Chapter 418 Declaring War

416、Declaration of War

[The two chapters are put together, lest someone who can't understand the layout of the protagonist scold me again. 】

"This is the power we need to use this time?" Tang Xiao looked at the document in front of him and frowned, "5 Home-class aircraft carriers converted from Predator-class heavy supply ships, 10 Gray Horse-class escort aircraft carriers, and 5 Enlightenment ships." Record-class light cruisers, 20 Vengeance-class light destroyers, 80 cobalt-alloy-class frigates... plus, 15,000 marines..."

With a snap, he threw the document on the table in front of him, and it scattered like snowflakes, his expression worried, "Do you want the whole galaxy to know that we are going to invade and conquer? At yesterday's meeting, Fran Sith should have also said that this battle is being fought under the eyes of the Galactic Republic. We are fighting politics, not just who to win. If you follow your arrangement, do you want us to build a ship in Golden Nice? Did you send the Hieglar-class battlecruiser that was just on sea trial?"

"However, if we don't mobilize this level of power, we can't guarantee that we can defeat the Ailu people. Although they have just joined the Republic, they have occupied the Model star area for a long time, and have been coveting the Kuna star cluster. According to the investigation, they It has two industrial planets, three colony planets and one prison planet for detaining prisoners, with a total population of 5.3 billion. Facing such an opponent, if we don't use cutting-edge combat power, we can't..." Qi Jian distinguished.

"How to defeat the enemy is a matter for your staff and front-line commanders. What I have to consider is politics..." Tang Xiao took the document on the top and picked up a pen to draw the power on it. Lost more than half, "The Marine Corps cannot exceed 3,000 people, the Homeland-class aircraft carrier is cancelled, the Apocalypse-class light cruiser is cancelled, the Vengeance-class light destroyer is at most 5, the cobalt-alloy-class heavy frigate is at most 20, and the Hammer-class light frigate in stock They are all sent there, and with the addition of the Manghan-class and Spear-class light frigates, the number can be appropriately relaxed."

"But only these powers..."

"As I said, this is not something I want to consider, it's you." Tang Xiao leaned back on the back of his seat and said coldly: "What I'm concerned about now is our public opinion environment and politics in Coruscant. environment, therefore, the battle that may break out in Kuna's Fang cannot exceed the limit, and, moreover, cannot fail."

"Yes..." Qi Jian lowered his head, resentfully packed the documents on the table, and walked out of the office.

Tang Xiao continued to sit in his seat, meditating. After a long time, he pressed the button on the table and said to the communication: "Help me make an appointment for the Semiles and the Jiwen. I want to talk to their leaders."


Qi Jian's face was full of depression, but Tang Xiao's order was unquestionable. He could only find the current commander-in-chief of the navy, Igor Zavarov, and hand him the list that Tang Xiao had altered beyond recognition, "Igor General, you also know the current dispute between us and the Ailu people, but the governor is unwilling to invest too much power, how do you say this battle should be fought?"

Igor looked at the list and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter. It's true that using large warships is too eye-catching, but..."

He flipped through the documents, "Haven't you heard of the battle on Tatooine? For the fleets of these backward races, we have nirvana."

Qi Jian's eyes lit up, and he said pleasantly, "I thought of it! So it is!"


Kuna's Tooth Planet, the mine of the Fourth Civilization Pioneering Group.

The mine has been completely shut down. There are more than a dozen burning mine carts scattered outside, and hundreds of people from Planet Anji are fully armed to block the only exit of the mine. They wore respirators, sprayed various insulting pictures on the gate of the closed mine with spray paint, and burst into arrogant laughter from time to time.

The miners of the Fourth Civilization pioneer group inside were all silent and trembling.

Just now a few miners wanted to go out to negotiate, but they were dragged aside by those Ailu people, took off their respirators and beat them violently. Those poor people were beaten violently for 5 minutes in a half-suffocated state, and finally they were thrown to the door dying, and were quickly dragged back by others.

Because the mine is a mobile operation, there is not much supply. Now the miners who are stuck in the mine lack food and drinking water, but they dare not go out. But those Ailu people have transport planes to deliver supplies, they eat and drink in front of the miners, throw some food at the door, urinate on it, and wait for the miners to pick it up when they are too hungry to die.

Volgograd-Kanidi wants to send a transport plane to pick up the miners, but as long as the transport plane flies together, the spaceship of the Ailu will fly over and warn that they have violated their airspace, and if they do not return immediately, they will open fire .

The people in Pointe Noire City were furious, and the people from the Pioneering Group rushed to the office building where Canidy was located, yelling angrily outside.

"Cowards get out!!"

"Garbage that disregards human life!!"

"My husband is still in the mine! Go and save him!!"

Although the guard's face was full of anger, he could only do his best to block the angry crowd.

In the office building, Volgograd-Kanidi finally got through to the Ailu communication, but this time it was a female Ailu he didn't know who appeared in the holographic projection. With an arrogance on his face, "I am General Telsey who is stationed in Kuna's Fang on Planet Anji. I am running out of time. You only have 1 minute to explain your request."

"Can't we coexist peacefully? I beg you, don't do this, let the miners back, can't we talk about it? We just want to modify the atmosphere of Kuna's Fang, and we can't develop it together in the future Why? Why have you come this far...why?" Canidy almost begged.

"The Endor galaxy is the Dawn Star that we Ailu people gave you. You are not satisfied, but you still want the Kuna star cluster? So our request is very simple, you guys, get out, we, stop." Tai Ercy looked down at Canidi, her self-esteem was greatly satisfied.

"There are a few wounded among those miners, and they are tired and hungry. At least let them go back to the colony first, and then we can have a good talk, okay?" Canidy continued to plead.

"You untouchables, what does life and death have to do with me? As I said, this is what you will end up with if you don't obey the ultimatum! Our meaning is very clear, either get out, or see how long you can stay here!" Tyre West said.

"I hope at least there can be a basis for negotiation that both of us can stand on... Let's jointly develop and transform the atmosphere, and both of us can benefit!" Canidi persuaded earnestly, "The current situation is already very tense. , can we each take a step back... we can't fight a war, many people will die in a war..."

"Take a step back? Are you asking me to take a step back? Hahahahahahaha~~~~~" Telsey laughed loudly as if hearing some joke, and then cut off the communication.

Canidi fell weakly on the sofa, stared at the ceiling blankly, and muttered in his mouth: "I said many people died... I mean you..."

He is very clear about Tang Xiao's methods, and he is also very clear that even he can only see a little bit of strength in the fourth civilization, so he naturally understands what kind of existence the Ailu people are in front of the fourth civilization.

When there is a generational gap in technology, population really can't explain anything.

At this time, his adjutant ran up and said loudly: "Sir! A group of residents opened the gate without authorization, and they drove out!!"

"What are you talking about?! Bastard!! Bastard! Don't they think the matter is not big enough?" Canidi was shocked and jumped up with a thud.

He ran all the way to the hangar platform, then jumped on a shuttle and took off immediately.

Unexpectedly, just after the shuttle took off, several fighter planes made by the Ailu people flew over and broadcast on the public frequency, [The spaceship in front, please land immediately, you have violated our airspace of the Ailu people, please immediately landing. 】

Volgograd-Kanidi roared loudly, "I am the commander of the Dawn Star colony group! If you have the ability to beat me down! If you fight down, it will be an all-out war!"

As he spoke, he pushed the joystick violently and flew towards the mining area.

What he said stunned the Ayru pilot, who didn't know what to do for a while, so he urgently asked General Telsey for instructions.

Telsey, who received the communication, suddenly became furious, "Who does he think he is? Does he think that I dare not touch their Dawn Star!! Shoot him down!!"

Later, he seemed to feel that it was too much to directly shoot down an official of the opponent, so he added, "Just destroy his engine."

The pilot received the order, immediately started to accelerate, flew towards Canidi's shuttle, caught up with the shuttle from behind, aimed directly, and fired a laser! !

Phew~~~! ! A bright laser beam irradiated Canidi's shuttle for a full 10 seconds. The shield of the shuttle was burned through, and the engine was directly burned by the high-temperature laser. The shuttle suddenly let out bursts of explosions, pulled out a billow of black smoke and fell towards the ground.

Canidi desperately pulled up the joystick and ordered the aerial robot to quickly repair the spacecraft engine. After a while of operation, the spacecraft finally lifted its front end, and then made an emergency landing on the ground. After sliding for hundreds of meters, it finally hit a rock and stopped moving. .


At the same time, in the direction of the mining area, the Twi'lek captain Tiur, who had previously clashed with the Ailu people, drove over with hundreds of young pioneers. Because Canidy had previously ordered that the carrying of weapons in Pointe Noire City be strictly restricted, most of these people held some tools in their hands, and the most powerful one was a portable mining laser with a range of less than 10 meters.

Tiur led the pioneers to confront the people on Planet Anji. The two sides shouted at each other and threw stones, but they did not take any further action.

The Pioneering Group didn't have any weapons, so they didn't dare to attack the Ailu people who were armed with live ammunition, and the Ailu people were also ordered not to shoot first.

The Ailu people are not stupid either, so they naturally know that whoever shoots in this situation will be in the wrong, so they just keep stimulating the pioneers and want them to do some stupid things.

No one noticed that several drones in the sky were monitoring every move here, and on a hill one kilometer away, a figure in black was coldly watching through the drone's monitoring screen. Watching the confrontation between the two sides.

The dry wind on Kuna's Fang lifted his hood, revealing a sullen face beneath.

Baron Helmut Zemo.

He picked up a communicator and said lightly, "How's it going, Ah Xiao."

Ni Yongxiao's voice came from the communicator, "It's done. A human whose hometown is on the planet Anji, he often comes to the settlement of Kuna's Fang. This place is actually an Ailu people who make a unique spice— —The place of Rokna Blue. The Ailu seldom go out to contact with other races, so their foreign trade has always been done by the human race on the planet Anji. This person often enters and exits Tatooine and is I found it."

"You get what I'm trying to say."

"Of course, it's done." After Ni Yongxiao finished speaking, he sent a communication frequency band over.

Baron Zemo looked at the man named Russo on the communication frequency band, smiled coldly, connected the communication, and said gloomily, "Do you remember Gorey from Tatooine? Mr. Russo."

At the moment, they were confronting the people from the Fourth Civilization Pioneering Group on the outskirts of the mine. A human who was scolding happily suddenly changed his face. He took two steps back without a trace, and quietly said to the communication: "Who are you? What do you mean? "

"You gambled on Tatooine, and you owed Gorey a sum of money, didn't you? In order to get the money back, he said everything... including... your family living on the planet Anji..." Ze Baron Mo's voice was creepy to hear.

"You! What do you want to do! I warn you!! I..." Before Russo finished speaking, he saw a picture projected from the holographic projection of the communicator.

Seeing only four or five people wearing animal masks holding guns on the heads of his wife and parents, he quickly turned off the projector and roared, "You...what do you want!? Let go of my family!"

"Then... shoot." Baron Zemo's words suddenly became calm and without any emotion.

" mean..."

"That's right. The pioneer group of Star Dawn is really annoying, right? Shoot and kill them. I also have a grudge against Planet Dawn. Every time you kill 10 people from Star Dawn, I will let your family go. Let I'll have to...kill 30...hehehehehe..."

"Shoot? You...the superior told us not to shoot..."

"30... shoot!" Baron Zemo snapped.

Russo trembled all over, and he finally gave it up, wasn't he the one who killed a few Dawn stars? In the past few days, the Ailu people have long described the people of Dawn Star as a group of stupid, bad and greedy pariahs, and the person who kidnapped his whole family claimed that he had a grudge against Dawn Star.

Then... kill it! It's just a bunch of untouchables anyway!

Russo's eyes became cold, and he finally pulled the trigger!

咻咻咻~~~~~ The blaster rifle fired a bunch of crimson blaster beams, which exploded on the people of the Fourth Civilization Pioneer Group! Several people fell down immediately!

As soon as he saw that the Ailu people were shooting, Tiur roared and rushed up with the mining laser, and those furious pioneers also rushed up!

Seeing that the people on the other side really dared to rush forward, the Ailu people also pulled the trigger one after another! !

The members of the unarmed Pioneering Group fell down in large numbers, and the others realized that something was wrong, and screamed and fled in all directions.

"10, 11, 12..." The cold voice in the communication was slowly counting in Russo's ear, but the people from the Pioneering Group had already started to flee, and he couldn't catch up. At this time, he had almost fallen into madness, "It's still... 18 more!"

His red and bloodshot eyes searched around, and finally stared at the mine behind. Inside, there were hundreds of untouchables who had been blocked by them for several days and were extremely weak!

Baron Zemo watched the killing with a cruel smile on his lips.

This method is exactly the same as what he used when he was on Ceria planet, and of course, it is also very effective. He is good at manipulating people's hearts, so he naturally knows when to push it properly.

He took out the communicator and said lightly: "My lord, the plan is going smoothly."

"Thank you, Baron Zemo. Finally, remember to wipe your hands and feet clean." Tang Xiao's tone was equally cold.

Baron Zemo smiled lightly and issued an order.

"27, 28, 29..." Russo, who had entered the mining area and was on a killing spree, suddenly saw those people wearing animal masks pointing guns at the heads of their family members...

Shots were fired.

"No!!!!!!!!!!" Russo let out a scream.

He sat down on the ground, watching those people in the holographic projection walk away, leaving only a few cold corpses. His heart finally collapsed, he put the blaster rifle on the ground, put the muzzle in his mouth, and slowly pressed the trigger with trembling hands...


At the same time, the Honor mothership command center.

Tang Xiao waved his hand, "Send the image to the entire galaxy through the holographic network! File formal charges against the Ailu people in the Galactic Council! At the same time, in the name of protecting the safety of the colonists, the Ailu people...

Declare war! "

Thanks to cdklen for the 500 starting coins! !

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