The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 417 Escalation of the Situation

415、Escalation of Situation

Kuna's Fang galaxy, outer space.

The white light flickered for a while, and more than a dozen spaceships suddenly appeared, of which 3 were CR-12 frigates, 3 were Defender-class light frigates, and the others were transport ships.

These spaceships are all spaceships eliminated by the fleet of the Galactic Republic. Most of them are outdated products left over from the previous Sith War.

On one of the spaceships, a female middle-aged Ailu sat on the captain's seat. The Ailu is a matrilineal society, and women generally have a higher status, because as a bird race, women who hold reproductive power It also holds the continuation of the race. The female Ailu Lei looked at the five huge Luke Hook-class cargo ships that appeared on the radar, and her expression became a little hideous.

She connected to the communication of the Ailu colony, and the colony officer who appeared in the holographic projection saw her quickly bowed and said, "General Telsey, I didn't expect Her Majesty Queen Ailu to send you to handle this matter personally. "

The female Ailu named Telsey nodded slightly, and asked, "How do people from Planet Dawn react to our ultimatum?"

"There is no response, and Tang Xiao, the governor of Dawn Star, has no intention of contacting us. Their colony is still operating as usual, except that they have not crossed the edge of the Gray Sea again, and there is no difference from usual." The colony chief replied, " Oh, by the way, Volgograd-Kanidi, the regional commander of the other side, has been asking us to negotiate, but he obviously can’t make any decisions, and he has no other ability except to beg us to cease fire.”

Telsey looked at a delicate timer in his hand, and said: "There are still 2 standards before the ultimatum time limit, it seems that Dawn Star is going to go all the way to the dark."

"Yes, I believe Her Majesty the Queen is fully prepared."

Telsey said: "It's easy to deal with Dawn Planet, a small colony with a population of only a few million. The spaceships produced from our foundry world Orville III alone are enough to completely submerge them. However, now the Galactic Republic Public opinion is against us. Therefore, Her Majesty’s instruction is not to use space force, and to teach the colony of Dawn Planet a lesson.”

"It was a wise choice."

"Dawn Star has a lot to do with the Fourth Group, and that's something we need to pay attention to. Our diplomats are working hard to ensure that the Fourth Group will not be involved. But if they really want to intervene, it doesn't matter, they are in the galaxy The reputation of the parliament has long been rotten, and if they dare to intervene, public opinion will immediately turn against us." Telsey said with a sneer.

"I can't wait to see Tang Xiao, the governor of Dawn Star, howling at the feet of our queen." The colony chief bowed and said.

"The Kuna star cluster must be captured! The Mordel star area is far away from the ruling center of the Republic, and it is rich in resources, numerous planets, and complex hyperspace routes. This is the best area for us Ailu to dominate here, dominating Hutt The Hutts in space are our future! Therefore, for the restless Dawn Planet, you must surrender or die!!" Telsey waved his hand violently and said loudly.

"Everything is as the Queen wishes."

"Arrange to land. I brought 5,000 marine troops, all in civilian clothes, to show the colony of Dawn Planet some color!"


"Governor, are you sure you don't want to respond directly to the Ailu people? This may really lead to war! Just now, the Ailu people have sent several warships and transport ships over." Volgograd-Kanidi Still making a final effort for peace.

"Let me emphasize again, Kanidi, this matter was provoked by the Ailu people first, but their ultimatum required me to explain it to them in person. Have you ever thought about what this means?" Tang Xiao said lightly Said.

"I understand, but this is compared to starting a war..." Canidy said almost in a pleading tone.

"Do you know what I'm worrying about right now?" Tang Xiao said suddenly.

"If I can share your worries, I am willing to do anything." Canidy almost lowered his head to his stomach.

"The thing that bothers me the most is that before the war on the Republic side breaks out, I can't expose too much, and I can't directly drive my fleet to the heads of the Ailu people, and then tell them with a high-power turbo laser cannon, Some people cannot be messed with." Tang Xiao said coldly.

"But is it good for us to start a war with the Ailu people?"

"There are too many benefits, training troops, testing weapons, exercising tactics, and expanding territory."

"But going to war means a lot of sacrifices!"

Tang Xiao's expression suddenly became a little weird, and he smiled and said, "So, Volgograd-Kanidi, I will try my best to let you stay in this position and not interfere with all your decisions. I trust you."

"Your Excellency, in fact, I hope to resign."

"The development of colonies would have encountered all kinds of dangers. Now that dangers have arisen, are you ready to run away? Let me tell you this, the 500,000 pioneers will be handed over to you. You can take them away. It's up to you to decide where to go. If you resign, it's fine, but I won't send new people to take over, and I don't want to care about their fate." Tang Xiao's words were like demons.

"Master Governor...why do you force me..."

"Forcing you is just an incidental circumstance in my established policy." After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he cut off the communication.


At the same time, on the planet Kuna's Fang, the Fourth Civilization colony Noire City.

Suddenly, a large cloud of dust was raised from a distance, and more than 100 hoverbikes were seen viciously rushing towards this side. There are two people from Planet Anji sitting on each motorcycle, all of them are fully armed.

Before these hoverbikes came to the fully enclosed colonial residential area, those people took out spray paint and sprayed a lot of extremely ugly insulting words on the transparent isolation glass, and some even shit directly at the closed colonial gate. Urine.

Although the constant retreat wanted to avoid the end of the war, Volgograd-Kanidi was still prepared for defense, and 1,000 marines were also deployed into the colony and stationed everywhere. It's just that he still kept the war machines including the giant mecha and the wolf mecha in the cargo hold.

However, those people on Planet Anji didn't intend to attack the colony. They finished their work on the periphery of the colony and left.

But they still refused to let it go, and before they left, they fired wildly at the sealed agricultural cabin!

The agricultural cabin is no different from the residential area, it uses giant sealed airbags, so after such a burst of shooting, it immediately began to leak air, and the air pressure dropped sharply. The maintenance team of the Fourth Civilization Pioneering Regiment rushed to seal the breach.

But the matter is not over yet, not long after Kanidi finished the unpleasant phone call with Tang Xiao, his adjutant ran over angrily and shouted: "The group of bloody Ailu people attacked our mine! !Although they did not kill anyone, they blew up all the vehicles in the mine and blocked our miners inside!"

Thank you ★Paradise Clown★ for the reward of 100 book coins! !

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