Chapter 423

421、It's a thousand miles away

The Lukelihook-class cargo ship with the shield turned on again was as solid as a rock. Even though the hull had been seriously damaged before, but now that the shield was turned on, it was no longer easy for the backward spaceships of the Ailu to destroy.

Now that the fleets of the two sides have been strangled together, it is impossible to let one's own fleet enter the atmosphere of Kuna's Fang at this time.

Because in order to enter the atmosphere, the front shield must be extended to the maximum, and at this time, a huge hole will be exposed at the rear of the spacecraft, which is tantamount to courting death.

General Telsey stared at the screen of the combat command center, sweating profusely. Now her only hope is that her fleet can withstand the impact of the opponent's fighter jets.

After all, no matter what, I also have 15 warships of the 100-meter level and 80 fighter jets under my command. For comparison, the opponent has 100 backward fighter jets, 40 advanced fighter jets, and 20 small spaceships of about 30 meters... so Thinking about it, it shouldn't be too bad to lose, at least retreat is still possible.

As for stealth technology, this is actually not uncommon. Optical invisibility is easy, but radar invisibility and even magnetic field invisibility are very difficult, but if you think about it, maybe the electronic systems on your spacecraft can detect the opponent's invisibility.

No! Not maybe, but definitely! !

But almost at the same moment, General Telsey knew that all his calculations had come to nothing!

The first to bear the brunt was their 80 self-made fighters. These fighters didn't even know where the enemy was, flying around like flies, and then they were destroyed one by one by those invisible ghost fighters! There is no way to fight back!

Groups of flames exploded in the universe, and then extinguished instantly, leaving only countless fragments flying away at high speed.

The 10 Defender-class frigates and 5 CR-12 light frigates of the Ayru people were also severely hit by the opponent's Manghan-class and Spear-class light frigates!

The Reckless and Spear-class light frigates are 30 meters long and have 10 members. The armor and shields are not strong, but their firepower and maneuverability are so strong that it is outrageous! The near-fire capabilities of the spaceships of the Airu fleet couldn't keep up. The purple lasers kept sweeping across the shields of the enemy ships, causing waves of ripples, and the alarms of capacitor overload were heard endlessly.

And once the shield is penetrated, the nightmare will come completely! Of these two types of light frigates, one can significantly reduce the output of the opponent's engine without destroying the protective layer, and the other can destroy the molecular structure of the armor, making it very fragile.

The combination of the two frigates can turn a spaceship into a moving iron coffin in a short time!

Once the Reckless-class and Spear-class frigates encounter the Airu fighters, they often lock on the target with a few flexible rolls, and then directly destroy them with one shot. When facing the opponent's large warships, they used their speed and steering to keep getting involved, and did not give them a chance to confront them head-on.

This ultra-high-speed light frigate sacrifices armor protection and hyperspace navigation capabilities, bringing terrible maneuverability and powerful firepower. This kind of design idea is absolutely unique in the current Milky Way, only the YT series of spaceships of the Corellia Engineering Company are somewhat similar.

To put it bluntly, it is a state where fighter jets can't beat it and frigates can't catch up. As long as it is used in the right place, it can explode with very powerful power.

But now, it could not be better to deal with these backward warships of the Ailu fleet.

The outdated electronic equipment of the Ailu people could not detect the invisible Wraith fighters at all, nor could they effectively lock on the nimble Reckless and Spear-class. As a result, they were only passively beaten and destroyed one by one.

When the two Defender-class frigates desperately wanted to rush into the atmosphere, but were hit by more than a dozen Gemini missiles, causing a series of martyrdom and finally falling like meteors, the fleet of the Ailu people was completely doomed.

Amidst General Telsey's pale face, the only Wraith Fighter that could enter the atmosphere to fight directly broke into the atmosphere, bombarding the Ail colony with pulsed lasers indiscriminately. She hastened to gather 5,000 troops in the colony to resist, but all her arrangements were already one step behind...

With their hoverbikes circling with the Warthog and all the attention of the headquarters in space, Canidi has put these slow but powerful land combat vehicles, including the Wolf Warrior and the Giant Units were delivered near the colony for the final assault.


And if you look at the entire war, the Ailu people are even more miserable.

After Volgograd-Kanidi refused Matt Horner's A-Fleet to enter the Kuna's Fang galaxy, Tang Xiao directly ordered the A-Fleet to go straight to the Ayru mine located in the Kuna's Eye.

According to his instructions, Fleet A did not use any large ships, only 5 revenge-class light destroyers and 10 cobalt-alloy-class heavy frigates. A Hammer-class light frigate.

The Eru people have been ready for war very early. They have concentrated more than 40 warships in the Kuna Eye galaxy, most of which are Defender-class and CR-12, but many of these warships are imitated by their own factories. The performance is not even comparable to the original.

However, more than 40 100-meter warships should still have some advantages against the small warships coming from the A fleet. This was the original idea of ​​the Ailu people.

But as soon as the battle started, they knew that they were wrong!

The firepower of the Vengeance-class light destroyer is far stronger than that of the Defender-class and CR-12 of the same size. The combat capability of the Cobalt-class heavy frigate is also far superior to these backward warships. Although the pulse-star light frigate is also backward, the microwave The power of the ion cannon is still sufficient, and fire support at a distance is still a huge threat.

Of course, those hammer-class light frigates are completely used for waste utilization, and by the way, they are used to train recruits and crew members.

Tang Xiao had already contacted Rendili Interstellar Power Company and Corellian Engineering Company, and obtained all the data of the Defender and CR-12. After comparing the strength of these data, Matt Horner decisively ordered an assault.

As a result, it was no surprise that, in addition to losing more than 10 Hammer-class light frigates and 1 Pulse-star frigate due to malfunction and explosion, the fleet of the Fourth Civilization completely wiped out the 40 flashy battleships of the Ails!

Immediately after the fleet was destroyed, the Ailu mines at the Eye of Kuna gave up resistance and surrendered.

Matt Horner rested in the Eye of Kuna for 12 hours. At this time, the second batch of reinforcements he was waiting for also arrived at the Eye of Kuna—10 Gray Horse-class escort aircraft carriers!

Each gray horse-class escort aircraft carrier can carry 48 ghost fighters, and this time, considering the combat needs, these aircraft carriers are all equipped with 30 ghost fighters and 30 vulture robot fighters!

The powerful air power of a total of 600 fighter jets is the fourth civilization's nirvana against a technologically backward civilization like the Ailu civilization!

Their backward electronic system can't detect stealth ghost fighters at all, and their slow fire control system can't lock fast-moving fighter jets at all. Those 100-meter-level warships that look powerful are just mobile exploits in front of ghost fighters!

After reprogramming, Matt Horner planned to invade the Ail people's industrial world Orwell III planet according to the battle plan, but at this time he received Tang Xiao's order - to change the target and attack the Ail people's colonial planet Wa Planet Zion!

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