The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 393 Freemasonry Alliance

391. Freemasonry

"That's right, this battleship is the embodiment of our power! The power of industry!" Dags, a member of the Given Councilor, said excitedly.

"The Ragnalov-class Titan battleship, when it is completed, will be the most powerful battleship in the entire galaxy! And it has super firepower that can destroy any battleship within 1 minute!" Tang Xiao looked at Looking at this battleship, his blood was racing and his passion was surging.

But then he turned and looked at Tula with a strange expression on his face, "Similarly, if the Galactic Republic knows that we are building such a battleship, the Judicial Fleet will fly to the scene immediately and take this battleship together with everyone who built it. Destroy them all!"

Thunbak-Tula was obviously frightened, she shook the fat on her body, opened her mouth but said nothing. Tang Xiao's implication is obvious, that is, the Semirs who saw this battleship will naturally not be spared from it.

After a long time, Tula finally said, "I originally thought that we came to form an alliance..."

"The Dawn Star and the Semiers were originally allies, but now, you have also seen the political changes in the Galactic Republic. The Republic is pushing us out and completely driving us out of the core of the Republic's power. If Phoenix-Valorum still covers When he mentioned a tax policy in a covert manner, Schiff Palpatine directly tore off the last layer of camouflage and made no secret of his purpose. He wanted to turn all planets that were not the core of power into their slaves !” Tang Xiao said seriously.

"Our mathematicians have gone through a lot of data model calculations and concluded that the future development of both the Galactic Republic and our Jiwen people is disappointing. We must seek changes." Daggs said, "According to the mathematical model According to the calculation results, according to the current development trend, the Galactic Republic can still exist for 30 years at most, and then it will fall into civil strife, and Ji Wen people cannot stand on the side of the losers."

Thunbak-Tula also recovered from the shock just now, nodded and said: "Earl Dooku also visited our planet Semiles, and we agree with his point of view, following the Republic, we will not have Any future. Semiers, we can’t just be workers for others, we also want to stand up and have more voice.”

Tang Xiao made a gesture of invitation to them, and asked everyone to return to their seats in a somewhat anticlimactic manner, and then said, "That's another question. What step can Earl Dooku do?"

"Count Dooku was once a Jedi master. He has been running for the peace of the galaxy for more than 60 years. His wisdom and insight are what we look up to. Moreover, what he said is also very reasonable. I believe he can really Do what you want to do," Tulla said.

Daggs also nodded aside.

Baron Zemo said from the side: "Earl Dooku can indeed raise the flag of rebellion against the Republic, there is no doubt about it. But in fact, the question we have to think about is after this..."

He looked around at the others, and continued: "If it really comes to the point of division and war, how much power can Earl Dooku win? Can he compare with the Kuat Power Dockyard? And Lundili? Corey Lia? The war is fought against industry, productive forces, and human power! But... do we have these things? Can we defeat the Republic? If not, then why are we taking this step?"

"If we fail in the war, it will mean a catastrophe. We are not in the core power circle of the Republic, and we are squeezed out. If we are hung up as a splitter and a loser, maybe the result... is Genocide." Tang Xiao added from the side.

Baron Zemo sang with him, and continued: "Maybe Earl Dooku can win enough power, but at that time he will also face a problem-the people's hearts are not in harmony. It is not easy for every planet to go to the opposite side of the Republic. Things, each planet will have their own minds, in this case, can we still concentrate our efforts against the Republic?"

Councilor Tula, Councilor Daggus, and the leaders of the two planets were all silent.

At this time, Daggs raised his head and said: "Rebelling against the Republic is the most profitable option at present, otherwise it will be a slow suicide. We promised to help build this Titan battleship, and we do not intend to turn back. It is a pity that the chief designer of this battleship Mr. Hei Ge is no longer here."

Thunbak-Tula didn't speak, but nodded with a serious face.

"Actually, Planet Dawn has very good diplomatic relations with Planet Rodia, Planet Jabim, Planet Marathal, etc., but do you know why I only called you two planets today? ?” Tang Xiao asked suddenly.

Representatives of the two planets glanced at each other, not knowing why.

But Ji Wen is still good at calculation after all, Dagus reacted and nodded slightly, "Industrial capacity..."

"That's right, industrial capabilities." Tang Xiao said lightly, "Only with considerable industrial capabilities can we enter our small circle, and then we can coordinate our industrial capabilities more efficiently."

He continued: "The Semiers have strong manufacturing capabilities and industrial bases, the Jiwen people have precise calculation capabilities and the ability to manufacture cutting-edge equipment, and our Dawn Planet has perfect warship design and manufacturing capabilities. But in reverse Said... The Semiers can only manufacture but not research and develop, the Jiwen people are more than fine and the scale is insufficient, and the Dawn Star Sphere is too small. If any of our three planets are taken out to face the Republic, they will be destroyed in less than a day. destroy."

"I understand. If we can establish a more effective communication mechanism and combine our abilities, our strength will be even stronger!" Daggs immediately understood Tang Xiao's meaning.

"That's right, in this way, no matter how many galaxies Earl Dooku has attracted to join the ranks of rebelling against the Republic, we who control the industry will also control the core right to speak!" Tang Xiao's eyes were firm.

Thunbak-Tula nodded with satisfaction, "This is great! No matter what happens in the future, we will always be at the core of power!! Hahahaha!"

"Even in the future, only planets with strong industrial capabilities and the same ideals as us are eligible to join our circle," Daggs said.

"Then, let's sign the agreement." Tang Xiao opened his hands, "A union that coordinates the industrial capabilities of several of our planets and makes us stronger - the Freemasonry Alliance!"

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