle.

In the palace of the Ailu people, Queen Ailu looked at the battle report from the front with a gloomy expression, "The garrison fleet of the Eye of Kuna was wiped out? Telsi's fleet was also wiped out, trapped in the colony of the Fang of Kuna ? Tell me why this happened!"

"There is no doubt that the warships on Planet Dawn are more advanced than ours. And they have a large number of ghost fighters, and these fighters are even equipped with cloaking devices..." A general sighed.

"Bastard!! Planet Dawn is just a small colony with a population of less than 5 million!! If we are no match for such a colony, how can we talk about dominating the Model sector! We must come up with a plan to fight their ghost fighters! Since the war It has already exploded, so we need to give our people an explanation!" the queen said angrily.

An official next to him whispered, "I think... I have a channel here to import a batch of weapons urgently. Perhaps, detectors that can detect ghost fighters can also be bought."

"What channel?" The queen frowned, feeling that things might not be that simple.

"Two De Wallonians, one named Vilma and the other named Holma. They claim to be able to obtain advanced weapons, both of which are produced by Kuat Power Shipyard." The official said.

The Queen thought for a while, and said: "Immediately summon these two Devalonians, I want to see what they can bring us? Before that, we must stabilize the current situation! And there must be something breakthrough."

The Minister of Defense said: "We have already drawn up a battle plan, and the next attack target on Planet Dawn is likely to be our industrial planet Orville III, where we have gathered the main First Fleet and Second Fleet, a total of 300 warships.

In addition, it may be the main fleet of Dawn Star that attacked the Eye of Kuna, with 115 warships of various types, including 5 revenge-class light destroyers with a height of about 100 meters and 10 cobalt alloy-class heavy frigates with a height of about 80 meters. The product of the fourth group, the size of this fleet is also in line with the population capacity of Dawn Planet. We have formally notified the fourth group to provide the data of these warships, and are willing to pay a huge sum of 100 million credits, but the fourth group refused. "

The Minister of Defense opened the star map and continued: "Based on this judgment, we decided to open the situation on the planet Kuna's Fang while defending against the attack of the opponent's main fleet. As long as they can annihilate their colony on the Kuna's Fang planet, it should be able to attract The opponent's main fleet returns to help, giving us time to buy weapons."

"Let's do it right away!" Queen Elu nodded.


Model star area, inner circle, Vasha planet (Vasha) [Note 1].

This is the homeland of the Vathians, an insectoid race. Races in the form of insects are not uncommon in the Milky Way, but most of them are on the edge of the planet. The main reason is that hundreds of thousands of years ago in the Milky Way, before the emergence of human civilization, there was an extremely powerful insect civilization-Kilik people.

When the Kilik rule fell apart, some of their tribes were scattered, and many degenerated into the insect races they are now.

For example, the Yamrui who invaded the Kali planet before are one of the direct genetic successors of the Kilik people.

The same is true for the Vathians. They are about 1.8 meters tall, covered with carapace, and have a basic body structure similar to a centaur, with four legs and a pair of flexible arms.

They are non-aggressive and hard-working, with a strict belief and caste system.

After the Ail people came to their own planet, they joined the Ail people's sphere of influence without too much conflict and became the main labor force.

The Vathian people on the planet Vathian have a population of about 1 billion.

At this moment, white light flickered on the periphery of Planet Vasian, and Matt Horner led the A fleet to arrive here. They easily destroyed more than 30 Aeru warships defending the Vathian planet. After that, the fleet spread out along the planet's equator, blocking the entire planet.

Hundreds of vulture robot warplanes took off, entered the planet's atmosphere, and violently bombed the Ailu cities on the planet Vathian.

At the same time, Matt Horner, as the commander of the Dawn Star Fleet, issued a notice to the High Priest of the Vathians, indicating that the Ailu first provoked the war, and they will block the planet. However, because the Vathians have nothing to do with this war, Dawn Star will not launch military operations against the Vathians.

The Vathian High Priest hurriedly asked for help from the planet Anji, but Queen Elu, who knew that it was absolutely impossible to match the Dawn Star Fleet before solving the stealth device of the Phantom Fighter, was just making excuses and was unwilling to send reinforcements.

The blockade lasted for about 3 days. During this period, the vulture robot fighters continued to bomb the Vasian planet. Their goal was very clear-to bomb the granary.

The Vathian High Priest protested severely, saying that the Dawn Star was dishonest. However, Matt Horner just told him that the Vathian granary is supplying food for the Ailu people on the planet, so this is a military operation against the Ailu people, not against the Vathian people.

And he promised that as long as the Vasian people are willing to join Dawn Star and hand over all the Ailu people on the planet, Dawn Star will immediately restore the food supply.

Soon, the planet Vathian fell into a famine.


[Note 1: In fact, it should be translated as 'Vasa', but this translation conflicts with the Vasari people who will appear in the protagonist's camp in the future, so I changed the translation. 】

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